
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," May 7, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: So was anyone suspicious of Ariel Castro? Anything odd about him, visible dark side? Tito DeJesus says he played in a band with Castro. And get this. He was inside Castro's house. So what did he see there. Tito DeJesus. He joins us. Did I get your name partially correct?


VAN SUSTEREN: Oh, good. ... Well, I'll work on it. All right, tell me, Tito, how long did you know him?

DEJESUS: Roughly 20 years.

VAN SUSTEREN: And during the 20 years, you ever see anything odd, anything remotely like what has developed in the last 24 hours?

DEJESUS: Not at all. He seemed like a normal person, a normal musician, as we can call it, because I never really dug deep into his personal life. It's like many people don't want their personal life to mix with business. So I respected that, and everything was pretty much music between us.

VAN SUSTEREN: You're in a band together.

DEJESUS: Many bands, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, now, his house behind us -- you've been inside.

DEJESUS: Yes. I went inside his house the first couple years that I met him for rehearsal and everything. And he was pretty normal then. Two years back, I was moving out of my house and I sold him some appliances. And he took a bunch of stuff from my garage, and he said, Can you help me take some of this stuff home? I'm, like, Sure, no problem.

And then we unloaded the appliances in the driveway. He said, Leave it here and help me take some of this stuff inside the house. So I got as far as the living room, pretty much, like, the beginning of the house, and really didn't notice anything, you know, out of the ordinary. You know, he had furniture and he had his instruments out there, which is something that's pretty basic in a musician's house.

And he seemed pretty calm. He wanted me to -- you know, to chill out with him, like, "No, I really have to go. I have a performance. I really can't stay. I got to go."

So it's -- he seemed, like, normal, not knowing that possibly Gina and the other two girls were there.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he say he lived with anyone? Were his brothers there?

DEJESUS: No. Ever since I've known him, I've known him to be a loner, alone. He was divorced. Some people told me he was married before, and I've never seen him with a woman, you know, so...

VAN SUSTEREN: And when you were in the house, no noise or did you see anything that might indicate a woman was living in the house or that there were any clothes around, anything out of the ordinary?

DEJESUS: No, not at all.

VAN SUSTEREN: The windows boarded at all?

DEJESUS: They weren't boarded. It was dim inside, like maybe somebody had shades down or something. I kind of like really didn't notice because I didn't go in there looking for clues or anything because I had no idea what was going on. I just went in there just to help him out, not knowing that he was doing what he was doing.

You know, it was -- like, when I found out yesterday, it was a just a shock to me, a real shock.

VAN SUSTEREN: What do you think about him tonight?

DEJESUS: I'm hurt. As a musician, I'm hurt. As a human being, I'm hurt. You know, and this person was in my house many, many times, the rehearsals that we had, shared a stage with him many times, and my home where my kids lived and not knowing that this man, you know -- you know, is accused of doing this horrible thing with these girls. It's horrible. It's a horrible thing.

VAN SUSTEREN: Tito, thank you.

DEJESUS: You're welcome.