
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 3, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So as a member of the Weather Underground, Kathy Boudin helped kill three police officers including the first black one on his local police forces. Her crime left nine kids without dads.

She's scum, which is only fitting that now, just like her terror pal Bill Ayers, she has a comfy job on campus. Yes, Columbia University hired her.

In America, terrorists get tenure and victims get forgotten. That's because in our contaminated culture, those who control it are winning.

Consider Robert Redford's new flick, "The Company You Keep." It's about a Weather Undergrounder on the run from a journalist. Yes, as if journalists would chase a radical, maybe for an autograph.

Now, for a movie like this to work, you focus on fury, not fact, passion excuses heinous behavior. Could Redford have done a movie on the three dead cops? No, not even Roy Hobbs could sugar coat that reality.

The Weather Underground killed innocents and tried to bomb the Pentagon, but Redford fabricated his terrorists so he can ditch the truth. FYI.

I've not seen the flick. I made a vow not to see any film that induces vomiting. And so, we see how Hollywood preserves the illusion that radical violence was noble, by replacing the gore with lore. When thugs pit themselves violently against society, somehow Hollywood always favors the thugs. As Redford said to a gushing George Stephanopoulos on GMA about the violence.



ROBERT REDFORD, ACTOR: All of it. I knew that it was extreme, and I guess movements have to be extreme to some degree.


GUTFELD: Wait. What if they had bombed the theaters showing your movies, Robert? I guess the way your films have fared lately, bombing a bomb is redundant.

You know, K.G., what if a Hollywood director decided to do a nuanced take on the KKK?


GUTFELD: They could be construed as violent revolutionaries. Why doesn't somebody do that now?

GUILEFOYLE: Well, because that wouldn't be PC, and there's a certain list of things they feel is okay to be revolutionary or to be communist or somebody who was for overthrowing, essentially, law and order and government. They think it's okay to do so if they believe in their cause. I mean, in this particular case, I don't understand. I feel like Robert Redford is confused because he shouldn't be glorifying this in any way, shape, or form. These were essentially domestic terrorists out to destroy the fabric of law and society that we have. They were murderers, and it's shameful.

GUTFELD: Bob, there always tends to be a trend -- I know you get mad when I say the left, but they tend to romanticize protesters to even the extreme of the violent side. Why is that?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Let me make a mention of Kathy Boudin for a second. This woman who did a heinous crime, there's no question about it, but she served her time. In America, when you pay your debt to society, you have a right to go out and be free.

GUTFELD: And get tenure as a professor?

BECKEL: I'm fine. I have no problem with it whatsoever. I'm sure there are a lot of people who commit heinous crimes when they were young who probable have pretty good jobs. I just don't think it's up to us to decide what the legal issue is. If Columbia wants to hire her, she paid her debt. Now in terms of the radicalization, I was part of the anti-war movement in the '60s and '70s. There was a fringe element of the anti-war movement that gave us the bad name, not the least of which was the Weather Underground (ph). All people who did that were not that kind of people. I would hope Redford's movie would make that clear.

GUILFOYLE: She should still be in jail.

BECKEL: Why? She paid her price.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Bill Ayers, Weather Underground founder is at the University of Chicago. His girlfriend Bernadine Dohrn is at Northwestern law, and now Ms. Boudin is at Columbia University. I don't want my kid learning from a radical activist.

BECKEL: It's a good idea. Take those schools off your list.

GUTFELD: There's a lost schools you've got to take off.

GUILFOYLE: That's the problem.

BOLLING: Putting these people in high profile positions at major universities that are shaping thoughts of our young people.

GUTFELD: Is there a shortage of non-terrorist professors?



BECKEL: I just find this assumption that you all have that every college -- I shouldn't say you all, you and Greg particularly have, that all of these universities and colleges being dominated by radical leftist professors is just not accurate.

GUILFOYLE: But I think there's something more interesting here about how networking and the revolving door can work when it comes to academia and in particular, liberals. So she's not teaching a political science class.

She's teaching a social work class about what it's like for families to deal with all the trials and tribulations after a person who has been in your family comes out of jail.

I guess she has a little bit of personal experience on that, but the left found her a job, okay. So if you can find a place in academia to get tenure, that would be -- it doesn't matter if you can teach on the merits of something or not. She's not teaching about political science. The baby boomer revisionist history of what happened in the '60s is coming to full light. Robert Redford, you could either go to Hollywood or go to academia.

BECKEL: It's not really -- well, when you say revisionist history, again, I repeat a small percentage.

GUILFOYLE: Look at the CBS example.

BECKEL: She did. But listen. Can I just -- never mind.

GUILFOYLE: Why are we acting like this is okay? I don't care if she paid the time or not. She's a criminal, a disgusting human being.


BECKEL: It's a question of whether it was legit for her to take the job, and it was. Let me ask you a question. Why is it if conservatives are so upset about college campuses, why don't more of them go into teaching?

GUTFELD: That's a great question or why don't we just get those students out of there sooner rather than later?

BECKEL: But seriously. I keep listening to radio people talk this up. Let them go and get into college.

GUTFELD: Have you ever seen a conservative try to speak on a college campus?

GUILFOYLE: They're heckled.

GUTFELD: Or they're invited and then disinvited. What did the Republican -- young Republicans had to apologize for inviting Ann Coulter to speak.

BOLLING: Let's get this straight. The captains of business, of industry, of Wall Street, of finance are -- a lot of them are conservative, yet their hiring people and they're actually -- they're hiring and actually requiring their new hires to come from some of these schools or most of the schools.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I want to go back to the university I went to. I was asked several years later to go and give a commencement speech. As I was being introduced, I was insulted for being a Republican right before my speech in front of the entire school. I was like why would I ever want to go into academia.

BECKEL: Yeah, don't feel left out. I was asked to give a speech in Claremont McKenna (ph) in California. And from the moment I got out of the cab, until I finished my speech, I was not -- they were nice people.

GUILEFOYLE: Bob, what were you doing there? What's really not like a safe place for you to go.

BECKEL: That story about the dean's wife was not true.

GUILEFOYLE: Oops, he did it again.

GUTFELD: The interesting thing is (INAUDIBLE) in support of the Black Liberation Army, and they killed a black guard, a black cop, and also, I just want to let Redford know. The Manson family, they still need a really good movie and maybe you can do something on the unibomber, too. They were all radical revolutionaries.

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