
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 11, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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O'REILLY: In "Back of the Book" segment tonight, our pal, Glenn Beck, very busy these days on the radio and the Internet, but we caught up with him late last week.


O'REILLY: So, here's Beck and we are simpatico. Do you understand that word, "simpatico," Beck.


O'REILLY: OK. It means that you and I are on the same wavelength on the fiscal chaos issue. You're talking about it on your radio show and on your Internet program.

And, of course, this week, I caused all kinds of problems by talking about it on the FACTOR.

So Beck and I see the danger here. But there's two -- there's two parts to my question.

BECK: Yes.

O'REILLY: Number one, it's hard to convince people who don't pay attention that there is a danger because you can't really see it. It's not like there's a mountain lion on your front lawn, you know.

BECK: Wait, wait a minute.


O'REILLY: It's a theoretical, "Well, we're going to go bankrupt." And people are going, "Well, I can't see it." How do we sell this.

BECK: Hang on just a second.


I just want to make sure I'm right, that Bill O'Reilly is asking me how you tell people of a danger or something that's in the future that you can't really prove.

I mean, this is ironic, Bill. It really is.

O'REILLY: Well, you can prove it. No, you can prove it. It's not like you saying that the Communists are going to take over the country and all of that. That's not.

BECK: They are.


O'REILLY: You can prove by a $17-trillion debt which is going to be 20 when Barack Obama gets out of office. That's how you can prove it.

BECK: Here's the thing. There is nobody who, I think, that can be convinced of this at this point left. Everybody is in such denial -- I mean, here we are sitting with the debt that is overwhelming.

We are now printing money. Bernanke is saying that it is really only digitization, so it's not really printing.

Oh, I'm sorry. There's no difference.

O'REILLY: Right.

BECK: You explain the stock market --

O'REILLY: But they don't know Bernanke. They don't know the printing. But you're absolutely right.

BECK: Right.

O'REILLY: Is that they're in denial, which is why I had to get Alan Colmes' attention.

BECK: And what I saw you do to that poor man, I -- Bill, I was shocked. I saw this and I thought to myself, --

"Now, that is a broadcaster who isn't in control of his feelings and" --

O'REILLY: Are you talking about Colmes or me.

BECK: Oh, I thought, the way --


I thought, the way that you personally handled it, Bill, -- you don't get excited like that on television. People don't like that. It doesn't work.

And the next thing you know you look like a crazy man, you're crying or whatever.

And, Bill, I was a little disappointed in you.

O'REILLY: I know. I can see how sincere you are, Beck.


BECK: No, I'm very sincere. I will tell you that some might say that I was in the other room, cheering, but nobody that you can trust.

O'REILLY: OK. But the basic essential point is I had to get people's attention. And I was honestly teed off because -- but, Alan, I mean, I like Alan but, to this moment, you just -- you know, you've got to say it. Come on.

BECK: I know. I happen to like Alan, too. And Alan is a nice guy. But he's wrong on this. However, he was kind of right but in a total spin sort of way.

And I don't even think he knew he was spinning. When he was talking about cutting the money for the states, that's not to help the deficit.

That's to collapse the medical system as we know it, so everybody could be rushed into one -- you know, one single pair of program. That's what's happening.

O'REILLY: But there aren't any -- I mean, if you look at the plan, there isn't a plan.


O'REILLY: It's as simple as that. It's not like, "Delaware, you're going to lose this much money. And, Arizona, you're going to lose that much money."

Now, I noticed you have Abe Lincoln with you as a co-anchor or what. What's happened.

BECK: I will tell you. No, no, no, I'll tell you. I just -- I don't know if everybody has heard this but did you know, Bill, he was murdered.

O'REILLY: Really?

BECK: I, I -- somebody should write a book about it or something. I was watching this TV show which was produced really, really well.

The storyline and the way it was told -- but It got me thinking. I should write something about -- and call it like "The Murdering of Abe Lincoln." I just --

O'REILLY: Maybe "Killing Lincoln," maybe.

BECK: No, that sounds bad.



BECK: I think, "The Murdelation of Lincoln."

O'REILLY: All right. Well, you keep working on that. But I want to offer you, Beck, in the spirit of trying to help you, as you know I always try to do, that I'll give you a life-size cut-out of me.

And that can be next week -- in back of you, all right.

BECK: Well, we don't have mail service here in Texas.

O'REILLY: OK. I'll --

BECK: Otherwise, I'll take it.

O'REILLY: Somebody will drive it down. Watters, Watters will drive it down.

BECK: Oh, no, the roads. We don't have any state taxes, so we don't have roads here either. So --


O'REILLY: OK. Glenn Beck, everybody, there he is.

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