
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 7, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, we'll get to the confirmation hearings for CIA Director John Brennan in a moment. But, first, you know who is on Twitter? A dude named Mumia Abu Jamal.

You know who is not on Twitter? Daniel Faulkner. Who is that? Nobody special, just the cop that Mumia Abu Jamal shot dead in 1981.

So, thanks to the skewed priorities of our cool, cool culture -- a thug is a cause celebre, a victim forgotten.

Google Daniel Faulkner, you get 193,000 hits. Google Mumia, you get 1.2 million, including some really thoughtful black and white photos. He's delightful in dreads. He writes poetry. I bet he's a tender lover.

Sure, it would take only an hour to find out how guilty Mumia is, but why when you have Mike Farrell, Ed Asner and Francois Mitterrand weeping on his behalf. And now we have the new Mumia documentary out everywhere, which is about as balanced as an Italian cruise liner, a vile valentine to a thug whose mass murder is martyrdom. It's out now to the gratifying eyes of white prudes everywhere who hope that the dangerous cool of a murderer rubs off on their vapid lives.

Mumia is global warming in prison jump suit, cocktail conversation for cowards. Even odder that this tool's crusade for gun control as they defend a cop killer.

Screw 'em.

I beg you, stop following celebs who glom on vacuous crusades that elevate thugs. For they mock a cop's life just to be cool.

Instead buy "Murdered by Mumia," the book by the victim's wife, Maureen Faulkner, she could use the money. The next time you see someone in a shirt proclaiming free Mumia, slap the book across their forehead. It will be the closest they get to real knowledge ever.

Anyway, interestingly enough, while I was writing that, there is another cop killer on the loose, Christopher Dorner, who's running around L.A. And there are people on Twitter supporting him. What is it with people who romance evil at the expense of good?

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: I have no idea. And I have no idea while these people would make a cop killer into a hero.

One of the most egregious thinks that they did with Mumia was, do you remember when NPR offered him a talk show from prison?


TANTAROS: I mean, like we really want to hear what he has to say, elevating him to that position. Now, it never really happened, but it's mind boggling that they pick the killer over the hero to glorify in something like this. They've been doing it, though, for years --


TANTAROS: -- with Mumia. It seems like it will never go away.

GUTFELD: He was a commencement speaker, Dana, for two different American colleges -- two more than you.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: So inspiring.


PERINO: I really don't -- I've never really understood the celebrity piece of following people because they are good at acting or because -- whatever they have done and getting this huge following, it's totally foreign to me.

I mean, I'm sure it is to you. Who listens to you?

GUTFELD: Yes, that is true.

PERINO: But I like that she wrote the book, the victim's wife wrote the book, that she had a chance to say something and that we're giving a people chance for an alternative, because I would bet you that 99 percent of his followers probably have no idea what he did.

GUTFELD: But this is the issue, Eric, if you go online, you'll get a million and a half hits about Mumia. You won't see much about the cop. Nobody actually --

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: He's a victim.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

Nobody goes -- so now, he's got the documentary. There's no documentary about the police officer.

BOLLING: There probably was sometime over the last 15 or 20 years, nobody remembers that. They remember Ed Asner and a whole bunch of Hollywood celebrities saying free Mumia. Thankfully, he hasn't been freed and probably won't get free. He comes to these hearings all the time and won't be. Interestingly, though, Greg, I didn't hear this yet, but this Christopher Dorner that killed a cop and shot two other people in L.A.'s -- the big manhunt going on -- there are people supporting him?


BOLLING: Like what? The anarchist? Because he said he was against

the government. He's against the L.A. --

GUTFELD: You know what he's not against? Piers Morgan. Big fan of Piers Morgan.


BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: What's the Piers Morgan connection?

GUTFELD: I have no idea.

BECKEL: He was a former L.A. police officer, right?


BECKEL: And a former military guy. Yes, the guy in California.

I have to do a little truth of lending here. Back in the '80s when I was completely out of it, I think I may have signed a petition for Mumia.

GUTFELD: You thought Mumia was a pill.

BECKEL: That's right.


TANTAROS: So, are you saying you're just a little bit out of it now, Bob?

BECKEL: Well, I'm a lot more in it than I was then. Then I could barely -- anyway. The point is that it was a big cause celebre. This has been going on for almost 30 years. He's been writing -- he's a prolific writer. He does these newscasts or these radio broadcasts and I don't -- I think the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

I did see one thing about somebody confessed to the killing -- killing and Greg shut that down before we started by saying the guy is dead. So I guess I got nothing to hang my hat on.

GUTFELD: His brother said that there was a confession of a killer, but the person who confessed was already dead. And for some reason, the brother waited 20 years to give the confession. So there's no way you could follow up on it. The coincidence that Mumia would be there while the police officer is fighting with his brother and shoot -- like how did that happen, that they ended up at the same place at the same time, just by pure coincidence in Philadelphia?

It makes no sense to me whatsoever. He's guilty.

BOLLING: There was a radio show with this guy?

BECKEL: Yes. He did broadcast out of jail.

GUTFELD: He's on Twitter.

TANTAROS: Yes. I think he has more followers than we all do. This is crazy.

BOLLING: What is the crime for murdering a cop? I mean the penalty for murdering a cop?

BECKEL: He got the death sentence. It was reversed by the -- I think it was the appellate division because the jury selection was not done right or something. But they didn't excuse the crime. They gave him life in prison.

TANTAROS: I wonder if he has more listeners than me on the radio.

That would be unfortunate.

GUTFELD: Yes, he actually has a street named after him in Paris.

TANTAROS: Oh, it, figures. The French.

BECKEL: What was Mitterrand, I mean, this is the friend --

GUTFELD: Mitterrand actually visited him in jail.

BECKEL: He did?


TANTAROS: Unbelievable.

BECKEL: Get out of here.

GUTFELD: I'm not joking.

BECKEL: When he was prime minister?

GUTFELD: I'm not sure, it might have been afterwards. But he visited him.

People like that because it makes America look bad and makes us look like we're the abusers, if you visit a, quote, "political prisoner."

BECKEL: Why do you guys think -- why do you think it is that these celebrities come here, like 30 years after the fact and hold press conferences in Washington? I don't get it. Dana, I'm asking you.

TANTAROS: That segued right into our next topic, Bob. Thanks for taking over Greg.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes. I guess you're pushing this along.

Press conference on guns yesterday, I believe we have --

BECKEL: Oh, I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: I believe -- the most interesting commentary was from Chris Rock. Do we have the quote?


CHRIS ROCK, ACTOR: I am just here to support the president of the United States. The president of the United States is, you know, our boss. But he's also, you know, the president and the first lady are a kind of like the mom and the dad of the country. When your dad says something, you listen. When you don't, it usually bites you in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) later on.


GUTFELD: I think he said nose.

Dana, if Chris Rock is correct and the president is our boss and our father, by that logic, isn't that by logic Bush was also our boss and our father?

PERINO: And Clinton --

GUTFELD: And Clinton.

PERINO: -- was your boss and father.

TANTAROS: Ooh, weird.

PERINO: Possibly.

GUTFELD: Possibly, more like he had you dress up like a boss.

BOLLING: Begs the question -- if Hillary Clinton is president?

TANTAROS: She's our mommy. She's your mama, Eric. She's your mama.

BOLLING: Get it the right way, not get me in trouble.

GUTFELD: But do you think he would agree that Bush was your father?

Of course not. He just likes Obama.

PERINO: Then he would have had a -- maybe there was like a big edifice complex thing going on because he would have hated his father or something like that or his mother or whatever it is.

Bob's question -- why do they come to Washington?


PERINO: Well, people do listen to them. Like when we started with Mumia, people do want to hear what people that they've watched on television or in movies or that they respect. I mean, the funny thing for me is whenever I hear Chris Rock, I'm waiting for the punch line.


PERINO: Like he didn't mean to be funny, but that was kind of funny.

BECKEL: Yes, that might have been the punch line.

PERINO: The president and the first lady are your mom and dad, that's a strange view of the American government.

BECKEL: He's trying to get a lower voice.

I don't see -- I guess maybe -- I'm all for people testifying in favor of gun control. But I still don't know if -- does anybody got any qualitative information -- quantitative of information if this converts into anything, like --

TANTAROS: Like earned media? He'll be in all the entertainment magazines, the same one that President Obama went to during his campaign.

BECKEL: Their fans over into this effort of gun control.

PERINO: Well, on gun control, I don't know. But certainly for President Obama -- remember one of the things we talked about was how much he did all of the popular media rather than talking to the White House press corps or whoever ever else happened to be there. Of course, he talked to "60 Minutes," but did he all of those things.

Why is he going on "The View" and the "Daily Show" and not actually talking to the other reporters? Well, look, it worked for him. I think that for their constituency, in order to keep the momentum that they think they have going on gun control, somebody like Chris Rock talking about it and then all of us talking about it keeps it going for another few days at least.

GUTFELD: Well, Tony Bennett also had something to say at the -- do we have that as well?


TONY BENNETT, SINGER: It's a kind of thing that happens to the great country of Germany, when Nazis came over and created tragic things and they had to be told off. And if we continue this kind of violence and accept it in our country, the rest of the world is going to really take care of us in a very bad way.


GUTFELD: Eric, do you follow that, that if we don't have gun control --

BOLLING: I was staring at his hair. I couldn't pay attention.

GUTFELD: Well, the toupee was way too high.

BOLLING: Look, why did they do this? In elections, I see why they do it because if you like a presidential candidate, you vote for him if Chris Rock likes him.

But here's the difference here with the gun control discussion. This has to come up to a vote. This -- we've been saying it here, Dana and the rest of us have been saying here, that the Senate Democrats can't bring this to the floor. They can't vote on this because the ones that have been supported by the NRA, the ones who have been elected because of their stance on Second Amendment, can't raise their hand and say I'm for more gun control. They just can't do it.

BECKEL: You're not right about that. I think they're going to bring out the whole bill and those Democrats are going to vote for an amendment to kill the ban on assault weapons and go for the psychological test and background checks. I think they want to get on record as saying I'm opposed --

TANTAROS: They're walking it back. I think they're walking it back because Cuomo's numbers here in New York have dipped 15 points. That's why Obama released a picture of him shooting skeet.

I want to comment, though. That wasn't the most egregious thing that Tony Bennett said. He actually said we should be more like Canada because they react better. They don't go around shooting people when they see our movies. And then he says if you don't agree with me, you're ignorant.

So thanks, Tony, for being so tolerant.

But also, I want to comment on what Chris Rock said -- Obama is not our daddy. He was elected by us to serve the people. I think that's where not just these celebrities have it backwards, but I think the administration has it backward.

I mean, you have ask any of these celebrities, what if the president or daddy, would have put 32 executive orders on the First Amendment? There would be mayhem if did he it for maybe an amendment that they throw their arms around, like they were doing at that press conference.

GUTFELD: Good point. Let's end on a bad point.


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