
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 2, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Classic Deep Purple, Dana.

So, as you know, some Hollywood celebrities put on their "thoughtful voices" to tape a gun control ad. There they demand that you demand something be done.

Fine. But I get the feeling that's where the thoughtfulness ends. For them, getting serious about an idea is like work -- a concept most are unfamiliar with, but which they fake and then it's back to therapy.

Now, a gun rights group hit back with this video.










RASHIDA JONES, ACTRESS: How many more classrooms?

JONES: OK, I can understand why people like that.




GUTFELD: Thank you. The message where would these puppets be without guns? The fact is, if it weren't for the fantasies of death and mayhem, half of the folks would be selling smoothies on Sunset. But I'm sure they will tell you the art has no influence on you, which must tick advertisers off, who spend billions hoping they influence society by hiring these jokers to sell their stuff. Maybe they should stop.

But if Hollywood dismisses their influence, why do they persist in putting out the message film? Steep in anti-business, pro-green trite, or these PSAs? I guess only those messages matter if it scores them a seat on Leo DiCaprio's private jet.

In a way, these Hollywood public service announcements do perform one service, they have let the rest of us know who the self-important drones are. I can't wait until the kids in Silicon Valley finally get actors replaced with holograms, the collective I.Q. of Hollywood would go up 50 percent.

K.G., were you paying attention?

GUILFOYLE: I was. I have the chills, thank you. It got me sick.

GUTFELD: I did get you sick and I'm sorry for that.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Guys spent the night.

GUILFOYLE: In the satellite truck.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's where you ---

Kimberly, did that video work? What they did was they took the actors and actresses who were making these (INAUDIBLE) with the violence and the gun. I just wanted to recap.

GUILFOYLE: I got it. It saw it. Listen, I got it, I got it. Cameron, the whole group. When are we going to learn about it?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. OK.

GUILFOYLE: Right. I get it. It's hypocritical. What is the message here? Maybe they should give back their paycheck for making these violent movies and donate them to have people who are armed to protect student in school. How about that?

GUTFELD: That's a very good point.

GUILFOYLE: My participation has been noteworthy and is concluded.

GUTFELD: Nicely done.

Bob, I kind of like the fact that someone is calling Hollywood out using their glib language and their clever editing. Even if you disagree with it, it's nice to see it.

BECKEL: It's a typical National Rifle Association --

GUTFELD: That wasn't them.

BECKEL: Whoever did this, the same crowd and nuts who do this stuff. The fact of the matter is those people did that as actors and actresses of those movies. What they say is what they believe.


BECKEL: Yes, they do make -- which movie doesn't have guns anymore? It was a cheap attack.

GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE) broom sticks.

BECKEL: As usual, did you notice the name of the gun group that supposedly paid for that? I didn't notice that because coward's won't come out and put their name on it.

GUTFELD: All right.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I have a good idea. Remember the segment we talk about the new law in Illinois, where 3 bucks per ahead on the strip club goes to domestic abuse and whatnot. How about $3 per head in movie theaters for every violent film and all that money can go to victims of violence.

GUTFELD: No, not the movie theaters, but the motion picture companies. Every time there's a gun, there's a certain amount of a money --

GUILFOYLE: A surcharge.

GUTFELD: Yes. That goes to gun safety and security.

BOLLING: Not, if you go after the movie-goer like you go after the strip club-goer, it's going to change the way people think about it.

Look, here's the bottom line, this whole tragedy in Connecticut, it's like Rahm Emanuel said. Remember what Rahm said, don't let a good crisis go to waste. All these groups are coming out trying to use the crisis up in Newtown, Connecticut, for their own cause, The News Journal, the Hudson Valley, who posted the names of the permit holders for gun. Use the crisis for promoting their liberal way.

BECKEL: What do you expect to do about it? If you don't do something about it, more and more kids are going to get shot down?

BOLLING: But nothing good came with that, Bob. Here's what you did. You outed names with people who have guns, likely a lot of them maybe police officers, or people who owned guns to keep the peace. You also outed people who don't have guns.


BECKEL: It's too bad they get outed. Their cars have license, (INAUDIBLE) you can get those. If they've got guns in their house and they got with permit, they ought to be able to be outed.

GUTFELD: By the way, the gun owners should be happy their outed because now -- the people that should be worried are the none gun owners because now thieves know where they live.

I want to bring Dana into this. That paper actually now has security, armed security in front of their, in front of their building.

BECKEL: That says a lot.

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, A, it says that there are probably threats. B, it says they're hypocrites.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Certainly. I mean, that's what I like about the PSA, the anti-PSA ad, because it just basically -- it takes their words and their movies and uses it against them and let people decide if they think it's hypocritical or not.

The one thing that demand the Web site asked for is require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America. Like, OK, I could probably be for that. There's probably a little bit more common ground here than people realize.

BECKEL: There's probably is. They should do it at gun shows. That's the one place we've been pushing along and they don't do that there and they should.

It would be better off all the way around. I don't know why gun show guys don't allow criminal background checks.

BOLLING: Can we point something out? Chicago, outside of D.C., Chicago has the most strict gun control laws in the country, maybe even North America. The crime rate jumped and murder rate jumped 23 percent last year in Chicago, in the city of Chicago alone.

Here's the problem, though, 70 percent of murders in Chicago were -- victims were African-Americans, 17 percent were Hispanics. So, 87 percent of the victims of murders in Chicago are minorities.

So, is more gun control racist?

BECKEL: This is -- no. This is about drug wars. It is drug wars, drug wars, drug wars. That's what it gets down to.

You can't equate that with people getting killed on little elementary school in Connecticut. Those people who, by the way, threatened the newspaper, they're a classic example of a bunch of thugs who got their name published in newspaper, now, they go and threaten people with their guns.

GUTFELD: That's B.S.

BECKEL: What do you mean?

GUTFELD: That is total B.S. These people were minding their own businesses. Their names and addresses were put in the paper with the express purpose of being harassed. And they did get harassed.


BECKEL: So they harassed the newspaper.

GUTFELD: No, maybe a few people actually made threats, I don't know that. The fact is now that the building is using security reflects the hypocrisy of the media in general who sit here and kowtow and proselytize over guns while being armed.

BOLLING: And one more point, one more point, Bob. That Journal News, that article that published the addresses, they weren't making any point. Their only point was here are the names of people in this area who have permits to have handguns, not concealed carry, just to have handguns. There was no point to that article --


BECKEL: If you guys are right, if these guns deter crime, it should be published every day.

BOLLING: What's the point --


GUTFELD: If they published my address and said that I had guns, I think that I would be safer.

BOLLING: Were they trying to say all these people, or trying to equate people with handguns with people in the Newtown, Connecticut --

BECKEL: A lot of people are trying to do one thing that the NRA doesn't want us to do and that's talk about it.

GUTFELD: Well, we're talking about it.

GUILFOYLE: We are talking about it.

GUTFELD: And we're using facts, instead of emotion.

PERINO: Yes, and it's not going well for the left.

GUTFELD: Do I seem emotional?

BECKEL: Yes, you do.

GUTFELD: I'm sorry.

PERINO: I like it.

GUTFELD: You do? All right. There you go. Chicks like emotion.


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