
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 26, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, a New York paper called The Journal News is under fire for printing names and addresses of local gun owners, even adding a map that shows exactly where they live. Some gun owners are ticked, which is wrong, because this article is the best argument for gun ownership ever. If you knew idiotic editor would out non-gun owners wouldn't you get a gun to protect yourself with the thugs the paper enabled? You think the paper works for the NRA.

If anything, non-gun owners should be livid for the paper made them the easiest marks. Just look at this map. What do you see? Not just pockets of gun owners in red, but pockets without. How comfy would you feel knowing the gun-free zone is now public?

Remember when the media once championed privacy. I guess they only champion it for the folks that they like. But listening to the media talk about guns is like listening to a tree talk about algebra.

Consider celebrities like Beyonce speaking out on gun control. Someone might tell her that of all the problems her husband Jay-Z has, owning a gun ain't one. I bet if there were a gun map of Hollywood, it might light up like Rudolph's nose. And even if a starlet's house doesn't show up, that because the gun belongs to a bodyguard or a boy toy.

So, the next time a liberal asks if you a gun, return the question and preface it with the fact that the answer once public impacts his family safety.

But, really, the best response is someone asking if you own a gun -- none of your damn business. But you are welcoming to find out. And not by opening a paper.


GUTFELD: Was it menacing?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it frightened me. I'm across the table from you.

GUTFELD: OK. Here's what I understand -- since when, Kimberly, did asking about guns not be a personal thing? When I was growing up, people in neighborhood -- it would be like asking your best friend how much money his dad made. It was something you didn't bring up. That in a sense created favor for everybody else because nobody knew who owned one and who didn't.

GUILFOYLE: Well, right away, I just thought about first, yes, it's incredibly inappropriate to do. The fact that they're outing people who are exercising their constitutional right to own a weapon to protect themselves and their families, but think about the potential liability as well. What if, you know, one of those homes get robbed? Homes are robbed many times for the fire arms that are contained within. I know.

GUTFELD: Yes. You've done it many times.

GUILFOYLE: It happened to my brother's house in San Francisco. So, anyway, that's the type of thing that happens, and they know you have weapons. They may come in and try to get them.

GUTFELD: And, Eric, some people own guns because they're under threat. Therefore, you are actually publishing the address of somebody who might be under threat.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: The only people upset with this are people who don't own guns.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: I have a Kimber 1911 and a Browning Over/Under, if you want to know what the business end of it looks like, come through my house. It won't matter if I'm the New York Post or New York Daily News or not. The people who own guns now go ahead, publish it. In fact, that's the point. Letting people know you own a gun is safe.


BOLLING: It's a safety factor. Putting it on your door, this house protected by Smith & Wesson, you mean business. The bad guys are going to go somewhere else.

GUILFOYLE: I have it on my car, a bumper sticker.

BOLLING: Those of us who have guns are in favor in this.

GUTFELD: Andrea, you know what it is. It reminded me when I was living in Allentown, where you once lived, that people would put alarm signs on their houses when they really didn't have an alarm which used to tick me off

because I pay for the alarm.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: I had a fake car alarm for the car, which is a little red light in fact. But I couldn't afford the alarm. So I was one of those people.

But, yes, you know, look, you are a former magazine editor, an editor.


TANTAROS: This is hardly irresponsible. There is a way to do the story like there always is, that they could have done it I think with some journalistic integrity, like publish the number of people in each town or went town by town.

But it's basically I think also demonizing these gun owners as well. I mean, this is a Manhattan-based paper, suburb of Manhattan.

And they always do this. They treat gun owners like they are sex offenders, right?


TANTAROS: And now, it's not -- you know, the liberal way is acceptance. This is -- let's identify the people who have guns. But, really, it's just pitting I think neighbor against neighbor.

GUILFOYLE: Like they're lepers or something, a pariah. So, it's such a stigma --

GUTFELD: Or leper pariahs.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Leper pariahs. I've got to tell you guys -- you guys are totally, totally bollixed me on this. I thought you'd come out with a rant that said why did they do this, poor gun owners. But to the contrary, you're saying, great!


WILLIAMS: And then Eric comes out --

TANTAROS: I do think poor gun owners --


WILLIAMS: -- Eric says, oh, yes, I'm all for it because the bad guys will run in the other direction.

But you know why they did it -- because in n the aftermath of Connecticut, a lot of people think that people with a lot of guns, well, you know what? It's a public safety issue. And you say to yourself, do I want to really live near to a bunch of people who have a bunch of guns, who have an arsenal in the basement?

BOLLING: Where you think is safer?


BOLLING: The area with all the guns or the area with no dots, with no guns?

WILLIAMS: Unlike you, I don't own guns and I feel safer without guns.

BOLLING: New York City has like three dots.


BOLLING: Right? That suburb that they posted had thousands.

TANTAROS: Legal dots.


BOLLING: The one with three dots or the one with thousand dots is more safe than New York City?

WILLIAMS: Obviously not, because the odds are that, Eric, you're going to shoot your wife or the wife shoots you.


WILLIAMS: But I'm just telling you, that's who uses the gun. Or, guess what? Adam Lanza shows up --

BOLLING: No, bad guys.

WILLIAMS: No, no, bad guys. You've got all these fantasies about bad guys. I tell you the bad guys. I wish they had dots for the bad guys who had the guns.

GUILFOYLE: That's the point.

WILLIAMS: In my neighborhood, it's the bad guys with the guns who are intimidating, killing and maiming.

TANTAROS: Juan, you just made my point. Why are gun owners treated the way the sex offenders are? Why do they have to take this data base to monitor them in this nefarious way?

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. This is the government --

TANTAROS: They are outing them like they have done something wrong. The same way that you get carded if you buy allergy medication. It's a symptom of greater disease.

WILLIAMS: No, no, you have a permit to own a gun. The government says here, so it's freedom of information.

TANTAROS: Can I ask you something? Would you be comfortable with your address outed, if we outed the addresses of --

WILLIAMS: My address is (INAUDIBLE), I don't carry a gun.

TANTAROS: How about writers of The Journal News?

WILLIAMS: Yes. In fact, the guy wrote the article revealed he owns a gun.


WILLIAMS: Look, I don't -- I'm in the phone book. I'm in the newspaper. I don't, I mean, you know, the thing is --


WILLIAMS: Thank you. But for all of us -- for all of us, there is a high degree of risk. I mean, one thing that Greg often says on the show that's absolutely true is we're guarded.


WILLIAMS: You know what? People guard us. I mean, that's not the issue. So, it's not that I'm not anti-Second Amendment. I'm just saying, let's be realistic. There is a public safety issue with people having too easy access to guns.

BOLLING: You have it backwards.

WILLIAMS: All right. Thank you.

BOLLING: You have it backwards, if you took the country and did the same thing on the map of the country the safest places to live would be the ones with a lot of dots on it, not the ones with no dots on it.

WILLIAMS: You are wrong.

BOLLING: No, I'm not.

WILLIAMS: You know what? I live in urban America, right? Thirty-four people a day die from gun injuries.

GUTFELD: But you have toughest gun control laws, don't you?


WILLIAMS: I'm not anything. That's what I'm saying.

OK, we need to absolutely look at why access to guns is so easy. Why in New York City, you said Manhattan doesn't have dots, why are so many guns?

TANTAROS: The bad guys get the guns.

BOLLING: Hold on, you know who else doesn't have dots? The city of Chicago and Washington, D.C. doesn't have dots. But you know what? Violent crimes, crime with guns are exploding.

WILLIAMS: And that's what I said to you earlier. I wish they had a map with bad guys who had the guns. But where do these bad guys get guns from, Eric? They get them from states with lax gun control laws.

GUILFOYLE: No, they get them illegally on the street because they don't want to commit a crime with a weapon that is registered to them, because every time -- let me tell you something -- the one case that I had where we had to go like, oh, thank you, Mr. Criminal, for being felony stupid and registering the gun and committing a crime with your name and address and exactly where we can find you. It doesn't happen.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. But I'm saying, we need laws that would make it harder to remove the registration numbers. I think we need hard, gun control so it's harder for bad guys to get the guns illegally.


GUILFOYLE: And you have to do ballistic comparison.

WILLIAMS: You know what? The real stuff they can take. They can close the gun show loophole.

GUTFELD: Is there really a gun show loophole?


GUTFELD: I keep hearing about this and I tried to find it.

WILLIAMS: You want me to tell you what it is?

GUTFELD: Yes, please do.

WILLIAMS: OK. So if you don't have a license to sell gun but you are a collector of gun you can sell a gun to Eric Bolling, Mr. Antigun Control, and he doesn't have to go through a background check. That's legal.

GUTFELD: But I haven't seen any -- has there been major crimes committed by people who got guns at gun shows?

WILLIAMS: I don't know.

GUTFELD: I don't know either.

I want to read this. A lot of celebrities have come out for gun control. One celebrity has and his name is Jesse James. He's the motorcycle mogul with infamous love life.

I want to read a part from his Facebook post that struck me, that made the point for me, which he said, "The rights to self-protection in the middle of all this death and violence in Long Beach, California -- that's where he lives -- my shop West Coast Choppers was never robbed or broken into in 20 years. It was pretty common knowledge in the neighborhood that I carried, and would defend my business."

Isn't that the real fact? Is that when people know you've got a gun -- they've done research on this. Celebrities -- I mean, celebrities -- criminals are less likely to go to a place where they know it's armed.

TANTAROS: Do you see gun violence in Texas? Not really, because everybody has a gun.

I want to make a point about quickly about the celebrities, though. That ad that you referenced in your monologue, with Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, they've all starred in movies with guns. "The Bounty Hunter" is not exactly using their facts.

But I find it interesting, they love the exercise their First Amendment right, which they can, even if it's hypocritically. But they're doing it against the Second Amendment.


TANTAROS: They can't have one without the other, because if you start talking about taking away the Second Amendment -- well, then that's a slippery slope if you take away the other.

WILLIAMS: Can I just say, you also want to protect your First Amendment right? But telling people they can't speak up and make that ad --

TANTAROS: I didn't tell them that, Juan. In the ad, they are speaking against the Second Amendment.

WILLIAMS: No, they're not. That's' where I was going to -- allow me to continue. I don't think anyone wants to take away the Second Amendment rights, including the Supreme Court and President Obama. The Supreme Court has a right to own a gun --

TANTAROS: You don't?

WILLIAMS: I think it's wrong-headed in terms of a militia. You're not a militia.

GUTFELD: I actually am, though.

TANTAROS: No, I love the argument. It's always outdated. It's a militia. It's from another era.


TANTAROS: OK, let me ask you something. Is freedom of the press outdated then?

WILLIAMS: Now, why? I didn't say it.

TANTAROS: It's not exactly printing presses and --


WILLIAMS: We still have printing presses. What are you talking about?

GUTFELD: You know what I love though?

TANTAROS: You can't make the other era argument.

WILLIAMS: No, it's not true.

GUTFELD: Earlier this morning, as you know, I go to the gym every day for my quads, CNN is on at that time. They ask this question, how is the different than posting the prices of your homes? Which, you know, every time it's like, is that the dumbest question you've heard in your life?


GUTFELD: Well, that's CNN for you. All right.


GUTFELD: I couldn't resist.

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