
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

"Reply All" Fail

A "reply-all" fail for the Los Angeles Police Department.

The Atlantic Monthly reports that a local television producer was working on a story about animal trafficking a month after the LAPD held a press conference promising that they were going to crack down on the practice.

The head of LAPD's media relations department sent the e-mail to a fellow officer but accidentally CC'd the producer.

Quote -- "This story could be a black eye for us" -- the officer wrote -- "if we don't have a few arrests to show. The law has been on the books for months now -- and the 'rabbit people' are gonna scream that we don't care. Is there any way you or your crew could make a few arrests for illegal animal purchasing so we can avoid negative coverage?"

When called on it, the LAPD officer said it was just a nudge to enforce the already existing law.

Reviewer Beware

Ever write a negative review on a website? Well, this story might make you think twice the next time you think about doing it.

A judge in Virginia has ordered a woman to change her negative Yelp review about a building contractor.

The woman's write-up accused the construction company of damaging her house and stealing jewelry. Police found no connection between the company and the missing jewels. The construction company sued for $750,000.

The woman's attorney says the ruling amounts to the judge copy editing her review.

99 to 1

Finally, some of the staunchest vocal supporters of the 99 percent are themselves prominent members of the one percent for their vocal skills.

In Forbes' report on the 25 highest paid musicians, you'll find four of them giving at least lip service to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Number two Roger Waters of Pink Floyd made a video saying the country is being run for the benefit of the rich.

He just happens to be one of them -- he made $88 million last year.

Katy Perry visited Occupy Wall Street with then-husband Russell Brand, then played it up on Twitter. She took in $45 million.

Jay Z sold T-shirts to Occupiers and -- as far as we know -- didn't share the profits.

And Kayne West -- net worth $90 million -- turned up at an Occupy protest in gold chains.

No word on whether the artists mentioned will donate any of their wealth to the 99 percenters who made them rich.