
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Coal Call

The nation's largest privately owned coal mining company reacted to President Obama's re-election with a prayer and a lot of pink slips.

Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray read the prayer to a group of company staff members -- quote --
"Lord, please forgive me and anyone with me in Murray Energy Corporation for the decisions that we are now forced to make to preserve the very existence of any of the enterprises that you have helped us build."

Wednesday, Murray laid off more than 150 people at its company and subsidiaries blaming the Obama administration's -- quote -- "war on coal."

We reached out to the White House for a response but have not heard back.

Paper Takes Print

We told you earlier that Newsweek is going out of print at the end of the year.

Take a look at the cover of one of the last issues showing President Obama dressed as Napoleon with the headline at the top of the magazine -- quote -- "GOP: You're Old, You're White, You're History!"

Hug It Out

And finally, another image of President Obama this one hugging the first lady during a rally in August went viral after it was sent from the president's Twitter account Tuesday night.

The Washington Post says it is the most re-tweeted in Twitter's history. It calls the picture a snapshot of a modern equal marriage.

Quote -- "The president, if anything, seems to need this hug and appears almost dependent and vulnerable. The obligatory masculine markers of leadership, resolve, self-sufficiency and emotional equanimity -- dissolve into the obliterating communion of two people lost in their own love world."

Later -- "The photograph strongly suggests an ideal of mutuality in marriage, unencumbered by older ideas of possession and obedience that still hold sway in some deeply traditionalist religions."

The writer notes that the image went viral the same day several states endorsed same-sex marriage, and that may not be entirely accidental.

Conservative columnist John Podhoretz tweeted in response -- quote -- "Seriously, this piece should go down in the annals of the Bull**** Hall of Fame."