
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 19, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, the election is six or eight months away. No one really knows. And some wonder if talking politics in the workplace is OK. The Wall Street Journal -- owned by our parent company, Super Rich and Amazing People, Inc. -- reports that workplace debates are getting worse. And according to some survey I didn't read because I was preparing for my "O'Reilly" segment, a third of firms been a political chat altogether.

But, look, when coworkers say don't talk politics, what is they're really saying is don't talk politic if you are a crazy right winger. Remember, it's perfectly acceptable for libs to wear the politics on their sleeves. They pretty much invented the sincerely wordy t-shirt.

In fact, the Gutfeld Institute for Made Up Stuff found that a typical liberal owns seven bumper stickers but only half a car.

So, when suddenly when conservatives finally join in the conversation, it's whoa, dude, back off!

Back in the '90s, when Dana was sill wiping down tables at TCBY, I was editing a health magazine. I was well-liked mainly because I was in great shape. My abs had biceps. My biceps had triceps. My triceps dated Heather Locklear. But the place was super liberal and when folks found out I wasn't, they stared at me like I was a two-headed goat.

So, by all means, crack down on political chatter. But if you are only in banning stuff you don't agree with, then you're a wuss and you should probably work at home or at Current TV where you will really be alone.


GUTFELD: So, Dana, I'm trying to think, how do you feel about people talking politics in an office? Is it as bad as people talking about their pets?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, you have to remember --


GUTFELD: Look at that, just doesn't even listen.

PERINO: Pets are a safe place. This is actually one of the points I was going to make. You have to remember, I worked at a White House for eight years.


PERINO: When we talked --

GUTFELD: I never knew!

PERINO: We talk politics it was great.



PERINO: I also have a dog and you might not have heard either.


PERINO: I think, I was on Twitter today asking people if they have this problem and they said they do. But I think that you need to have a safe place to go, like, hey, how are you kids, how is the weather? Like something about your dog, or something like that, that you don't get yourself in a bad situation, even get fired or demoted.


PERINO: Not get a raise.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

PERINO: And I did not work at TCBY.

And you can win half a car on "Wheel of Fortune," by the way.

GUTFELD: Oh, really, I had no idea. Thanks for that.

Bob, what about the people who talk about, say, the events that go on the night before? Is that considered appropriate information?

BOBO BECKEL, CO-HOST: Depending what night are you talking about? If you're talking about mine, it would not be appropriate. No.

If you talk about the politics, listen, I wouldn't disagree. You want to hear the conversation?

GUILFOYLE: No, don't repeat any of it.

BECKEL: I'll repeat all of it. It's all right, conservative stuff and Eric is in there. He gets right over the hill.

GUTFELD: Do you think so? I don't think we talk politics there.

BECKEL: Are you kidding?

GUTFELD: No, it all comes out here. We're the opposite of America. We talk about like, you know, regular stuff, because we get it out in the open.

PERINO: That's true.

GUTFELD: Don't you think?

BECKEL: That's probably very true, but we still do talk about -- if you took general political views that take place in the green room and then the people we invite for guests, for example, are all right wingers. I don't think --

GUTFELD: And Che Guevara is right winger.

BECKEL: And I'm going to have him up.


Eric, what do you -- do you think it's a problem? You don't talk politics at work. I don't see you talking politics in the office.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: We kind of talk about sports. We talk about what happened last night. What did you do last night, you write more of your -- whatever book you're --


BOLLING: I enjoy my time with my son talking politics, believe it or not. He's 14. All of a sudden, we're talking about what the difference between Republicans and socialists, I mean, Democrats. We do. We talk politics. And believe it or not, kids, they're picking up on it, man.

GUTFELD: The great thing, K.G, we never talk about politics when we're at home.

GUILFOYLE: Well, today, yes, like when you pretended you want to buy my apartment and go, what does it look like? Send me pictures? Like you didn't know already.

BECKEL: Greg told me you have the same apartment.

GUILFOYLE: No, we don't. He occupies the tree space outside my window.

GUTFELD: It's a fort, I made out of pillows.

GUILFOYLE: There you go. I love talk politics at work. I mean, momma, we're getting paid to talk politics. Best thing ever. Only in America, baby.

PERINO: Some people do have to worry.


PERINO: You can't like -- you don't in the parking lot, you don't want to have, you know, a GOP sticker on there.

GUTFELD: I was harassed -- when they found out that I wasn't voting for Clinton in '92, people coming in to my office just to stare at me.

BECKEL: Well; they should. The idea that you want to talk about politics, you can't let a minute go by without mentioning something bad about Obama.

BOLLING: When we talk, we talk politics. But for the most part, it would be of a kind.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, we wanted to talk about what you occupy the majority of our time talking about --

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