
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 30, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: The 2012 Summer Olympics in London kicked off this weekend and that event is helping to remind many of when Mitt Romney saved the Salt Lake City Olympics back in 2002, now, quickly turning a $400 million budget deficit into an impressive $100 million budget surplus. And now former Olympians are rallying together and uniting behind Romney to thank him for delivering those Salt Lake City Olympics to the world. Here is a new ad from "Restore Our Future."


KRISTI YAMAGUCHI, GOLD MEDALIST: As an athlete you are training your whole life for the one moment at the Olympics.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But America's win to Olympics were mired in scandal and deficit. They turned to Mitt Romney.

FRASER BULLOCK, COO, 2002 WINTER GAMES: He faced a $400 budget deficit and turned it around to $100 million surplus.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After September 11th, Romney delivered the Olympics safe and secure.

JIMMY SHEA, 2002 GOLD MEDALIST, SKELETON: Mitt gets things done. He changed my life.

YAMAGUCHI: Mitt Romney brought a huge sense of hope.

DEREK PARRA, 2002 GOLD MEDALIST, SPEED SKATING: And now athletes like myself can realize our dreams.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Restore Our Future is responsible for the content of this message.


HANNITY: Now let's take a moment to compare Romney's record with that of the president's. Now under Obama's leadership, $10.6 trillion in debt has magically turned into nearly $16 trillion in just over 3.5 years.

It's not surprising that a group of former Olympians are uniting behind team Romney. And joining me now on "Hannity" exclusive are two of the athletes that you just saw featured in that ad.

Third generation Olympic gold medalist, Jimmy Shea and Olympic gold medalist, Derek Parra. Guys, welcome to the program.

By the way, I want you guys to know that you didn't do that on your own. You didn't get those gold medals on your own. Somebody built the bridge so you can get to the training center that you went to every day. You are not getting the joke, are you?

DEREK PARRA, OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST: Well, it takes a team, and I don't think there's anybody out there alone that gets to the top alone. If you are talking about our careers as athletes and how we got to the top and if you are talking about Mitt and his team, what they did to bring the games here a success, no one does it alone. But you have to have leaders and that's what Mitt is, is a great leader.

HANNITY: And you know, it really was pretty bad. I mean, $400 million budget deficit into $100 million surplus, that's pretty impressive. Why did you guys, I'll ask you both one at a time, jump in, why did you decide to get involved and go public with this?

JIMMY SHEA, OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST: For me it was, I met Mitt probably about a week and a half after he got here to the Olympics and I met him at a venue. He knew all the numbers. He knew what was going on. I asked him some tough questions. He really worked well with so many other athletes and people. It was right from the beginning you knew he was a very, very sharp guy and he was listening and he was making good decisions.

HANNITY: Derek, were you guys worried -- and I remember, I was out there at the time, that's when I first met Governor Romney, and I interviewed him in Salt Lake City -- do you think the Olympics were in jeopardy at that point?

PARRA: As athletes you kind of live in a bubble, but we were hearing so many different stories, reading the papers and on the television and we didn't know what to expect. Especially post September 11th, we didn't know if we would have the games.

But Mitt was strong in having the games. And I was one of the eight athletes that brought the World Trade Center flag out in the opening ceremony and again, that was Mitt's strong points, making sure we had the flag there. It not only uplifted our country, but I think the rest of the world. I think it brought us together in a moment we really need for this country.

HANNITY: You know Jimmy, you said in the ad, Mitt gets things done, he changed my life. That's pretty profound to come out publicly and say it. It seems like, "Oh, well, he did the Olympics." People seem to minimize what he did out there.

SHEA: Well, he certainly did change my life. You know, right when I got out here. I was coming out, the skeleton was not in the Olympics and then he looked at the program, he saw an opportunity for the Olympics for the venue to add a couple women's bobsledding, men's skeleton, women's skeleton.

And he saw that opportunity from his business skills and he took his business skills and acted on it. And, you know, in doing that, skeleton became an Olympic and it certainly changed my life, went on to do a lot of great things.

HANNITY: Does this new Olympics bring back great memories for both of you? Derek?

PARRA: Yes. It's always great. I think as an Olympian you are connected in some way, shape or form to Olympics all around the world. To see the opening ceremony and some of the events so far, you feel the tragedy and disappointment of some athletes and feel the triumph of the athletes as well. We've all been there, but it's great to feel still somewhat connected to the games.

HANNITY: It's horrible to say this, but every time an American loses I get mad. What right do I have? I didn't train for 12, 15, 16 years of my life. Who am I to get mad because they don't win? That's unfair, don't you think, Jimmy?

SHEA: It's good to represent your country and cheer for your country and be a good representative of your country.

HANNITY: All right, guys, good to see you both.

PARRA: What I would like to say, can I say a point on that? Do you have some time for that? I just want to make a point that not only did I think Mitt change our lives in creating the games, but the great job he did with the surplus from the games that is helping athletes today.

The Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation is funding two Olympic venues that we competed at so not only for us and our lives but now for the future kids and future youth of Utah and around the country are coming to Utah to train at some of the best facilities in the country. And that legacy he created will produce more future Olympians that we hopefully will see on TV one of these days winning some medals on top of the podium.

HANNITY: We're hoping. Guys, good to see you both. Appreciate it and congratulations.

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