
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 11, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: There are new developments tonight regarding the White House leak scandal. Now, you may recall a number of top secret programs and data has been disclosed to reporters in recent months by quote, "an unnamed Obama insider."

Now Republicans and Democrats alike have publicly stated that the release of this information has in fact put American lives in danger. As a result, the Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed two U.S. attorneys to look into the matter. However, Republicans continue to demand that an outside special prosecutor be named to lead the investigation.

Also tonight, Democratic insider Pat Caddell is pulling no punches and naming names. He says he knows exactly who spoke to the New York Times and it is somebody with extremely close ties to President Obama. Listen to this.


PAT CADDELL, FORMER DEMOCRATIC POLLSTER: I'll make news -- the culprit is clear. It's Tom Donilon, the National Security adviser.

Tom Donilon is a political hack. He was a political operative. He was the delegate counter for Carter and then Mondale. And he is now running around -- he was also the guy working with Jim Johnson, corrupting Fannie Mae. And somehow, he is National Security adviser and he is known in Washington as the leaker in chief.


HANNITY: All right. Caddell's allegation is critical to this investigation, because Tom Donilon is the man who leads the presidential daily briefing each and every day inside the Oval Office. And that suggests to me that as this investigation continues, we may ultimately find out that the president himself was the one who, in fact, authorized the release of this highly classified information.

And here on more of this growing scandal, the author of the number one best seller "Demonic," Ann Coulter, and the man you just heard from, former Democratic pollster, Fox News contributor Pat Caddell.

You're a Democrat, you are saying definitively you know.

CADDELL: I didn't say I definitively know. I said I definitively know who it was. You know, there is a difference. Look, you know, Dianne Feinstein -- and remember, this is not any ordinary leagues, this is as she said putting American foreign policy and American lives in jeopardy. The New York Times reviewed Mr. Sanger's book by Thomas Ricks, who is one of the Pulitzer Prize winning Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post foreign expert, defense expert. In his interview, in his review in the New York Times, he says, "And throughout Mr. Sanger's clearly enjoyed great access to senior White House officials, most notably Tom Donilon. Mr. Donilon is in fact the hero of the book as well as the chief commentator and records of events," and knows all about this stuff. When Gates, when we have the disclosure of Seal Team 6, Robert Gates went to the White House, saw some Tom Donilon, and said I have a communication strategy. You know what it is? Keep your f'ing mouth shut.

This stuff -- Tom Donilon is known for this. He is political operative, as you heard in my remarks. When you think of a job that's been held by George Bundy, Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, you know, the whole host of people, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell -- this is a person whose job was to be a delegate counter. And is a political person.

HANNITY: This is important. And because, what did they know? When did they know it? But this was all designed, all these leaks makes the president look good supposedly.

ANN COULTER, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: Right. And with all due respect, I really don't think it matters who leaked it. It is coming from the Obama White House. And who leaked the whole Seal Team 6 to brag about killing Usama bin Laden. That came out of the president's mouth. And as Pat just mentioned, military and intelligence officials were going ballistic over that. And for a reason. Two weeks later, a helicopter shot out of the sky in Afghanistan and what is it? It's Seal Team 6.

It is because of -- I mean leaking by the United States government generally has been bad. It's always much worse under the Democrats. Other leaks that have come out that have hurt in order to brag about Obama killing Usama bin Laden.

Hey -- I see you were interrupting me. They had to brag about the help they got from a Pakistan pharmacist.

HANNITY: I'm not George Stephanopoulos, you know.

COULTER: -- from a Pakistani pharmacist and he has been sentenced to 33 years in prison. There is the one more. The Saudi who was our -- the double agent. He was the Saudi's double agent working with us in the Arabian Peninsula. He reveals this bomb that is about to be sent to the United States. He is now on the run because his name is released.

HANNITY: You are right about the Pakistani as well. But this is important. This is the president in the Oval Office every Tuesday morning deciding who is going to be the next victim of a U.S. drone attack. This is also about Iran and the fact that we were able to, according to this book, penetrate the nuclear facilities and drive their computer systems haywire --

COULTER: And Obama taking credit for it.

CADDELL: And who is really bananas about this, the Israelis. Because they invited us --

HANNITY: They didn't like it.


CADDELL: Well, they have to. They have to. It was their program. The fact, though, is that you have them sitting here. And that is why if you look at Sanger's book, it's all Donilon's doing. It's a big chapter there.

And I will tell you this. Let me say something about the president. You know, when his New York Times -- and that is what it is -- he could have called them up, they call Fox all the time saying, we don't like what you are going to do. They could have called up as President Kennedy did and said, do not do this. Jay Carney could have called. Is there any evidence whatsoever the president said this would damage our --

HANNITY: No, they want this out.

CADDELL: Of course they do. You know, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

HANNITY: This is important. Think of how the Democrats reacted to the whole Valerie Plame issue.

COULTER: Oh I know!

HANNITY: And she wasn't even a covert operative. Look at the special prosecutor, Scooter Libby.


HANNITY: You know, this is infinitely worse. This is --

COULTER: Well, it's two things. It's pointless to have a special prosecutor here. They're doing this to brush it under the rug until after the election. Point two is when The New York Times is printing classified intelligence information under a Republican administration, it's to make the Republican administration look bad. When they're doing it under the Democrat administration, they're doing it to make the Democrat look good. Obama is -- all of these articles have been like love letters to Obama, like, "Oh, what a tough commander in chief he is, and look how tough he is on terrorism." He is putting people in jeopardy. These pour saps we persuaded to trust the United States of America. And now they are on the run, in prison, or dead. That is because they're leaking this.

HANNITY: But Ann, somebody, if in fact we were able to pull this off in this Iranian nuclear facility, somebody walked that in there.


HANNITY: That didn't just end up getting into their system.

COULTER: That's right.

HANNITY: What's that?

CADDELL: That's right. Because they needed to put in those, you know, what you stick in computers.

COULTER: So, now that double agents is in jeopardy, he could be dead.

HANNITY: He could be.

COULTER: Don't trust the United States anymore. And unfortunately, the rest of the world doesn't understand you can trust us when a Republicans is in the White House, you just can't when a Democrat is.

CADDELL: I'm not going to make it partisan. And this element, this is really disastrous. And one of the things is in 2010 just before the election, Tom Donilon sat there and orchestrated the cartridge bomber incident as a public event when they'd already solved it. It is to make -- influence the election. He is a politician. He is not a national security expert. Now, it's like me being an astronaut.

But I'll tell you, there are political dangers for the president. As we saw with gay marriage, when 60 some percent of the people said, they thought he did it for political reasons, and the same kind of reaction about him overtaking credit for the bin Laden.


CADDELL: There are many people in this country, I have seen the polls, severe number of people, including many Democrats and independents think he is willing to do whatever he it takes to get re-elected, even if it hurts the needs of the country.

HANNITY: We had this last question which is very key. How big does this get? Because, you know, compare anything. I mean, those that have make comparisons to Iran. How big of a deal is this, if, in fact, the president and his team, or within his administration are leaking information that is putting people's lives in jeopardy, just to make him look good in an election year? Because that is what this allegation is. How big of a deal does this become, how does this impact the race?

COULTER: Well, I think it's huge. But the way it gets out is only through shows like this, Sean Hannity. It is not from the special prosecutor. Perhaps through the Congress. But the point is, it doesn't matter who leaked it. It's coming from the White House to make Obama look good. It sometimes comes from his mouth.

HANNITY: That is the key point.

CADDELL: Look, all they've got to do is they've got to bring in the Congress. You've got a special prosecutor, one of them has been a contributor of Obama since 2003 when he was in the state Senate for God's sake.

COULTER: The other one worked for Clinton.

CADDELL: And Eric Holder is, you know, we know what he does politically. It's like John Mitchell for re-election. It is -- but you know, the Senate and the House can call these people, put them under oath and do their own investigation. And that's what they should do.

HANNITY: You mean, like Eric Holder in "Fast and Furious," he may be held in contempt.

CADDELL: Yes. Well, the same guy who is doing the other. Yes, you know what I think about him.

HANNITY: Ann Coulter, it's so good to see you. Did you have fun on "This Week"? Van Jones is your new best friend.

COULTER: I did. He is my new best friend.

HANNITY: Oh, good grief.

CADDELL: Ann and Van were great together.

COULTER: Yes. I'm going to turn him into a Republican.

CADDELL: "The Ann and Van Show."

COULTER: Boy, I hope he doesn't hear that.

HANNITY: I don't think so. I'll take that bet.

COULTER: And my first interview, October 1, new book, will be right here.

HANNITY: Right here with Ann Coulter. All right. Guys, good to see you. Pretty scary stuff.


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