
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 5, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.



QUEEN ELIZABETH II: Prince Philip and I want to take this opportunity to offer our special thanks and appreciation.


QUEEN ELIZABETH II: It just touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families, neighbors and friends.

I will continue to treasure and draw inspiration from the countless kindnesses shown to me. Thanks to all.



KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: And a royal hello to you all out there.

Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, Andrea Tantaros, and Greg Gutfeld.

It's five o'clock in New York City, and 10:00 in London. And this THE FIVE.


GUILFOYLE: You just saw Queen Elizabeth and the family celebrating her spectacular diamond jubilee in royal style.


GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh!

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I have something in my throat.

GUILFOYLE: Today concluded a weekend of festivities, to mark the 60th year of her reign as the head of the English monarch.

Now, the celebrations included a boat pageant, along the Thames, a star-studded tribute concert outside Buckingham Palace and a service of Thanksgiving in London St. Paul's Cathedral, where she was crowned queen six decades ago.

And Greg has been counting the moments ever since.

Now, I think it was a very spectacular occasion. It was wonderful to watch today. I love to hear our Martha MacCallum talking about it, what was happening.

Andrea, what did you make of it?

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: I didn't really care.


TANTAROS: That's my honest opinion, which I always give you my honest opinion.

I don't know. I mean, I really loved Diana. I can say that. I loved Diana. I had a little thing for Diana. When she died, I was really depressed about it.

GUTFELD: Diana Ross is dead?

TANTAROS: Gosh, no.

As soon as she died, when they lost Diana, the royal, they lost me. So, I understand it's pretty to look at and all this other stuff, but I just -- I don't know. I even said to Stuart Varney, I said, Stuart, doesn't it seem a little bit excessive? All the money that they're spending and these people take off for four days. He goes, "No, Andrea, it's a money-making machine the queen."

GUILFOYLE: I'm so glad you used his accent. I was like waiting for that. I heart his accent.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: You know, I felt that way, Andrea, until Sunday. I think Sunday I tweeted, you know, if -- God forbid, if the queen passes, does that mean Prince Charles is going to be King Charles. And I don't think I was going to get any Twitter responses.

It literally got 200 responses telling me -- well, he can take another name. He can be King George VI, he might not take another name. He might abdicate the crown. And people are really tuned in to it. I don't really get it, to be perfectly honest with you.

GUILFOYLE: Because it's fascinating.

BOLLING: But when you watch the video, when you see the queen in car, when you see Londonites going crazy for these people, you kind of tune in to it. You kind of catch the fever a little bit.

GUILFOYLE: It is exciting. I love this.

GUTFELD: I've got to tell you, I'm a huge fan of the royals. George Brett, Frank White and Dan Quisenberry, Bret Saberhagen, and, of course, Cookie Rojas. One of the greatest Royals back during 1985 regular season. The Royals topped the western division for the sixth time in 10 years, led by Bret Saberhagen, who won the Cy Young Award. It was the I-70 series. I bet you didn't know that.

Anyway, I came up with five things that are ever bit as interesting as the golden -- what's it called the golden jubilee?


GUTFELD: Sounds like a shake at the dairy queen.

I came up with five. One, Stephen Baldwin. Two, moisturizing. Three, cod. Four, girdles and five, yodeling.

GUILFOYLE: Have you ever worn a girdle?

GUTFELD: I'm wearing one right now.


GUTFELD: You want some more royalty news.


GUTFELD: The L.A. Kings are up three games to none --

BOLLING: There you go.

GUTFELD: -- in the Stanley Cup Finals.

BOLLING: They're one game away.

GUTFELD: And Queen Latifah did not come out at a gay pride festival.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

TANTAROS: What are you talking about one game away? You're a New Jersey guy. You're a traitor.

BOLLING: I'm not rooting for L.A. Kings. That is not a L.A. King. That is a real-life queen.


GUILFOYLE: She has been incredible figure internationally. Somebody who, I think, her reign has been spectacular. She deserves the diamond jubilee. There's a lot of people that follow the royals all over the world. She's seen just about everything so far in terms of history, the heads of state, world leaders -- everyone that she encountered or worked with. There's a lot to say in terms of, you know, commending her for everything that she's accomplished -- all of the trials and tribulations, the tragedies that she has handled. As Andrea mentioned, the whole thing with Diana. The whole world was watching to see how she would handle it.

Then, Juan, how about the transition with now Camilla coming in?

WILLIAMS: You know, the thing is, you know, when I talk to my wife.

Where I talk to American women --

GUILFOYLE: To your queen.

WILLIAMS: Yes. Thank you. You're very helpful, Kimberly. Thank you, my love.

People are fascinated by this. I don't get it. I'm an American boy and I don't get off on royalty. But the soap opera aspect is tremendous.

Back to Diana, right?

TANTAROS: The most interesting royal.

WILLIAMS: But even if you go back to the whole idea of Wallace Simpson, you know, Wallace Simpson and who was it? King Edward VIII who abdicated the throne because he fell in love with Wallace Simpson. And it put her in line to become the queen. And then you go through all the --

GUILFOYLE: Wasn't it fascinating?

WILLIAMS: Well, then it becomes a soap opera, a story. And I can get the story. I like drama. This is drama. I mean, this is real.

I mean, the idea that everybody in Britain is so happy today. They have had this. This is going on for several days. This isn't a one-shot deal. These folks have been partying.


GUTFELD: I was joking making light of this. It's easy to make fun of something you don't understand. As an American, you don't have to understand it because that's why we left.

It's a celebration of civility in order. That's what it is about.

Yet, it seems in the modern age of England, while they still celebrate civility in order, the country seems to be heading in a different direction. You see riots, you see dereliction, you see drunks, you see unwed motherhood.

You see kind of a place that's splitting in a way. It's adoring what they had in the past, while kind of like barreling towards a grim future.

Ands I think that's an interesting point to make. The only salient point I'm going to make the entire day about royalty.

BOLLING: Subplots? I'm sorry, Ands.


BOLLING: While doing my Twitter research on the royals, I learned that it's either change in the rule or something that they have to declare right now where when queen passes, King Charles --

GUILFOYLE: Line of succession.

BOLLING: But never has been a divorced king, an issue for them. They have to figure out what to do with that. Number one.

Number two, bring it today and fun and now. How about Kate and Pippa? Those two are interesting.

GUILFOYLE: Absolutely.

WILLIAMS: I can't imagine why you think that.

GUILFOYLE: We have Kardashian sisters and the Hiltons. They the Middletons.


GUILFOYLE: We have two look-alike in control room, right, too.

GUTFELD: Finally, CNN has been justified hiring Piers Morgan.


TANTAROS: When you look at this. A lot of people don't understand why we broke away from England, right?


TANTAROS: Right? Look --


WILLIAMS: Need a history lesson or two?

TANTAROS: I had to look it up a while ago. I wanted to know why we broke away.

WILLIAMS: Really? Even George W. Bush mentioned they burned down the White House, those --


TANTAROS: And so did Bob Beckel yesterday her on THE FIVE. I'm happy we broke away from them. I wouldn't want to be English at all.

GUILFOYLE: Bob is taking moment after yesterday.

BOLLING: Would Camilla become queen?

GUILFOYLE: That's the problem. Charles was a widower. He married a divorcee. So, this is unclear in terms of what's going to happen. And also, if you saw the pictures and the footage today, queen looks fantastic. It doesn't look like she is in poor health. No report she is suffering --

TANTAROS: She should give it to William.

GUILFOYLE: She's going to skip over Charles?


TANTAROS: Yes, that's the debate. No, no, the is debate: is she going to give it to him for a short period of time and then like -- she will live for a while. Or is she going to skip over him?

GUTFELD: Like I said, I don't care about that. I don't care. I am interested in the waving. It was like a celebration of waving. It's like a sporting event without the sport. People show up and they just stand there and they wave, which I find kind of calming.

GUILFOYLE: But you like the civility. They call it the royal wave. People practice it all the time.

TANTAROS: You like to have fun.

GUTFELD: I do like to have fun.

GUILFOYLE: Now, let me tell you something just really quickly. I want to -- you know, I do have personal experience with the royal family and I traveled with Camilla --

GUTFELD: In what way?

GUILFOYLE: In a good way. In a nice healthy way, unlike what you do. But they are a wonderful family.

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, wait. When you were first lady of San Francisco?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And before that.

GUTFELD: That is not royalty. You were voted in, Kimberly.


WILLIAMS: Why didn't you say that? Wait, why didn't you tell us this?

GUILFOYLE: You don't watch the show apparently. It has come up.

WILLIAMS: Why didn't you say it before, even before?

GUILFOYLE: That is me. I had my hair tied back but I let it loose for FOX News.

TANTAROS: One thing to say you bury the lead.

GUILFOYLE: I buried the lead.

WILLIAMS: No. Even before you were first lady of San Francisco?



GUILFOYLE: I was on my honeymoon.

GUTFELD: He hit on you.



GUILFOYLE: Let's wrap out of this (INAUDIBLE).

Coming up: Bill O'Reilly --

GUTFELD: You asked for it by doing this segment.

GUILFOYLE: You ruin everything. Go to your room. Go to the corner.

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