
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Equal Time

The Washington Post gave about the same amount of coverage to Sunday's Earth Day festivities in the nation's capital -- as it did to January’s March for Life rally here in Washington.

However the crowd sizes for the rallies were vastly different -- despite cold and rainy conditions for both events.

The Examiner reports organizer- Earth Day Networks expected tens of thousands of people to show up for a full roster of speakers and performers --

Though the numbers were somewhere between 4 -- and several hundred.

Meanwhile -- the pro-life rally did draw what several reporters described as tens of thousands of people -- with The Washington Post estimating more than 17,000 participants on that day.

Di$appearing Act

Former MF Global CEO Jon Corzine is currently under federal investigation for his role in the brokerage firm's collapse -- after the disappearance of as much as $1.6 billion dollars of customer funds.

However -- that hasn't stopped him from playing a large role in President Obama's 2012 re-election effort.

Corzine is listed by the campaign as having raised at least $500,000 bundling donations.

At the end of last year -- the Obama campaign returned Corzine's personal contributions in the wake of the MF Global scandal.

Again - Corzine -the former democratic governor of New Jersey -- has testified on Capitol Hill -- that he does not know what happened to $1.6 billion of MF Global funds.

Don't Call Us

Finally -- Florida Republican Congressman Allen West was dis-invited from keynote speaker duties -- at a local NAACP fundraiser that was supposed to happen Saturday.

The Huffington Post reports -- at issue were recent comments from west saying some 80 House Democrats are members of the communist party.

West has stood by the comments -- despite Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank saying

-- Quote -- "not even Joe McCarthy would have said anything so stupid."