
By Laura Ingraham

Keeping with the theme of suffering on Good Friday, the White House hosted and boasted a "Women in the Economy" conference.

Now, this of course, follows the relentless push by Democrats to gin up the contrived war on women election year narrative. The Obama campaign has made it clear that appealing to working women is a key part of the President's re-election strategy.

The administration confab showcased familiar Obama boosters and election year feminists including conservatives such as Obama pal Kathleen Parker. Now, this is a choreographed event for maximum political pandering though the President tried his usual jujitsu.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Women are not some monolithic block. Women are not an interest group. You shouldn't be treated that way.


INGRAHAM: So, why are you treating them that way, Mr. President? What happened to bringing people together rather than dividing them along gender, racial and socioeconomic lines? And if you look at the facts, women are doing better than men.

In her new book, "The Richer Sex", Liza Monday cites new research that shows in U.S. cities single women in their 20's without children on average make more than men. And check this out… almost 40 percent of working wives out-earn their husbands. The next generation of women in America will make more than their male counterparts across all levels of employment.

In 49 of the last 50 months, unemployment was lower for women than men; this according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And women receive roughly three-fifth of both bachelors and masters degrees from American colleges and universities.

And get this… it gets better… the National Journal Heartland Monitor Group is reporting that three-fourths of women say they believe they can now advance as far as their talents will take them regardless of their gender. And nearly as many report that they have not experienced discrimination at all in the workplace.

Now, I know the President would like to take credit for all of this, but the fact is these gains began long before his inauguration. And we do not need to waste the taxpayers' money on transparently political events designed to reinforce the bogus notion that Democrats care more about women and Republicans don't.

And that's “The Memo.”


New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow addressed thousands of parishioners in Georgetown, Texas, yesterday at an Easter service at the Celebration Church. His message was even more inspirational than his fourth-quarter comebacks.


TIM TEBOW, PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYER: Whatever happens in life, good or bad, whether you're the hero or the goat, whether you like it or not, you know that someone had the plan for your life, and it's a special plan. You can trust that and you have hope in that, then you have peace in all decisions and everything that you do. And it brings a lot of joy to your life.


Whether or not Tebow makes it into the NFL Hall of Fame remains to be seen. But I think we can induct him into the "Patriot" Hall of Fame.

And not to be outdone, 33-year-old Bubba Watson won the masters yesterday in a thrilling playoff. It was incredible. Watson has never taken a golf lesson in his entire life. When he was asked about winning the green jacket, Watson said he never got that far in his dreams.

Bubba Watson is a "Patriot."