
Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Left Hanging

High-profile Democrats are not being shy about criticizing President Obama.

The Huffington Post reports billionaire George Soros said during a private meeting with Democratic donors -- quote -- "We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line and if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."

A Soros adviser insists his boss wasn't talking about a primary challenger in 2012, but was instead -- quote -- "stressing the importance of being heard by elected officials."

The Hill reports Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg told reporters -- quote -- "a metaphor about a car in the ditch when people are in trouble and angry about the abuse of Wall Street -- it's just out of touch with what's going on."

California Dreamin'

Republican governors meeting in San Diego are not exactly feeling the love for national committee chairman Michael Steele.

Politico reports there was -- quote -- "broad agreement that a change was needed at the national party."

Trick or Tweet?

And finally, if you are following Connecticut Democratic Senator Chris Dodd on Twitter, you might have seen an odd post this morning.

One tweet read -- quote -- "U love torturing me w this [expletive.]"

A clarification quickly followed -- "Apologies to Dodd's followers, last tweet was not from Chris Dodd."