
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 28, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: All right. That was a song off of Madonna, the Material Girl's new album. Now, the album's initials are MDNA. Like she is abbreviating her name. But that's awfully close to the drug ecstasy, which is NDMA.

And recently, Obama stirred up controversy-- Obama -- Madonna stirred up controversy by -- I can't get him out of my head, which is another story, but not by Madonna.

She controversially asked a crowd at a music festival if they had actually tried to drug. Take a listen.


MADONNA, SINGER: I have a few questions for you. How many people in this crowd have seen Molly?



TANTAROS: Now Molly is slang for the drug ecstasy.

But should a 53-year-old Madonna who has a new album out use these publicity stunts when she is the mother of four, at her age and talking about drugs? Not a good influence, Dana. I mean, what is Madge trying to do this time?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I used to love her songs but this kind of thing really bugs me because I knew what E was, even though people didn't think I did. I didn't know what NDMA was. I would have no idea.

When I first saw her album cover name I thought it was most definitely not awesome because when I saw that video, I was like, OK, how many parents sent their kids there thinking that it would be fun thing for them to do.

Parents aren't that naive, they know they get up to some stuff.

But to have the star of the show, they probably paid $100 for a ticket, to be encouraging their kids to be doing a drug that is not harmless. It's really bad.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: You got the story wrong. Molly was a lost cat. She was doing --

PERINO: Oh, like I didn't see some outrage.

GUTFELD: Yes, I know. I think you owe her and America an apology.



PERINO: Not going to get it.

GUTFELD: I don't know. This sounds kind of ages to me because she's old, she's not allowed to have fun? What's wrong with you people?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Well, you know what's interesting, though -- she was the halftime act at the Super Bowl, and I was like why Madonna, don't get it. I don't know Madonna was making a comeback. She's like hero to hundreds of millions of people around the world.

And then this comes out and it just -- it tanks. And not only that, MTV is not playing that video because in the video she's --

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Do you see how many people, those kids, yelled back on Molly?


BECKEL: About three-quarters of them.

GUTFELD: Where was that concert?


Even music producers have come out and actually chastised it.

BECKEL: I mean, it's a drug that's been wildly abused that's hallucinogenic. But it's not as strong as acid, but now, they're discovering it has long-term negative brain effects which sort --

GUTFELD: She thought MDNA was a brand name for Metamucil.

BECKEL: Oh, that's what it was.

TANTAROS: All right. So, from the weird to the even weirder.

Alicia Silverstone, remember her from the movie "Clueless"? As if. Everybody remember her. We're going to put a picture of her up.

Anyway, she's posted a video of herself there. She is from the famous movie. She posted video of herself feeding her 11-month-old son Bear Blue from her mouth. Look at this.

When I first heard this and I thought she was chopping up the food and feeding it to her son. But no, no, she is not chopping up it with her mouth, and spitting it out and giving it to him. She's actually -- looks like she is kissing him but she's feeding him with her mouth.

Now, is this environmental thing, Eric? She is a vegan and she's saving knifes and forks?

BOLLING: This is another wacky Hollywood idea. Some really, really weird stuff.

But the problem is, our Dr. Siegel who was on the Fox News Channel earlier is saying there is bacteria and things in your mouth, that you don't want to pass along to a toddler, 11-month-old, who is still susceptible to a lot of diseases.

TANTAROS: Bob, your ex-girlfriends used to do this.

BECKEL: It didn't happen on dates.


BECKEL: It's not the greatest thing in the world for a kid. But, yes, come on. Everybody has done it. By the way --

PERINO: Everybody's done it?


BECKEL: What is the name of the movie? What was the name of the movie?

TANTAROS: Maybe they did it on that drug Obama what I do I keep saying Obama instead of Madonna?

BECKEL: Because you got influenced by Eric, that's why.

What was the name of the movie?

TANTAROS: "Clueless." Remember "Clueless"?

BECKEL: No, I never saw it.

GUTFELD: By the way --

TANTAROS: What do you think?

GUTFELD: Well, her 11-month-old child name is Bear Blue. So, if this is any kind of surprise.

BOLLING: This is like child abuse. Bear Blue.

GUTFELD: That kid is going to grow up and be really grounded.


PERINO: But that is how people used to feed their kid, bears. On the caveman diet, right, I would imagine when they were chewing the meat, you chewed it up to then give it to your kid because you didn't have tools to do it. I mean, this is going way back.

I'm really trying here to help her. No, I'm just saying -- that's how dogs do it.

GUTFELD: That's how I feed Captain Sparkles, my ferret.

PERINO: But back in the day in caveman days.


BECKEL: Something and chomp down on it.

GUTFELD: I don't date rabbits, Bob.

TANTAROS: I know why Bob hasn't had a date in a couple of days. All right.

BECKEL: Well, I don't think it's so bad.

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