
This is a rush transcript from "Your World," September 15, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST OF, “YOUR WORLD”: The House passed it and now South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint is telling Majority Leader Reid to hold a vote on it. It’s the bill that will stop the National Labor Relations Board from telling companies where they can and cannot do business.

Right now the NLRB is suing Boeing for opening a nonunion facility in South Carolina, the home of Republican Congressman Tim Scott, who led today’s charge on the Hill and he joins me now on the phone.

Congressman, where do you think is going?

REP. TIM SCOTT, R-S.C.: My hope is that with Senator DeMint and other folks getting involved in the Senate that this has an opportunity to get a vote on the floor of the Senate.

And if it does, I believe that there will be enough senators on the Democratic side to support this bill because it really is not an anti-union bill. It is absolutely an anti-federal government overreach bill.

CAVUTO: Now the National Labor Relations Board is its own sort of creature, so there might be an argument even in the courts that you cannot even what you are doing now. What do you say to that?

SCOTT: I say that is a false argument. This case has not come to its final adjudication and, therefore, we have an opportunity to continue to work towards having a legislative solution to a problem that is created because of the regulatory environment.

CAVUTO: Do you get a sense that the wind is not going Boeing’s way on this, though? I always see with these follow-up decisions and these battles in the courts or with these ombudsman judges and the like, that they are more sympathetic to union interests, so, let’s say they rule in the NLRB’s favor.

Is the next step, then, these thousand folks who got these jobs in South Carolina, would they automatically be out of work? What would happen?

SCOTT: That’s a great, Neil.

I absolutely believe that the NLRB showing favoritism towards unions and towards things that they believe strengthens the president’s reelection campaign from my perspective. Ultimately what would happen is that there is a process that would take multiple years at the worst-case scenario that would cost the Boeing Company millions upon millions of dollars which means that we are now destroying more American jobs.

At the end there are a number of remedies, over a dozen remedies that the NLRB can use if they find fault. They simply shouldn’t have the opportunity to move jobs or shut down a location.

CAVUTO: I think there will be a deal, and my deal that I could envision is something like this, Congressman, where they keep the South Carolina facility open but they tie Boeing’s hands to say you cannot do this again. In other words, all other future facilities have to certainly not be in right-to-work states, but more to the point, unionized workers period. What do you think?

SCOTT: There is some truth to that, perhaps.

I know that when we met with Mr. Solomon, he suggested that his approach was to find a way to get this case successful without going through the entire process. Unfortunately, that means some backroom deal that doesn’t work out in favor of the employees.


CAVUTO: I am telling you, Congressman that is the way I see this going. I could be very wrong. And I will destroy this show’s tape if I am.

(CROSSTALK) CAVUTO: But, Congressman, thank...



CAVUTO: Go ahead.

SCOTT: Thank you.

I was going to say, Neil, finally, this is an opportunity to save American jobs and I think you do have a very solid point that this is heading towards some type of arbitration and/or settlement somewhere else.

CAVUTO: We shall see. Always a pleasure having you, Congressman. Thank you very much.

SCOTT: Thank you, sir.

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