
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 12, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: The hot topic today, last night's GOP presidential debate. Now, we each choose what we think was the highlight of the night -- whether it'd be the strongest moment, most pathetic moment or just plain odd. I'll start with my pick first.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As president, would you be submissive to your husband?

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN, R-MINN.: Marcus and I will be married 33 years this September 10th. I'm in love with him. I'm so proud of him. And both he and I, what submission means to us if that's what your question is -- it means respect.


TANTAROS: No one ever asked this of Hillary Clinton, but when they try to just ask simply what her husband would do in a situation, remember, when she was in the Congo, she said, I don't channel my husband. He's not here. I am.

So, Juliet, why are women asked these questions but not male candidates?

JULIET HUDDY, CO-HOST: I think if a male candidate said that he was submissive to his wife --


HUDDY: -- and I'd be cheering along with it. I think she handled it well, except it took her a little while to handle it. And that I thought was so uncomfortable. So odd it was like, oh, my -- I am going to dinner and doing breakfast.

TANTAROS: She was posing to decide whether or not to --

HUDDY: I think she was pausing because she was going -- oh, God what do I say?



BOLLING: I think she was pausing because the audience was mad at the question. They were booing the question and she let it breathe. Good for her.

TANTAROS: She handled it --

BOLLING: It wasn't a fair question.

TANTAROS: She handled it brilliantly.

BOLLING: I think she handled it very well.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: It was already an interesting debate -- far more interesting than any other debate when you're already talking about submission.


JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Let me tell you something. This was evidence of what a back to the future debate the whole thing was. We are having a serious debate in a middle of a national economic crisis. And what are we talking about? Her saying that she is submissive to her husband.

Now, let me tell you, John F. Kennedy was asked would you submit to the rulings of the Pope. Remember when he was Catholic? OK. You know what he said? He said I'm my own man. Hillary Clinton, what did she say? I'm my own woman.

This one goes on about, oh, submissive means I love my husband and, of course, we respect each other. Oh, man, namby-pamby. How weak was that? How weak --


GUTFELD: I thought you would applaud that, the fact that she championed her monogamous relationship, Juan. I thought you were old fashioned.

WILLIAMS: I am an old-fashioned guy when it comes to family. But I think this was weak. If you were going to be president of the United States, you should say I'm making the decisions. I'm smart enough to hold this job. My husband is not going to be the foreign policy decider. I'm going to be the guy.

TANTAROS: Juliet, what was your favorite moment?

HUDDY: My favorite was, what do I got, I think it was probably -- it was probably Mitt Romney with the dog food --

TANTAROS: We have that.

HUDDY: -- reference.

TANTAROS: Let's listen to Juliet's favorite moment.


BRET BAIER, MODERATOR: So, to be clear, and just to be clear here, you echoed Congresswoman Bachmann and Congressman Paul in being against that final compromise deal. To phrase it another way, if you were president you would have vetoed that bill?

MITT ROMNEY, FORMER MASS. GOVERNOR: Look, I'm not going to eat Barack Obama's dog food, all right? What he served up was not what I would have done if I had been president of the United States.


TANTAROS: OK. Besides the fact that every time the bell went off, everyone was tweeting that if you have a dog at home, the dog was jumping up down. I don't know Bret Baier knew that.

Do you think that he was trying to pull a Clinton there, Juliet?

HUDDY: No, I think -- I mean, honestly, I think that -- well, first of all, it was so cringe-worthy when he said that initially because it was like, my God, is he calling Barack Obama a dog and its his dog food laying out there? But I think what his whole point was that he was trying to make it so clear that it was repulsive to me -- repulsive to him, the whole plan was repulsive.

GUTFELD: Have you ever tried dog food. It's not bad. I mean, don't knock it until you have tried it.

HUDDY: I actually like the smell of dog food I've said that before.


TANTAROS: And wouldn't that be Bo's dog food anyway, not Barack Obama's?

BOLLING: A couple of points, though, Mitt Romney stayed on Obama. There were a lot of people flying grenades at each other, taking shots, but Mitt stayed on Barack Obama, although I don't think I would have used the dog reference if I were Mitt Romney. Remember that whole little controversy in 2007 with the dog on the roof of the car?

TANTAROS: Oh, yes.

BOLLING: Remember that, Juan?

TANTAROS: Exactly. Mitt Romney --

BOLLING: I love Mitt. But Mitt --

TANTAROS: Dog, I guess one of those dog holders on top of this car and traveled with the dog and people thought that was a little strange.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. It's much more than that. The dog then began to defecate on top of the car and the only reason he knew the dog was in health distress was because it was streaming down the sides of the car.

TANTAROS: Oh, boy, on that note --


GUTFELD: This is how I used to travel when I was a child and they would put me in the compartment. I would be on top of the station wagon. I don't see the problem.

TANTAROS: So now we know why you are the way you are.

All right, Eric, what was your favorite moment?

BOLLING: My favorite moment -- listen, this was a fantastic debate. There were so many great moments. My favorite, though, was when Newt Gingrich was kind of sitting over the end, Greg and I were talking about, being a cranky guy a little bit. But when he took Chris Wallace to task and he said this supercommittee, this supercommittee -- I tell you what the supercommittee is all about. Take a listen.


NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I think the supercommittee is about as dumb of an idea as Washington has come up with in my lifetime. If you look for a second from I used to run the House of Representatives. I have some general notions of these things. The idea that 523 senators and congressman are going to sit around for four months while 12 brilliant people mostly picked for political reasons, are going to sit in some room and brilliantly come up with $1 trillion, or force us to choose between gutting our military and accepting a tax increase, is irrational.

They're going to walk in just before Thanksgiving saying, all right, we can shoot you in the head or cut off your right leg. Which do you prefer?


TANTAROS: The best explanation I've heard. Bret Baier said leave the talking points at the door and the campaign slogans and he did it.

BOLLING: And he did. But he also points out something very important -- he's right about the supercommittee. There's 535 people who are supposed to be making the decisions. Now, we're giving it to 12. By the way, we talked about this on this show, that supercommittee was probably going to be made of far right and far left, and that's really what we have. We have a couple of Tea Partiers on the far right and on the far left, one who senator who said it's a Tea Party downgrade when he talked about the S&P downgrade. How are these 12 ever going to come up with $1.5 trillion in savings?

GUTFELD: Here's the problem with Newt, though. The challenger here is he's incredibly smart and he said some of the smartest things that were said last night, came out of his mouth. The problem is, he's like the guy that hangs over the edge of your cubicle looking at what you do and goes, nope, that's the wrong way to go. Why didn't you listen to me? And he has --

HUDDY: He's like the old guy on the "Muppet Show."

GUTFELD: Yes, he's the guy in the balcony of the "Muppets," and it certainly -- you just don't want to hear from him even though he is right.

TANTAROS: That's funny. Someone tweeted last night. It looked like he was leaning on a parking meter the entire time.

GUTFELD: Yes. He was perturbed and he was just hanging out there. He's on your fence, on or yard while you are mowing your lawn telling you that you missed the spot, you know?

WILLIAMS: But you know what bothersome to me --

TANTAROS: But is it too little to late for Newt Gingrich?

WILLIAMS: Yes. But I thought this whole idea that all 10 of them said if it was a 10-to-one deal, they still wouldn't take it. They wouldn't allow the idea of any tax hikes? I thought to myself, wow, that's a sad thing. They're all running so far to the right they're now just ignoring logic, compromise and best interest of America.

HUDDY: You think it is too little, too late for Newt Gingrich. I mean, last night, I mean --

WILLIAMS: I thought he had a good night.

HUDDY: The Fox viewers, and they're all saying -- 50 percent of them are saying --

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, he had a good night.


TANTAROS: There is plenty of time...

HUDDY: You think there is plenty of time?

TANTAROS: Not for someone like Newt.

GUTFELD: He's got too many -- his personality, it's hard to overcome that. And he's a really bright guy.

HUDDY: You have to be charismatic to be president.

TANTAROS: He was probably the smartest one on the stage last night, that's for sure. But getting real quick back to the supercommittee --

GUTFELD: That's an attack on Chris Wallace!

TANTAROS: I think when you have triggers set up, I think the committee is already poised to fail, if you already have to put triggers in place. I'm also concerned about these members being lobbied.

I mean, you already hear they're going to be raising money. You have Patti Murray, who is one of the campaign chairs of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. So, this just creates one big lobbying feeding frenzy.

And last point, notice that Paul Ryan wasn't on there. I talked to a couple of sources in D.C. today that said, he didn't join for a reason. He might get in this race. And after last night --

WILLIAMS: Oh! This is a Republican fantasy. It's so crazy. This guy has no experience. This guy is such a rookie.

GUTFELD: Unlike Barack Obama?

WILLIAMS: Obama was a senator, please.

GUTFELD: A hundred and sixty days.

BOLLING: Wow, wow.

TANTAROS: No one knows more about Medicare and Medicaid and entitlements than Paul Ryan and the budget.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes. That's why it was such a winning ticket for Republicans in Upstate New York. Yes. You keep talking that way.

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