
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," April 15, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Culture Warrior" segment tonight: A new study out of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland tries to pinpoint exactly what women want when it comes to men. They examined 4,500 women's preferences in 30 different countries and concluded that women who live in countries with poor health care, like Brazil, prefer macho men, guys who strut their manhood. But women who live in healthy countries, like Sweden, want sensitive guys. Think Tom Cruise in "Jerry Maguire."

In America, where our health ratings are fairly low by European standards, most women like masculine guys, according to the study.

Here now, the "Culture Warriors," "Fox & Friends" co-anchor Gretchen Carlson and Fox News analyst Margaret Hoover. Now, I have my theory, but I'll keep my big mouth shut until after we hear from you. What is this study from the Scottish? Tell us.

MARGARET HOOVER, FOX NEWS ANALYST: Look, Americans are less healthy? I think what's interesting is that it tells us that testosterone is actually — lots of testosterone is actually not rewarded.

O'REILLY: In some countries.

HOOVER: In the United States especially.

O'REILLY: Well, no, they like — they like macho men in the United States, because we don't have the health care system.

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HOOVER: They're able, in the study, to quantity that men with higher levels of testosterone...


HOOVER: ...are 43 percent more likely to cheat on their wives. They're more likely to end their marriages in divorce. They're more likely to fight and pick on people.

O'REILLY: Well, then why do American women like macho men then, with the testosterone coming out their earlobes? Right away, they want them.

HOOVER: American women only slightly — slightly less...

O'REILLY: But it's still — it's still a majority. All right.

GRETCHEN CARLSON, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": I don't believe this study, first of all.

O'REILLY: You don't believe it?


O'REILLY: Forty-five hundred women worldwide. Carlson doesn't believe it.

CARLSON: Listen, I'm a deep person.

O'REILLY: You're deep? What does that mean, you're deep?

CARLSON: I overanalyze everything.

O'REILLY: Oh, I see.

CARLSON: But I spent about three hours reading this study today because I couldn't get it. In other words, what you're telling me is that you're linking women's masculinity preference based on the health care that they have in their own country.

O'REILLY: Do you want to hear my theory?


O'REILLY: OK. In countries where you are physically not secure, women go for the warrior/protector. In countries where you are physically secure, where you have access to everything that can make — they don't need the warrior.

HOOVER: Are you saying we don't have good health care in this country?

O'REILLY: I don't — look. This is the Scots. They put forth this.

CARLSON: That's the faces. They only look at faces. So you're not even getting a chance to see the whole hunk.

O'REILLY: Hunk of what?

CARLSON: Well, I mean for women to see...

O'REILLY: Hunk of burning love, as Elvis once said?

CARLSON: Look at the difference. For a woman to make a choice…

O'REILLY: These guys both look feminine to me. Come on. I mean, is that the best we can do? Put the camera on me then. All right? We don't need these guys. What's the matter with you, Hoover?

HOOVER: I would just like to see you with a little facial hair and see if that makes you look more...

O'REILLY: I'll show you my tattoo of a Volkswagen on my back. Yes.

HOOVER: Oh wow!

O'REILLY: All right. You don't believe this study, and you don't — couldn't care less about it. All right. Here we go. Now, Carlson...


O'REILLY: ...there is a lawsuit filed by a mother or — no, the son suing a mother for messing with a Facebook page. Explain that to us.

CARLSON: All right. We don't have all the details yet, but down in Arkansas this mother, currently not raising her own son — a grandmother is raising her son.

O'REILLY: There's the mom.

CARLSON: So she has lost her parental rights for now. She apparently had an altercation with her 16-year-old, then logged into his Facebook account impersonating him...


CARLSON: ...and wrote things as if she were the son. She has now been charged with...

O'REILLY: Bad things.

CARLSON: ...harassment. Bad things. We don't know all the details yet.

O'REILLY: Like what?

CARLSON: We don't know.

O'REILLY: They won't say what. So this crazy.

CARLSON: They say they are personal details.

O'REILLY: Mother, all right, impersonating her son, got into the Facebook and embarrassed him on the Net, and now the son is suing the mother.

CARLSON: But the son — no. The son really does not want the charges to go through now, because he's been put through humiliation from all the media attention on all of this.

O'REILLY: Well, I can understand. The kid is 16.

CARLSON: Bottom line here is that the mother says that she has — she's really the victim in this case because she does not have the parental rights to monitor her son's Facebook account.

O'REILLY: Because the grandmother is the — is the one in charge. Go ahead.

HOOVER: But responsible parents need to be able to monitor their kids' behavior online.


HOOVER: Sixteen-year-olds should not be suing their parents. You should be respecting their parents. And this culture of litigiousness is not...

O'REILLY: Look, with all due respect to the sensitivity of this case, I think this is a chaotic family. Whenever you have a mother losing custody of the boy...

CARLSON: No doubt.

O'REILLY: ...there's a reason for that. And you have an elderly woman, a grandmother raising the boy. The boy is obviously on the Net doing stuff. The mother does something very immature to get back at the boy. So I think that we have, you know — but with this Internet stuff it makes me queasy. The whole thing makes me queasy.

All right, now, Hoover. You are a conservative woman, correct?


O'REILLY: All right. But you do support gay marriage.

HOOVER: I support gay marriage.

O'REILLY: Now, we were all surprised here when the gay marriage referendum isn't going to get on the California ballot in November because they couldn't get enough signatures.

HOOVER: And thank you for giving me an opportunity to tell you why that happened.

O'REILLY: You're welcome.

HOOVER: Basically, what happened was all the gay rights folks in California decided that 2012 is going to be a better year for them to vote to have this on the ballot in California.

O'REILLY: So they did it on purpose?

HOOVER: They didn't — so they didn't actually marshal all of their forces, marshal all their energy, marshal all their financial...

O'REILLY: So they think they're going to get their butt kicked this year?

HOOVER: They didn't actually — they actually decided — the majority of them decided not to put it on the ballot this year. There was this one offshoot group that decided to go ahead and try.

O'REILLY: That's an interesting theory. I never thought that.

HOOVER: They didn't have the organization. They didn't have the resources.

O'REILLY: So the gay lobby in California...

HOOVER: It's not the gay lobby. It's everybody who supports marriage equality, by the way.

O'REILLY: All right. Whatever you want to call it. They didn't want to get it on the ballot because they think that there's going to be a surge of conservative voters, Republican voters, to vote it down.

HOOVER: 2010 isn't going to be a good year for them.

O'REILLY: Do you see it that way?

CARLSON: I see that they needed 694,000 signatures.


CARLSON: And to me, I'm stunned that they didn't get 694,000.

O'REILLY: All you have to do is stand on the streets of San Francisco and you'll get that many.

CARLSON: Because apparently — because the message that we have been led to believe in this society is that everyone wants this, so that's why I'm stunned.

O'REILLY: I'm surprised, too, that they didn't get it.

HOOVER: You guys, you guys shouldn't — there's a — you shouldn't be, because any time you have to get 697,000 signatures, it takes a huge amount of coordination, a huge amount of energy, a lot of funding.

CARLSON: But this is — this is a huge deal that they want passed.

HOOVER: They didn't — they didn't marshal their resources.

CARLSON: Let's see if they get it in 2012.

HOOVER: You know what? The latest polls from the TPPC (ph). The latest polls in California say, for the first time, 50 percent of California voters favor same-sex marriage; 45 percent oppose it. This is not...

O'REILLY: It's in the courts now. It's still in...

HOOVER: It is in the courts. It's in federal court, and we're waiting for a final argument.

O'REILLY: You made a good point, Hoover. It pains me.

HOOVER: It pains you to say so. I know. It's awful.

O'REILLY: This might not be the year to put it on. However, we were all surprised they didn't get that many signatures in the state of California, the nation's largest state.

HOOVER: You should not read into it.

O'REILLY: Not reading anything into it.

HOOVER: The latest California polls on same-sex marriage…

O'REILLY: All right. Real quick, macho or sensitive?

HOOVER: Sensitive.


O'REILLY: Ooh, Carlson. What are you hanging around with Doocy and Kilmeade for?


O'REILLY: Oh, oh! Can we cut that out? Is it too late? Thank you.

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