
This is a rush transcript from "Your World With Neil Cavuto," January 21, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: And I'm going to keep on fighting for real, meaningful health insurance reform.


NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Well, the president keeps fighting, the private sector, though, not waiting. It's acting, my next guest providing a free health care center at his company's 4,200-worker campus in North Carolina. He says that it saves the company some money.

Jim Goodnight is the CEO and the co-founder of SAS. Fortune magazine just naming that software business the best company to work for.

I was reading up on you. And, man, oh, man, you do take good care of your people. But you say that's a company's responsibility, or not necessarily duty, but not the government's, right? Could you tell me what you do?

JIM GOODNIGHT, CO-FOUNDER AND CEO, SAS: Well, as a software company, we produce analytics that's used by some of the largest companies around the world. We're big into fraud detection, anti-money-laundering.


CAVUTO: No, no, that, I knew, Jim.


CAVUTO: I apologize. I know what you are up to.


CAVUTO: And I know how successful you guys are.

But then you do a lot of things a lot of companies don't do for its workers that you would think would be damaging, like a 35-hour average workweeks and health care benefits, child care. It sounds almost too good to be true.

GOODNIGHT: Well, we have been doing this for 34 years now. We very much believe that people that are working at SAS, that we want to create an environment that fosters creativity. We want to remove distractions, like — like as much help with work/life situations as possible. We have a staff that does that.

We have a medical staff. We have four doctors, 12 nurse practitioners, and a large number of lab workers to help — help provide day care — not only day care, but health care, right there on site.

CAVUTO: Well, if we went the health care route the administration wants to go, Jim, would any of this change? Would this be more expensive for you to do, less? I have no idea. Would it change how you do things?

GOODNIGHT: Well, as — as far as I understand the bill, we would not be affected by it at all. We would continue providing the same benefits to our employees.

CAVUTO: Do you like what the government wants to do?

GOODNIGHT: I think most of it is all right. It's a question of, how do you pay for it?

And if we are adding a lot more people into the — into demand for health care, are we ready for it? Do we have the nurses? Do we have the doctors? I mean, these are consequences that I'm sure that they haven't even thought about.

CAVUTO: You know, there is this notion that maybe you could run it, Jim. You seem to be doing a fine job over there. Maybe you could take on that added duty.


CAVUTO: But thank you very much. Very good having you.

GOODNIGHT: Sure, Neil. Thank you.

CAVUTO: All right.

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