
This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," January 10, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Unresolved Problem" segment tonight, a January 7th report in The New York Times says students at some of the nation's most prestigious colleges are attending naked parties.

At Yale University , for example, a group called "the Pundits" apparently organizes get togethers where students go to off-campus houses and shed their duds.

Now this sounds like the usual college shenanigans. But in 2002, a Yale student, Tiberio Frisoli , was convicted of sexual assault after attending one of these naked parties.

Joining us now from Washington, Alexander Robbins, a Yale grad and author of the book, "The Overachievers, the Secret Lives of Driven Kids."

OK, you know, when I was in college, not a lot of naked parties going on, unfortunately. And that was the age of Woodstock. It was the — all of that. And you know, you had to go and get all muddy to be naked. Now at Yale, is this true? I mean, come on, is this true?

ALEXANDRA ROBBINS, YALE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE: Oh, there are many more groups than just "the pundits" hosting naked parties at Yale. And this is happening all over the country. Certainly not..

O'REILLY: Is that right? Everybody at Yale is naked? It's cold in New Haven, is it not?

ROBBINS: It's very cold in New Haven, which makes for interesting naked views.

O'REILLY: Now you know this how, Ms. Robbins, with all due respect? How do you know that naked parties are going on?

ROBBINS: Wouldn't you like to know?

O'REILLY: Yes, I would, Ms. Robbins. That's why I'm here. That's my job. How do you know there's naked parties going on at Yale?

ROBBINS: I personally don't flash and tell. But suffice it to say that when I was at Yale there are naked parties very often.

O'REILLY: And you can swear on that, right?

ROBBINS: I will swear on that. Absolutely.

O'REILLY: See, what I would assume that you yourself were an eyewitness to this.

Now tell me — tell us, tell us, because most of us are not smart enough to go to Yale. Tell us what happens at these get-togethers.

ROBBINS: They're actually not so often the orgies that people assume they are. Often they're just standard parties where people are listening to music, dancing, playing poker or pool, talking, mingling. They just don't happen to have any clothes on. Say maybe a hat or a scarf or something interesting.

O'REILLY: And so everybody's just walking around like that. So it's like you're at one of these Florida places in the summer playing volleyball or whatever they do down there.

ROBBINS: A little younger, yes.

O'REILLY: After — after the sexual assault, though, I mean don't the Yale authorities take this seriously now? Because that happened. A guy was convicted. And you know, obviously things got out of hand there.

ROBBINS: Sexual assault is rampant on college campuses across the country whether or not the parties or naked or clothed. Absolutely. So I would be willing to bet that the percentage of sexual assaults that happen at naked parties is much lower than the percentage that happens at clothed parties.

O'REILLY: Now do you believe that this is a phenomenon along the elite pinhead northeastern universities, or is this going on all over the place?

ROBBINS: I think it's going on all over the place.

O'REILLY: It doesn't happen at Harvard. I can tell you that.

ROBBINS: I'm sure it does.

O'REILLY: No, it doesn't. It would be too frightening, and there would be — there would be all kinds of implications there.

ROBBINS: As opposed to Yale?

O'REILLY: At Columbia University here in New York, though, apparently we got a hold of an e-mail that said, quote, "Compadres" — which is a Spanish phrase — "join us in refusing to comply with a culture that tells us to hide our body and be ashamed of its scents, curves and hair, to conceal those parts that have been dealt with sexual connotations," unquote.

This is Columbia. Now so we assume that's happening there. Brown, we went a couple years ago and shot some video of that "Sex, Power, God" party. Now is there anything wrong with this, in your opinion? Because it's just college kids blowing off steam, acting the way college kids have acted for centuries. Is there anything wrong with it?

ROBBINS: I think that today's college students are more stressed and pressured to succeed than any generation in the past. And if this is an outlet to let off steam, and if their behavior isn't criminal or destructive, then people are free to do what they want to do

O'REILLY: OK, so you don't see a down side to this. And you say that this sexual assault that happened after one of these naked parties, it could happen in any mixer with everybody with their clothes on and this and that.

Now does everybody on the campus know about this stuff? I mean, is it very common and it's no big deal? Is that the attitude now?

ROBBINS: Well, I think that the reason this is popping up so frequently today is that as the media increasingly exposes nudity, breasts on cable, behinds on networks, panty-free pop stars in supermarket tabloids, it becomes less of a big deal to the public.

O'REILLY: OK. Would you do it again, Ms. Robbins?

ROBBINS: I didn't say I did it in the first place.

O'REILLY: No, I know, but...

ROBBINS: Would you?

O'REILLY: We know you did. No, I'd be under arrest immediately. But if you do decide to do it again let us know and we can have you back for an update.

ROBBINS: Will do.

O'REILLY: Thank you so much. Nice to see you.

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