
You know, I've been covering the news in America for 30 years and this Kansas situation is the worst thing I've ever seen.

A doctor named George Tiller is operating a late-term abortion mill that will destroy a viable baby up until birthing for a mental health exception, which much of the time is an episode of simple depression experienced by the mother.

Wednesday night on this broadcast, a pro-life advocate told us that Tiller injects poison into the baby's heart while it is still in the womb, then removes the dead baby and cremates it. We have not been able to confirm the cremation assertion, but a letter purported to be from Tiller himself describes the injection.

Now even if you are pro-choice, you must see the ramifications of this barbaric display. If we as a society allow an undefined mental health exception in late term abortions, then babies can be killed for almost any reason. And in Kansas hundreds, maybe thousands, of babies have been aborted by Dr. Tiller — the price is $5,000 dollars each.

Is this the America we want? Is it? This is the kind of stuff that happened in Mao's China and Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union.

Americans cannot turn away from this; cannot ignore it. There should be thousands of people demonstrating outside Tiller's abortion clinic in Wichita.

The new attorney general in Kansas, Paul Morrison, says he might pursue the investigations into Tiller's late-term operations and also into the abortions of girls ages 10 to 15 that have not been reported to authorities in Kansas, as required by law.

We hope Morrison does that, as this kind of stuff simply cannot be tolerated by a civilized society.

America is in the middle of an intense culture war, where the lives of babies are at stake. This has nothing to do with reproductive rights or any other euphemism. This has to do with terminating the lives of viable babies, because the mother wants to back out of the pregnancy in the late stages.

If we allow this, America will no longer be a noble nation — a country that stands for human rights and protection of the innocent.

If we allow Dr. George Tiller and his acolytes to continue, we can no longer pass judgment on any behavior by anybody.

What Tiller is doing is that bad. And that's the Memo.

Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Wednesday night I attended the annual benefit for the New York City chapter for Habitat for Humanity. One of those honored — my pal, Susan Sarandon.

As you know, Ms. Sarandon is a huge secular-progressive. But unlike many Hollywood hyper-partisans, the woman does a lot of charity work and deserves to be recognized for it.

I didn't want to ruin her evening, so I stayed away. But I badly, badly wanted to show her page 160 of "Culture Warrior," where there's a picture of me interviewing her in 1976. That alone is worth the price of the book.

Also, because of you guys buying stuff on BillOReilly.com, I was able to give Habitat a nice donation — all the money I receive from the Web site goes to charity.

And we have opened up our Christmas/Chanukah store, featuring a brand new line of "Culture Warrior" gear, including the famous doormats.

Check it out and let me know if it's ridiculous.