
Because of the non-stop Moussaoui coverage on Wednesday, I didn't have time to pass on a significant passing yesterday.

So, some reflections on that today — on a guy who had no right being a TV star.

He didn't look like one and he didn't act like one.

He stood in front of a camera for what seemed like an eternity and told oh-so-dry jokes about an oh-so-dry subject: business.

He had a guest greeter on set and often monotone discussions on interest rates on that set.

He loved capitalism in this country when a lot of people were ashamed to even say the word in this country.

He spoke glowingly of companies that produced earnings and damningly of those that did not.

He was cool in a medium that wanted heat, but he was hot nonetheless.

In the world of business geekdom, he was our god and he was my hero.

Louis Rukeyser — the father of modern day broadcast business journalism.

Before my friend Lou Dobbs, before FNN, before CNBC, before "Nightly Business Report," there was "Wall Street Week." And there was Louis R. Rukeyser — piercing egos, de-mystifying money, and debunking so-called "new paradigms."

During the tech rush, when they said earnings didn't matter, Rukeyser said they did.

When markets crashed and investors lost hope, Rukeyser said they shouldn't.

He understood fear and greed. He understood us. But mostly, he understood that it's OK to want to be rich. It's not OK to act like it.

He was a giant and now he's gone, succumbing this week to the bone marrow cancer that he had fought so bravely, so quietly, for so long.

So now, goodbye, to a man who taught me so much and taught a country, so much more.

Louis Rukeyser, dead at age 73.

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