
This is the complete transcript from "On the Record," April 4, 2006.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Tonight, a new twist to the mystery of where is Natalee Holloway. Joran van der Sloot's attorney just gained access to previously sealed police reports. Joining us live in New York is Joe Tacopina, who represents Joran and Paul van der Sloot. Welcome, Joe.


VAN SUSTEREN: Joe, first of all, police reports — you're getting some that had been sealed, is that right?

TACOPINA: Yes. In the last week-and-a-half or so, we had a court victory in Aruba in that the judge mandated — they ordered the ALE, the Aruban law enforcement, to turn over police documents that under Aruban law, we would have been entitled to a while ago and just for some reason hadn't — you know, had not received.

We got them. We've been — I mean, there are reams of pages, Greta. But you know, what I'm finding here is nothing short of remarkable in that there are so many leads that I have not heard a word about. Our investigators, you know, who are some there, some here, have been telling us that some of them not even followed up. And some of the most astounding things I'm seeing here.

And you know, I can only hope that someone down there with some investigative skill is going to look into these things, or already has. But there are some astounding things, Greta, I must tell you. And I think it really — you know, it should provide some, I think, context to this investigation.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Let's pick some of this apart. First of all, the hotel key. What did you learn about the hotel key?

TACOPINA: Well, we learned that we have a police report from the Dutch police officers who were down there investigating, two of the investigative officers, whose names are on the document. And they indicate that they had an interview with the hotel front desk clerk. And that front desk clerk has a computer system that enables her to determine when she handed out these room keys for the hotel, which are not, obviously, literally keys, they're these credit-card-looking devices. And the room key for Natalee was turned over to Natalee on a certain date, a certain time. They have it to the exact minute.

And the key for room 7114, which was her room, with some roommates — her key was used, Greta, on the morning of May 30 last year at 1:26 a.m., more importantly, 3:22 a.m. and 3:36 a.m. It was a key that was issued to Natalee, according to this police document, by the hotel. They have a time stamp.

VAN SUSTEREN: Let me ask you this. You know, whenever I check into a hotel with my husband, they give us two keys. And they go back and forth all the whole time we're there. I don't know who has what key. How do you know that this was the key Natalee used? She did have three roommates.

TACOPINA: Again, one of our investigators has spoken to someone who was actually able to distinguish whom the keys were given to. And while the report's in Dutch, we've had it translated. And there's copy numbers on these keys, and the copy numbers of the keys that correlate to those times were keys that, according at least to the hotel, were given to Natalee.

And by the way, Greta, let me just say this, if I may. You know, I am not ready to subscribe to, Aha, Natalee was in the room at 3:22 or 3:36 a.m. that morning. I mean, you know, other people have been prone in this case to then take the quantum leap and then say, Well, therefore, you know, there's no proof she wasn't in the room, so...


VAN SUSTEREN: Oh, no, I'm asking you these questions to investigate. I mean, I haven't reached any conclusions.

TACOPINA: No, no! Not — I'm...


VAN SUSTEREN: I'm trying to figure out whether or not — I mean, if there's any rock-solid proof, if the keys were used at 1:26, 3:22 and 3:36...


VAN SUSTEREN: ... if there's any proof. You know, are there any surveillance camera in the hall to indicate who might have used that key?

TACOPINA: They did not pick up anybody at that timeframe. Again, we've spoken to an individual who has viewed these surveillance tapes that has claimed that there's absolutely no one on it.

And I'll give you one little twist, Greta. And I'm not suggesting you were jumping to that conclusion, but I'm sure people will. The twist is this. One of our investigators and individuals has a tape of a witness who's known to Chief Dompig and Aruban law enforcement and is an individual, I think, that they, at least at some point, should have been or were looking into in regards to this investigation. That witness and/or suspect is on tape saying he knows for a fact that Natalee was in her room after 3:00 AM on the morning of May 30, '05.

VAN SUSTEREN: And is this someone who was traveling with them, or is this someone an Aruban? This is someone who was on Aruba, a tourist or someone who lives there.

TACOPINA: Right. And his name is not Kalpoe or Van der Sloot, either.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. And this person came forward and told this to the police, and it's on an audiotape.

TACOPINA: Did not come forward and tell this to the police. And we, you know, Greta, I don't mean to be coy with you. I'm not going to get into what our investigation's revealing, but we have a tape where this individual is stating this and other things regarding Natalee in no uncertain terms. This individual is known to Aruban law enforcement. He's known to Chief Dompig very well, and I'm sure he knows who I'm talking about. But you know, hopefully, this is all going to come out and...


TACOPINA: This is a little part of what we're looking into.

VAN SUSTEREN: Joe, when this was tape made?

TACOPINA: Within the last two weeks.

VAN SUSTEREN: That this audiotape was?

TACOPINA: That's right.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was Natalee's key to her room — that credit-card thing — ever found in her room to suggest that maybe she got her key cards slipped up with one of the other three roommates?

TACOPINA: Can't answer that, Greta. I can only go on what's in this police report. And you know, I don't want to guess or speculate as to that. But you know, the police report is pretty clear. It's in Dutch. We've had it translated. And again, what significance it has, I don't know, but I do know one thing. It's something that should be looked into. It's something...


TACOPINA: That should be, you know, investigated, and let's get some final answers on that.

VAN SUSTEREN: I agree. Joe, thank you.

TACOPINA: Thanks, Greta.

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