
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," Oct. 29, 2004, that has been edited for clarity.

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GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Earlier tonight, I spoke to Liz Cheney, Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter and an adviser to the Bush-Cheney campaign. I asked her if she's voted yet.


LIZ CHENEY, VP CHENEY'S DAUGHTER: I did vote, yes. I voted about a week ago, actually.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I take it paper ballot, no problems, right?

CHENEY: No, actually, I vote in Virginia. We vote by computer. But I had no problems at all. It was great.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you excited about the election?

CHENEY: We are very excited. I tell you what. We just got back from Honolulu. We did a 14-hour flight there and back and had a fabulous rally out there, a great crowd, 10,000 people. You know, it feels so exciting going into the home stretch here, and we feel very confident that we are going to have a big margin of victory tomorrow night, but we want to make sure. We're urging everybody to get out there and vote, get to the polls, call your friends and nation. But we are very excited about this race, and where it's ending up.

VAN SUSTEREN: How does this differ for you from four years ago?

CHENEY: You know, I think this time around, we realize how high the stakes are. You know, last time around, we were obviously facing a pretty serious threat, a very serious threat, but I don't think we knew it yet.

VAN SUSTEREN: How are you going to spend Election Day?

CHENEY: Well, we're going to go to Wyoming. We have a couple more stops here in Nevada. Then we're going to go to Wyoming. And we'll get up early tomorrow morning, make a couple of stops on the way back to Washington, and then we'll be with my dad and the president on election night.

VAN SUSTEREN: And when you say "we," I take it the whole family is there and your husband and maybe relatives or whatever, and staff?

CHENEY: Yes. We'll all be together. We have a big party at the Ronald Reagan building, a big victory party planned there, and so we'll head there after we watch the results come in. But we're really feeling good.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you're going to Wyoming to hear the returns, and then you go to Washington the same night?

CHENEY: Oh, yes. But Greta, that's, like, nothing. We've been doing eight, nine stops a day. So tomorrow will be a short day.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. What's the fatigue level for you?

CHENEY: You know, we're all really pumped up now and running on adrenaline. So you know, you'd think that people would be exhausted, especially after this flight out to Honolulu, but we really are just so excited that we're getting across the finish line here, that the country looks like it's going to make exactly the right decision, return George Bush and my dad to office for four more years. And it's very exciting now, as we travel around and talk to the people that are working the phone banks and getting others out to vote. So we feel great.

VAN SUSTEREN: What advice do you have for the adult daughters of Senator John Kerry? And Senator Edwards also has adult daughter. You're sort of all in the same boat, you know, waiting for the returns. What's your advice for them?

CHENEY: Well, I tell you, I have tremendous respect for them. I've had the chance to meet them on the campaign trail a couple of times. And I know we're all working very hard, you know, on behalf of members of our family. So I don't think they need any advice from me, but I do think it's great that they're involved in the political process.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's been the hardest thing about this election for you personally?

CHENEY: I think the toughest thing is obviously the negative attacks. But you know, I really think that it's become clear that the American people care about the substance. They care about the issues. You know, they want to know that the economy is going to keep growing, that we're going to keep creating jobs, and that we're going to have a president and a vice president who will keep us safe. So at the end of the day, the negative attacks, you know, are undone, frankly, by the substance of these issues and what we're seeing out here on the road.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you surprised how the polls have this so close?

CHENEY: No. You know, I think we've known all along it was going to be extremely close. We feel really good about the polls that we're seeing in our internal polls in all the battleground states, as well as, if you look at an average, the national polls, we're up by about 2 points.

I also feel terrific about where we are with women voters. I think we have completely erased the gender gap. And in many polls I've seen recently, George Bush is leading among women voters because they know he's the one who will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. So we're not surprised. We think that there'll be a significant margin of victory for us tomorrow night, and we're just sprinting to the finish line.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Liz, thank you very much for joining us. And of course, we'll all be watching. In fact, I think the whole world will be watching tomorrow. Thank you, Liz.

CHENEY: Thanks, Greta. Great talking to you.


VAN SUSTEREN: And earlier tonight, I spoke to Senator John Edwards wife, Elizabeth Edwards. I asked her what best describes her mood tonight.


ELIZABETH EDWARDS, WIFE OF JOHN EDWARDS: I'm feeling pretty good. I'm feeling very happy. And of course, a lot of anticipation. But I think all this work is paying off for these candidates and for the great volunteers who've been working very hard.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it exciting, or are you nervous? I mean, is there a better way to describe it?

EDWARDS: No, it's sort of both things. I mean, I want to get through tomorrow. And you don't want to wish your life away, but I wouldn't mind it being tomorrow at this time. But of course, we're enormously excited. And really, I've doing a lot of volunteer-thanking in the last day and as I've been doing it, I'm thanking them for doing something not just for John Kerry and John Edwards but really for themselves, too, and for the issues that concern them in their lives. They took it in their own hands to do something about it. It's really a great affirmation of the power of democracy and these people who've worked to change the country.

VAN SUSTEREN: And how does this campaign compare for you, for instance, to the Senate campaign that your husband ran a number of years ago?

EDWARDS: Well, it was enormously different for me because I was pregnant during the Senate campaign, so I mostly sat at home and watched it on television. I've hardly seen any television in this campaign. I've been on the road talking to people, traveling, making certain I was there, you know, at the next place, so I could wake up the next morning and go back to work. So it's been an entirely different experience. It's a kind of an indoctrination by fire, to be thrown in for your first real campaign.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the high point of the campaign for you, and what's low point? Give me the two extremes.

EDWARDS: Well, let's see. I mean, I guess the low point was probably the very first time I was taking off to do some things solo. And we got to the airport and our flight was canceled. So the very first event I was supposed to do got canceled. That was pretty depressing. I was hoping that wasn't an omen of things to come. In fact, since then, things have really gone smoothly. And it's been incredible.

The high points really have come in the people that I've seen as I've been on this trail, people who are incredibly open with what's happening in their lives. And also, they look to you for answers to the problems that they face. They're very hopeful about what we can accomplish, and it's impossible not to have that be contagious. So as people, you know, express their wishes and dreams for the country, you hope that you can make them happen. You feel enormous responsibility. I know John Kerry and John Edwards feel that.

And I've been taking those stories back to the campaign, and also talking about them as I've been on the trail, stories of great courage, of people doing whatever's necessary.

I want to tell you one. There was a woman I met in Florida, and she had two young children. Neither she nor her husband had health insurance. And she said that they kept sacrificing things so that they could cover their children with health insurance. It was important to them. She said, her husband drove a 1987 car. She took the bus to work. And she said, I'd sacrifice anything for my children. She said, I'm really afraid because now I've run out of things to sacrifice.

You know, that sort of commitment to your family and that sort of willingness to just do whatever it takes to make it right for them is really inspiring. And it inspires us to try to get it right for them, too, make certain we can cover those children and you know, and let those parents have dreams that are sort of greater than just making certain that tomorrow their children have health care.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I understand tomorrow, you will be joining the senator and Senator Kerry and his wife in Boston, right?

EDWARDS: That's the plan. I'm really looking forward to it. Haven't seen the whole group in a while, so I'm looking forward to that.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Mrs. Edwards. Thank you very much for joining us. And of course, we'll all be watching. Thank you very much.

EDWARDS: Thanks, Greta. Great to be with you.


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