
And now the most compelling two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Setting Environmental Record Straight?

The League of Conservation Voters -- which is endorsing John Kerry for president -- has launched a new ad campaign in Florida to -- "set the environmental record straight." The new ad says -- "Mr President, your oil drilling off the Florida coast isn't [helping mother nature]," adding -- "[but] what would you expect from a Texas oil man?"

The ad then demands that President Bush -- "stop the drilling." Thing is, there's no oil drilling off Florida's coast to stop. According to the Tampa Tribune, there aren't even any oil platforms off the coast from which to drill. And, as of now, there aren't any proposals for drilling in the future.

Professors Picking Kerry?

College professors have contributed nearly three times more to John Kerry's campaign than to President Bush's. By the end of March, employees of four-year schools had given the president $512,000, and given Kerry $1.32 million -- nearly two-thirds of which was in March alone. In the Big 10 -- largely in the upper Midwest -- Kerry beat Bush in fundraising by a margin of four to one. And -- among Ivy League schools in the northeast -- Kerry beat Bush nine to one.

The president, however, doubled Kerry in the Southeastern Conference -- made up mostly of large state schools -- and the Big 12 Conference out west -- one-third of whose schools are in Texas.

Before Backing Bill

In the two months before he sponsored a bill on private security, New York Democratic Senator Charles Schumer received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from a major private security firm that said it -- "urgently needed" the bill passed. Specifically, 35 donors from Guardsmark, including its president, gave a total of $56,000 in January and February of last year.

Schumer then sponsored the bill -- which allows private security firms to obtain confidential FBI information on prospective employees -- and it passed in November. A Schumer spokesman, quoted by the Buffalo news, says -- "long before [he] even heard of Guardsmark, he believed that all security guards should have background checks." And for the record, donors from Guardsmark have also contributed thousands to Republicans.

Lawsuit Thrown Out

A federal appeals court has thrown out a lawsuit claiming former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney -- who suggested President Bush may have had advance knowledge of 9/11 -- unfairly lost Georgia's open democratic primary in 2002. In the lawsuit, McKinney supporters claim she lost because thousands of Republican voters had -- "maliciously" crossed over, and because the open primary is discriminatory.

McKinney is African American... but so was her rival at the time, Denise Majette. The court said the lawsuit -- "[has] not alleged facts to support" its claims. McKinney, meanwhile, is running again this year to regain her seat.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report