
And now some fresh pickings from the grapevine ...

Candidate Confirmed?

The National Reform Party -- founded by Ross Perot 9 years ago -- has announced its candidate for president: Ralph Nader, who's already running as an independent. The Reform Party says -- "[Nader] is a man of peace, and with the help of every citizen who did not vote in the primaries [earlier this year], he can win the November Presidential Election."

The endorsement gives Nader ballot access in 8 states, including Florida and Michigan -- two of the so-called battleground states. Nader says the endorsement is welcome, but not enough to make him join the Reform Party. He's still running as an independent.

Photo Flak

Nearly two weeks after photos of British soldiers allegedly abusing an Iraqi prisoner were first published in London's tabloid Daily Mirror and began making their way around the world, British Prime Minister Tony Blair now says the photos are -- "almost certainly fake."

And, he told Parliament, there is -- "no evidence whatsoever" that British soldiers have systematically abused Iraqi prisoners. Last week, sources close to the British military regiment in question said the photos were suspect, since the rifle in the photos is a model not issued to troops in Iraq, and since the truck bed in the background is from a model never deployed in Iraq -- a point affirmed by British Defense Secretary Goeffrey Hoon two days ago. The Daily Mirror, however, still insists the photos are real.

Rumsfeld Shouldn't Resign?

Speaking of Iraqi prisoner abuse, the Reverend Jesse Jackson says those calling for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's resignation have it all wrong ... because Rumsfeld should actually be tried for war crimes. Jackson, speaking in Atlanta and quoted by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, said the treatment of Iraqi prisoners has been -- "unacceptable."

He also blasted the June 30 deadline to hand sovereignty over to the Iraqis, insisting -- "[it's] about the Republican convention in August. Not the Iraqis. ... We can massacre them, but we cannot conquer them."

Restroom Recourse

And from the wonderful world of education, Harvard University's student council has passed a resolution urging administrators to render all single-stall restrooms on campus gender-neutral. The measure also calls on administrators to grant -- "gender-variant" and transgender students the right to use any restroom they deem appropriate -- men's or women's.

Supporters insist it's a matter of fundamental human rights. But opponents, quoted by the school newspaper, say the council has adopted a policy that allows anyone to enter a women's bathroom.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report