
Google TV has always been promising, but unless you shelled out for a TV with it preloaded into the set, there was no way for you to take advantage of the service. Prior attempts like the firm's own Nexus Q never hit the market, but here's hoping that the Qube, which ASUS announced here at CES 2013, will fill that void.

Drape in a black diagonal design, the Qube will ship with some snazzy sounding features, including motion sensing via remote control and voice control. You'll also be granted access to the Google Play store, allowing you to use games and apps on your TV. That's something that Apple TV doesn't do, so the Qube has a significant advantage over Cupertino's offering right off the bat. There will also be an Android app you can download to control the Qube using your phone or tablet.

Pricing and availability information are currently unavailable, but as soon as anything breaks on those fronts we'll bring that information to you, so stay tuned for continuing coverage for ASUS's Qube.

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