
It's shaping up to be a busy September in the mobile tech world, and the multitude of companies with major announcements up their sleeves have started sending out a slew of teasing videos to act as a vanguard. Nokia's the latest to join in on the fun in advance of its September 5th event, which is being held jointly with Microsoft.

We're using the term "fun" loosely, by the way. The video promises "things are about to change" on that date … but it does so in the most nebulous, mind-blowingly tedious way possible. The entire video consists of a woman riding a bike while waving one hand and smiling, with a text overlay appearing in the last 8 seconds. Fortunately, the news Nokia has in store for the actual event should be much more exciting.

Nokia and Microsoft are expected to announce the first Windows Phone 8 handsets at the event, undercutting the iPhone 5's expected September 12 unveiling. Code-named "Phi" and "Arrow," the phones will likely be a continuation of the Lumia line, complete with the familiar Lumia curved glass design.

Windows Phone 8 itself brings a bevy of improvements to the table, including an improved Start screen, higher display resolutions and micro-SD support -- all of which are said to be in Nokia's flagship Phi.