
Last week I showed you the left's playbook, the manifesto from the Weather Underground. These guys exemplified what it means to be a '60s radical: They'd do whatever it took to overthrow America and — in their words — "institute communism and a dictator."

And they really believed the ends justified the means. They bombed the home of the judge in a Black Panther trial with "kill the pigs" written in graffiti. They bombed the New York City Police Department headquarters. They conducted sniper attacks on Cambridge Police headquarters and robbed a Brinks armored car, killing two cops in the process.

I could go on and on.

Back then, most of these radicals were part of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), now they occupy positions of power. Wade Radthke, former SDS member, founded ACORN and SEIU. Andy Stern, another SDS member and former president of SEIU and is on President Obama’s Fiscal Responsibility Commission. Jeff Jones, former SDS member, is now a member of the Apollo Alliance and helped write the stimulus bill. Then, of course, there is the president's "spiritual adviser," Jim Wallis, another former SDS member.

If you missed it, you should really go back and watch. The evidence is quite overwhelming. You’ll see this radical thought is commonplace with the powers in and around the current administration.

The only argument the left could resort to over the weekend was, Oh, that happened a long time ago. OK, but they never admitted to any turning points or any change in belief, which helps explain why in 2006, a group of students "worked with members of the old SDS" to re-launch the organization.

Hmm. I guess that Cass Sunstein would like to retract his assessment that he feels "very uncomfortable with their past, but neither of them is thought of as horrible types now — so far as most of us know, they are legitimate members of the community."

Hey Watchdogs, I need your help because this bothers me. Two years before the election of Barack Obama, all of these well-laid plans suddenly pop up? Where did the funding in 2006 for SDS come from? They claim that the new SDS has over 150 chapters at schools around the country, whose aim is to "build a radical multi-issue organization" and their rally cry is to "take back our schools, our communities, and our nation — and we are going to win, because millions of people are stronger than millions of dollars. This is the fight of our life!"

The fight of our life? Somewhere, Nancy Pelosi must be crying, because not only is this the violent rhetoric from the '60s, but it's coming straight from those who actually blew stuff up.

So, what is the "new" SDS — founded by the old SDS — up to currently?

Well, they were just in Arizona protesting the new immigration bill. The media will have you believe that these protesters are regular, everyday citizens who have just had enough with all the racism from Republicans and conservatives. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Radicals from the new SDS and SEIU were bussed in from out of state to protest. There were eventually 122 arrests.

You'd think the folks in Arizona would be the most upset, wouldn't you? After all, they're the ones whose kids will be scooped up while eating ice cream or when dad gets a parking ticket. But in Arizona, support for the law is upwards of 60 percent.

Did you see the picture on Drudge Report over the weekend of the protester running around waving the Mexican flag? Why would someone who just loves America so much, who just wants to live here because they love the good ole U.S. of A, be waving a Mexican flag? Unless in defiance. No, he's waving it because, as we showed you last week, with radicals it's always about "the oppressed."

The new SDS says "oppressed people are at the forefront of movements for liberation... we must be grounded in the work of combating systems of white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, imperialism, heterosexism, transphobia, and the many other forms of oppression thoughtfully and strategically."

Here's a picture from this weekend of a protestor holding a Cuban flag with Che's face on it. Gosh, where have I seen that before? Oh, that's right — SDS in the 1960s.

Here's another picture from the protests: A guy with the Nazi symbol in the place where the stars in the American flag are. You'd think that Andy Stern could get them to stop with the swastikas, right? I remember the media constantly calling on the Tea Parties to rein in the crowd. What about this? I haven't heard anyone calling these radicals out.

That's the kind of thing that makes Fox News unique and gets us in trouble at the same time. We are telling you the full truth. And when someone has an agenda, they only want to hear some of the truth.

Here's an oldie but goodie: You remember the old Perry Mason? The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God? Remember that? Is there anyone out there who can say that now? Now it's the ends justify the means. Truth? Hey, as far as anyone knows they are good people.

Is that OK with you?

Once again you aren't getting the full truth from the media or just about anyone on what these Arizona immigration law protests are all about. No one will tell you that those who were arrested were new SDS radicals who were influenced by old SDS and current SEIU radicals.

If this were 1995, I'd dismiss these clowns as just that. But times have changed. This isn't an isolated group of people. The Weather Underground manifesto shows their hand: "We will only reach the high school kids who are in motion by being in the schoolyards, hangouts and on the streets on an everyday basis."

The new SDS is shouting "Arrest Arpaio." Hmm, sounds familiar. Oh yeah, from the 1960s: "We want to smash cops, and build a new life."

So we have the past and we have the present. Now, can we see the future? Yes, we can. But for that we go to Greece.

Remember the little book by the Invisible Committee of Revolutionaries? You're seeing it in Greece now, it's hitting the streets. They can't afford the entitlements and the unions don't want to let go. So they're burning cars and blowing stuff up, clashing with the police.

Most people in America don't realize what they are up against. This is not just a movement with big government tendencies. It's radical revolutionaries who believe so strongly that America is evil, that capitalism and the free market are evil, that they will stop at nothing to end the perceived "oppression."

If you want to see what this looks like when the radicals really gear up, look no further than Greece.

The Guardian is reporting on the rise of a group called the Sect of Revolutionaries. They've been described as "more murderous, dangerous, capable and nihilistic than ever before." They've now declared that "tourists should learn that Greece is no longer a safe haven of capitalism."
And they have promised to set up attacks on police, businessmen, prison guards, the "corrupt" media and, for the first time, tourists. They've also claimed responsibility in the murder of an investigative journalist, who was shot dead at his home in front of his pregnant wife.

The ends justify the means.

There are crazies on both sides of the aisle — left, right, up down and in the middle. But one side has an orchestrated history of terror and violence and it's starting to rear its ugly head again.

No one on TV has preached more that violence is not the answer than me. But when I do, the leftists say, Hmm, why would you have to say that unless your crazy listeners weren't one push away from a shooting spree? I say it for the same reason Martin Luther King said it. For the same reason the left said it with their MAP for social movements. It's a human condition when your back is against the wall, you want to push back. As soon as anyone does that, not only is it just plain wrong, but you also destroy the movement. You lose.

But I also say it because I've seen the record. SEIU has a history of violence against the tea parties: beating a black man, biting off a finger, physical intimidation.

SDS has a history of violence from the '60s with the Weather Underground. And the same SDS members have started a new SDS and on their first visible outing they have arrests while shouting at the "pigs."

I challenge SEIU to have their members sign a pledge of nonviolence and actually mean it. I'd have a hard time taking that seriously, since SDS and SEIU members believe in Saul Alinsky who taught that the ends justify the means.

The throwing of water bottles at cops in Arizona is just the tip of the iceberg. We've seen what these radical groups did in the past: They got violent. Now it’s the same radicals teaching our kids how to do the same.

Don't disregard the warning signs.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel