
Here's a viewer e-mail from Heather T. in New York, N.Y.:

"Now you’re a dolphin-hugging flake, Cavuto? I give up!! BP doesn't stink. You do. And now I plan on making you an endangered species on my television. Goodbye!!"

I'm sorry you feel that way, Heather.

But my point was, and is, that Tony has now become not only a distraction from a BP that's doing its darndest to clean up a spill. His antics are spilling over a company that's trying to clean up its image.

BP deserves that chance — Tony is spoiling that chance.

Look, we live in a world where impressions count; and the image of a BP CEO, with or without a cleanup role, attending a yachting race off the British coast as his company fights for its survival and the Gulf's survival off the Gulf Coast doesn't help.

Some of you are right to be bringing up a U.S, president who plays golf through this mess. Fair comment; especially coming only days after a speech to the nation when he promised unswerving attention to this disaster.

But in the end, this remains BP's mess.

Some of you say I'm callous for criticizing a CEO dad just trying to enjoy some quality time with his son on Father's Day. What about all those affected in the Gulf and out of work in the Gulf this Father's Day?

Just because I don't feel for that CEO doesn't mean I don't care very much for the people who work under than CEO. That's the distinction, and it is here I've seen Tony show no distinction.

For those of you who've watched this show; I think BP is a convenient scapegoat — but that doesn't mean its CEO should make it an easy one.

BP is being railroaded, but a CEO's tin ear doesn't make the company's response right.

BP has done more than most companies facing such disasters, but keeping a guy who seems indifferent to the appearance of his actions during such a disaster is itself, disastrous. Allow BP to fight a spill, not the musings and actions of a CEO who clearly can't get a grip on that spill.

That doesn't make an all-too-aggressive president and Congress right: It just makes folks forget that not everything BP does is wrong.

It's trying; the problem with a hapless CEO like Tony Hayward is that people have no idea it's trying — because they're too busy laughing.

And that's not good for the cleanup everyone wants, and the bounce-back every BP shareholder deserves.

Watch Neil Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on "Your World with Cavuto" and send your comments to cavuto@foxnews.com