
This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," May 25, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: All right. I want to talk to you a little bit about what could possibly be in our future. And I don't think there is really much speculation on this, but I want you to know the attacks are going to come fast and furious from the left. Some of them will be deserved if you take this and you go down a tinfoil hat road.

I mean, you don't need to go to the build-a-burgers. I mean, it's as useful as going to the Whatta Burgers. You don't have to do that. But like every time — every time, we will use their words to prove a point, but progressives will go nuts when they hear the term "global governance."

They hear it used. They'll tell you you're crazy. Here's an example from left wing blog, "Seriously for a moment," they write, "We have are going to have to address the paranoia at global takeover at some point probably in easy to comprehend Dick-and-Jane language for the tea party."

Well, that's good. But apparently this blogger, while sitting in his underpants in his parents' basement, failed to notice that Gustave Speth, he is the former head of the World's Resource Institute, an institute that Al Gore is part of, said back in 1997 this, "Global governance is here, here to stay. And driven by economic and environmental globalization, global governance will inevitably expand."

Oh, well, if that's all it is. A U.N. development report in 1999 — the U.N. wrote — this is important, "Governance is not government. It is the framework of rules, institutions and practices that set limits on behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies."

Oh, well, if it's only setting limits on you, but it's not a government, oh, I'm fine with it. That's all this is. It's framework — framework. It's not government. It's important for them to say those things.

All of these financial regulations that are being put into place — it's bogus and it leads to this. The bailouts — bogus. It leads to this. Climate change leads to this. It is a framework for global governance.

Europe says they want it. We'll show you what they said in a minute. The IMF is implementing it in Europe. They are telling now sovereign nations what to do right now.

But we're not moving towards it here in the U.S., are we? Well, let me show you what the U.N. said about land use, "Private landownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice. If unchecked it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes."

Wow! Hey, on a completely unrelated note, have you noticed what our government has been doing? Fannie and Freddie already back 96 percent of U.S. residential mortgages. They will own or guarantee $5.5 trillion in mortgage debt. That is half of the current market.

Plus, the federal government already owns 30 percent of land in America. They have plans now to seize another 10 million acres just this year from Montana to New Mexico. Land can be a problem, you know.

And by the way, they're only doing this — they're only doing this for new monuments they want to build. That doesn't seem reasonable, does it? I'm not going to tell you more about it. I'm going to let them tell you in easy-to-comprehend Dick-and-Jane language, next.


BECK: Tonight, we're kind of introducing something that we'll spend some time on history with in the coming days and weeks. But I have been telling you tonight about the push for global governance — governance.

But I don't want to tell you it myself. I'm going to let you see it for your own — with your own eyes and your own ears, in their own words. We played the president's speech at West Point from this weekend. But I want you to listen again with new ears being pushed into a global world order. Listen to this:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times.


BECK: OK. An international order. This isn't new. This is not Obama. This is not the Democrats. They've been talking about this for a long time. The framework has been there. Now, what is the international order? For what?

Show me the international order that has ever worked or that people want to get into. It wasn't the League of Nations. It's not the U.N. But Obama is committed enough to this order that he's now trying to sell it to the cadets at West Point, whom by the way, were not too receptive to it.

But watch this commercial. They've apparently already sold it to the U.S. Navy:


ANNOUNCER: America's Navy — a global force for good.


BECK: I'm sorry. "A global force for good"? I know it's an American force with global reach, but that's not what they're trying to sell here. That's not what they're saying. I mean, they've already changed GI Joe in the movies.

Now, this is a commercial for the U.S. Navy, a global force for good. The president has been speaking this way since he was a candidate. In fact, if you remember, when he campaigned strangely for the first time ever in Europe, he said this in Berlin:


OBAMA: I speak to you, not as a candidate for president, but as a citizen, a proud citizen of the United States and a fellow citizen of the world.


BECK: Why was he over there? I mean, I'm sorry. I left my citizen of the world ID in my other pants. I hope they don't deport me now from the planet. There is no such thing as citizen of the world. We're Americans. We're humans. We're on planet earth but we are Americans. But for Obama, it's time we all just come together:


OBAMA: Now is the time to join together through constant cooperation and strong institutions and shared sacrifice and a global commitment to progress to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


BECK: I mean, you might be thinking so what? The president of the United States is talking about a new international order, being citizens of the world, joining together through strong institutions and a global commitment to progress.

But still, there is no epidemic of globalism. Well, here is the most frequent visitor of the White House, the advisor Andy Stern. Listen:


ANDY STERN, FORMER PRESIDENT, SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION: We created global trade. We created global finance. We created global companies but we forgot to create a global government or a global organization or global regulators.


BECK: But don't worry, he is working hard to fix that. He said this, "And today, I send this message to every emerging global corporation — justice," keyword, "family, community and union are the same in every language. And wherever you go and whatever you do, a new global labor movement is coming to find you."

Intimidation on a global scale. Al Gore sounded off, you know, the really neat things we can accomplish with global governance as well. Al Gore:


FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: But it is the awareness itself that will drive the change. And one of the ways it will drive the change is through global governance and global agreements.


BECK: OK. We had Bill Clinton talking at Yale mentioning, you know, the whole global community, again. Hillary Clinton has just talked about global citizens in her plea for global education:


SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON: As students, as workers or as global citizens.


BECK: Global education. Since when are there citizens of the world or workers of the world? Oh, except for the communist slogan. These are all in their own words. It's out there in the open. There is no conspiracy. None.

And it's not just Americans. And it's not just Democrats. It's Republicans as well. It's a lot of people. I don't think you, but a lot of people that want to take us down this track. And they are going to push us into it.

I want to show you what is happening in Europe and what they're saying over in Europe, because it's the same kind of stuff except maybe even in plainer English. Back in a minute.


BECK: I'm talking to you a little bit about global governance because we are talking about new banking regulation and everything else. It's all being pushed up to the globe, which we have been saying for a while.

That's not where the answer lies, but that is where we're headed. And they will tell us that no, no, no. It's not a big deal. But if we don't pay attention, it is our future, the world of sharing the wealth throughout the entire world.

It's not good for America because you've got to equal out the entire world. We shared the words from everybody from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton and Al Gore and Andy Stern. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is just to show you, "OK, they are saying these words but it's not just here in America." It's Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Listen:


STEPHEN HARPER, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER: But in a globalized economy, we are going to have to take global responsibilities. And they're going to — it is going to have to be some semblance of global governance on these questions.


BECK: OK, the problem with this is, how do you elect those people, OK? Right now, I just read in the — what was it? "Wall Street Journal" that our economy is tied to Europe. If the Europeans make mistakes, we suffer, OK? It is a global economy.

But who is deciding? Who is deciding? Surprisingly, George Soros agrees with Barack Obama, Stephen Harper, Hillary Clinton, Andy Stern, Al Gore and many, many others. Or is it the other way around, they agree with George Soros? Watch:


GEORGE SOROS, CHAIRMAN, SOROS FUND MANAGEMENT: I think this would be the time because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order — financial world order.


BECK: Let me give you another shocker. In France, they seem to be on board with this global thing as well:


JEAN-CLAUDE TRICHET, PRESIDENT, EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK: If we are not doing the job to put global finance and the global economy by way of consequence, in a much more resilient situation, we could, again, not avoid dramatic depression.


BECK: Read American history from 1900 to 1913. This is what they said when they gave us the fed. And it hasn't changed anything, has it. Jean-Claude made that speech at the Council of Foreign Relations. I'm sure that is going to get the tinfoil hat people all excited again.

Give me the U.N., what the U.N. says about what a global governance is? Do you have that? About framework? You have to ask yourself GOP or the Dems, OK? Governance is not government. It is framework of rules, institutions and practices that set limits on behavior of individuals, organizations and companies.

The answer is not GOP. It's the Grand Old Deity. Back in a minute.


BECK: If you understand the global governance thing that the world, I think, is trying to knit us together on, you'll understand why the president and his allies don't ever want to talk about American exceptionalism.

But America is an exceptional place. We've been an exceptional place because we are a special land. Don't forget that. Carry on.

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