
A 3-year-old boy's life was saved by his trendy David Beckham-style haircut — after a trim led to doctors diagnosing him with leukemia.

Maddox Tallowin's dad took a pair of scissors to the child's cutting-edge Mohawk because it was getting too long and starting to flop.

But just as he was about to start chopping, Maddox's dad, Ben, spotted a series of strange-looking lumps on the back of his son's head.

After rushing him to hospital, doctors told Maddox's parents the bumps were a tell-tale sign of leukaemia.

"It was more luck than anything else that we noticed it," said Ben Tallowin, 32 of Kirby Cross, Essex, in the U.K. "I felt these bumps on either side of his neck at the bottom of his head. It wasn't right. We made a doctor's appointment the same day.

The lumps on little Maddox's neck were found on October 14. By the following day, he had been put on a course of chemotherapy.

Maddox is in remission now, and the doctors have reduced the level of leukemia in his blood.

Click here to read more on this story from The Sun.