
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," April 7, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Bristol Palin might be the most famous teen mother in the country. The 19-year-old daughter of former Governor Sarah Palin gave birth to her son Tripp in December of 2008. Now Bristol is promoting abstinence for the Candie Foundation.

Moments ago Bristol Palin and director of The Candie's Foundation, Christine Clark, went "On the Record."


VAN SUSTEREN: Bristol, Christine, nice to see both of you.



VAN SUSTEREN: Big news, a new PSA. Bristol I'm going right to you. How old is your son? Time sort of gets squashed together, and we came up to Alaska and interviewed you, but how old is Tripp now?

B. PALIN: He's 15 months old.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is he doing walking or saying "no," or not yet?

B. PALIN: He's walking, saying no, said his first sentence the other day. He's doing great.

VAN SUSTEREN: What was the first sentence?

B. PALIN: I asked him where my little sister was, and he said "I don't know" completely clear, so we're excited about that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Good, so he knows how to cover for people. That's a good start.

What is this PSA, Bristol?

B. PALIN: This PSA is all about the consequences of teen pregnancy. We're excited it is being launched.

VAN SUSTEREN: Christine, tell me about the foundation. Give me a little background. Everyone knows Bristol. What is this foundation? And why was it started?

CLARK: Sure. In 2001, Neil Cole, the head of the Candie's fashion brand, which is a teen clothing and shoe fashion line, he decided to start the foundation to raise awareness about teen pregnancy prevention.

And at the time he looked around and realized there weren't any other corporations dealing with this issue, and so he felt like given they already have a dialogue with teens through the fashion brand that they wanted to try to leverage that to get the message out about this issue.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bristol, I've seen you with your son. I know you absolutely adore that child. But I also know it is a lot of work, isn't it?

B. PALIN: Yes, it is extremely difficult, definitely.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it anything like you would have imagined before he was born?

B. PALIN: No I don't think anyone is quite prepared to be a teenaged mom or to be a single mom in general at all. It is extremely difficult, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why are you, Bristol, supporting this? I understand your personal situation, but what is it about teen pregnancy that gives you sort of the passion to speak out about it?

B. PALIN: I'm living the life experience now. I think still huge numbers of girls are getting pregnant each other, and I think more people need to talk about it. And it should be more of a national discussion.

VAN SUSTEREN: Christine, what do you attribute the growing numbers of teen pregnancy to? I suppose there's not one single fact there, but what are the contributing factors.

B. PALIN: I think it could be any number of things. There are different programs reaching out to teens, anything from changes in the economy to changes in availability of contraceptives or comprehensive sex education. It is really a number of things that are going on.

But we're also seeing some mixed data. For example in 2008 it came out yesterday that that in 2008 the rates of teen births went down. So a couple of months ago the rate of teen pregnancy it was reported it had gone up in 2006, and now teen births have gone down in 2008.

And so it is changing all the time, and there are a lot of factors, obviously, that play into teen pregnancy.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bristol, do you think television shows and movies glamorize teen pregnancy?

B. PALIN: I think a lot of them just brush over the idea of teen pregnancy. They don't show the real reality of saying up all night with a baby and having to provide for another person.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about being in the spotlight, Bristol. Is this tough for you or are you up to the challenge?

B. PALIN: I think I'm up to the challenge. I'm using this experience of my life.


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