
A teenage boy playing a video game at an Internet café in China was stabbed with a 10-inch knife that went clear through his skull -- and survived with little noticeable damage, according to a report.

Xiao Wei, 16, who was attacked in a dispute over the video game he was playing, was able to walk into the emergency room entrance of Jillin University with the knife still lodged in his head, the Daily Mail reported.

The knife, which had been thrust into his left temple, had three-quarters of an inch sticking out of the right side of his head.

Slideshow: Outrageous Injuries & X-Rays

Wei's friend said he was playing an online video game when another gamer accused him of using a cheat code to help him beat online opponents.

“A group of people from the same cafe came to us, saying we must install some software to win the game. Then we had an argument with them,” said the friend, Huang, 18.

He said the attackers dragged him and Wei outside and beat them to the ground.

“My left arm was stabbed through by them, and when they had gone, I found Xiao Wei was lying on the ground with a knife in his head,” Huang said.

Dr. Yan Shijun, the director of neurosurgery who treated Wei at the hospital, said in his 23 years of practicing medicine, he had never seen a patient remain conscious after a stabbing through the skull.

“His face was covered in blood, but he was still conscious,” Yan said.

The operation to remove the blade took more than two hours. X-rays and CAT scans revealed that no main arteries or nerves were damaged.

Wei is in stable condition following surgery, but doctors say he is still at risk of infections, brain damage, seizures and tetanus.

Click here to read more from The Daily Mail.