
For the first time in our nation's history a game-changing bill was passed without bipartisan support. Take a look at all the Republicans the Democrats were able to peel away.

This weekend marks the beginning of real bipartisanship, but not the kind you are used to. This vote on health care was the end of the Democratic Party as we know it. Let's look at what really happened here.

Republicans were unified against this and they successfully convinced the overwhelming majority in America to oppose it as well. So where was the real fight? The socialist progressives couldn't convince the run-of-the-mill Democrats to go along with this bill; hence all of the arm-twisting and the pressure and the bribes.

The Democrats, who over the years have beat back the progressive machine and slowed down their radical agenda, have finally been toppled and forced to submit. Here's a list of Democrats who voted for this bill.

And this list shows the people who voted yes after originally opposing the bill. Sear these names in memory because they sold their souls for this vote.

Now, I know the White House expects me to be bitter, but I'm not. Today I'm actually feeling thankful. Remember, last week we told you that no matter what happens, health care is only a battle (albeit a big battle) in a much larger war. If you think this is over, gang, I've got news for you: Wait until you see what's coming on immigration.

But I'm thankful that the progressive party has stepped out of the shadows and showed Americans who they really are: Ruthless, morally bankrupt, "ends justifies the means" Saul Alinsky-ites who will do anything (even devour their own) to get what they want.

The progressive party has consumed the Democratic Party and don't allow them to tell you otherwise.

When Democrats lost big elections in Virginia and New Jersey followed by the biggest shocker of all — Massachusetts — I told you the path the Democrats took from then on would be telling:


GLENN BECK: Here is what you have to watch for: Not only is the republic at stake, but you will know the health of it by seeing what happens right now. If the Democrats lose this fight inside of their own party starting tomorrow, to triangulate, to slow down "the machine" built by the progressives, well we will see whether they turn their progressive machine against the republic or if they will moderate, regroup and blend back into the background again as they have done so many times before.


Look at the last couple of months since those elections. In the face of losing the Senate seat of the iconic figure for universal health care and losing the support of an entire country, this bill was still jammed down Americans' throats. Just enough spineless weasels were convinced to go along with it.

Hmm, who do you think has emerged? Let me give you a hint: Not regular Democrats. No, the California hippie, Marxist, communist, socialist progressives with flowers in the barrels of guns, sitting around smoking dope and talking about how they can destroy the evil American empire — they are the ones who have declared themselves king.

So, I'm thankful because there is a long war ahead and America can now clearly see what they are up against. Everything we told you they would do they have done. I know Washington is a corrupt place, but never in my life did I ever think I would see the kind of corruption, backroom deals, bribes and out and out scum-baggery that happened to get this health care vote through.

Progressives call it one of America's biggest moments in history. Let's do a little compare and contrast:

George Washington with a depleted, starving army of men, who were about to wage a dangerous mission against a superior opponent, crossing the Delaware River, only there because they mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Compare that to Nancy Pelosi arrogantly marching across Washington to pass the bill with a giant gavel.

Is there anything in common there? I'll wait.... Nothing? OK.

How about Abraham Lincoln, who in the middle of America's darkest days during the Civil War, gave perhaps the most famous speech in history — a speech that managed to unite citizens around how great the promise of America truly is? But here's Nancy Pelosi. Who bragged no money was exchanged for votes (which isn't even true). The parallels are striking, no?

There's no comparison. What happened this weekend was nothing short of an assault. And to compare this bill with the other great defining moments in American history is a disgrace.

You want honor? George Washington. Abraham Lincoln. The Greatest Generation. The bravery displayed at Iwo Jima (a battle where one in three soldiers would die) was commonplace.

Our astronauts, risking everything to push American innovation, exploration and imagination to the edge. Civil rights activists, who stood up to seemingly insurmountable injustice. First responders and everyday citizens like Todd Beamer, who stared evil in its face and said, not on my watch. Not in America! Let's roll.

These people have honor.

They say this bill is historic and that Sunday was a historic day. I think they're exactly right. But you know what other days were historic? Pearl Harbor; Neville Chamberlain meeting with Hitler; Jimmy Carter's presidency, and, of course, the Hindenburg in flames.

Being historic isn't always good. This was an historic accomplishment, all right: historically corrupt, historically partisan and a historic insult to our Constitution. It will be remembered as a black spot on this nation for all time.

I've been reading e-mails and tweets and everything else. I know you are feeling defeated today. I know you feel like tossing in the towel and you are probably asking how in the world I can be thankful. But I am because the mask is off. Progressives have completely exposed themselves and the country is rallying like never before.

We've showed you who the progressives are: They are 1960s radicals who sat around conspiring how to take America down — Andy Stern, Bill Ayers, Robert Creamer. You know the players. They hate America as most Americans understand it. They want to "fundamentally transform it" into some European utopia where everything is "free." And they've led us to this point. But who is their army?



UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: To get some money.

ROGULSKI: What kind of money?


ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?


ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. I don't know where he got it from, but he giving it to us, to help us.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: And we love him.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

UNIDENTIFIED WOMEN: Obama! Obama! Obama!


That's who is on their side: The "what's in it for me?" people. And they are being led by a president on a mission to make people ever dependent on the federal government. Even though Nancy Pelosi tried to claim that Democrats were honoring the true freedom fighters — the Founders — this weekend:


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: We will honor the vows of our Founders, who in the Declaration of Independence said that we are "endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." This legislation will lead to healthier lives, more liberty to pursue hopes and dreams and happiness for the American people. This is an American proposal that honors the traditions of our country.


No, Nancy, government regulations don't honor the Founders or lead to healthy lives. And the majority of Americans get this.

Which leads me to who is on our side; I showed you their army; who is our army? First of all, we don't have a leader — at least not one alive. Our side is led by the Constitution and these guys.

Our army doesn't sit around whining or settle for whatever the government will give them. When our side gets knocked down, they pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get back at it again. We're the people that won World War II; that invented the light bulb; that tamed the West and crossed the Rockies. There wasn't anyone on the wagon trains who said, "I need someone to carry me and my stuff!" That person died on the side of the road — scratch that, they died on the prairie where there were no roads.

Our side isn't afraid of failure because we know it only makes us stronger and wiser. Our side is filled with people who started with nothing but $50 and a dream and now are successful or even run companies of their own.

Our army is honest; good; trustworthy; hardworking and innovative. Our side has the real job creators.

You want to vilify the evil insurance companies? You want to confiscate wealth and make everyone even? That's fine. You do that. We'll have nothing else better to do than to save our country. And I'll take our side of entrepreneurs, the people working their tails off for a living and the people who believe in the power of the individual. I'll take them over the "can I have more, please?' crowd any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I told you this was a battle in the war. They may have one victory, but we've only begun to fight. The sleeping giant has awoken. Game on. We'll see you at the polls in November, progressives.

Their own people will divide themselves because eventually you are going to run out of "Obama cash." But our side isn't motivated by the cash. We are motivated by the truth: the American dream. And that never runs out.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel