
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," February 24, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: OK, tonight we have four very special guests. They went to town halls. Health care means a whole lot to them. The question is, what do they want from tomorrow's health care summit? Let's ask.

First up, California. At a town hall small business owner Catherine Bragg gave Congressman Lynn Woolsey an earful.


CATHERINE BRAGG, SMALL BUSINESS OWNER: The problem I have is that both sides of the political aisle have tried to put reformation on health care out there for years and nobody has done anything until today. And now it is being rammed down our throats.


Now, I have contacted your office in the past when I've opposed anything, and I get back the standard e-mail that says "Thank you for your support." That's a bunch of bull.


VAN SUSTEREN: So Catherine joins us live. Catherine, how do you feel now and what do you expect and want tomorrow?

BRAGG: Hi, Greta. How do I feel now? Right now I feel just as fired up as I was the night that I spoke before Woolsey.

What I really want and what I'm really looking for that I think millions of people are still looking for is that tomorrow the Republicans go into this health care summit. They take the time to sit down and to meet with this president and the Democrats and they show their leadership. They show that they are the party that are still full of conservative values, fiscally conservative representatives.

And in the end they will continue to drive home the message that they have heard loud and clear from the American people that we want true cost saving measures done we it comes to health care reform.

In essence, Obama-care is dead. We know that. Washington knows that. This may be a last-ditch attempt, but it may be a way for the administration and the Democrats to look around and say let's blame the Republicans again, let's throw it away. We can't get it forced through. That would be my hope.

But I think by the same token we're still going to be faced with the same notion that here we have a man who is truly the most powerful man in the free world. With the stroke of a pen he could do things like tort reform. We could address malpractice and we could take a look at the fact that doctors and hospitals are actually practicing defensive medicine. That would be a cost saving measure.

He could look at opening up competition across state lines. Again, that would be a cost saving measure. That's what the public is looking for.

VAN SUSTEREN: I just want to remind viewers that they may not remember you are a small business owner owning a bakery. And let me ask you a quick question about tomorrow -- do you intend to watch tomorrow?

BRAGG: Well, I'll actually be in my bakery working. I have tried to figure out how I might watch it. I may sneak out for a while and see if I can watch at home. I do need to see some of it, though. I plan to watch when I can, and I will definitely be engaged, because this is important to me right now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Catherine, thank you very much.

And we know you remember this one. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee caught on tape using her cell phone while being asked a question in a town hall in Texas.


TRACY MILLER, TOWN HALL ATTENDEE: If your conscience allows you -- (inaudible)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's not even listening.



VAN SUSTEREN: Tracy Miller [asked] Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee that question. Tracy joins us live. Tracy, are you feeling differently as we are on the eve of tomorrow's summit? Do you still feel fired up about health care? Are you satisfied we are on the right path?

MILLER: I feel fired up. I want to see tomorrow our president come and do what he said that he was going to do on Super bowl Sunday and come with a clean slate and not a proposal that is boilerplate of the House and Senate bill.

I want to see fresh ideas from the Republicans. I know there's some good ideas out there. I want to see some strong words from the Republicans.

And I want to see these ideas put forward about allowing the states to solve health care problems at the state level, to increase competition across state lines and allow small businesses, trade organizations, and individuals to pull together to purchase affordable health care.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you planning to watch tomorrow?

MILLER: Yes, I'll be watching tomorrow. I'm really concerned, because I don't want more bureaucracy between the doctors and the patients.

VAN SUSTEREN: What do you make of this dissention in Washington? Do you see this as a healthy, good, strong debate or do you think the fix is in? Is this deplorable to you? How are you looking at this process?

MILLER: Well, I look at things from a constitutional perspective. And I don't think it is the government's role to solve every grievance of the American people. In this particular situation I think it's going be a political circus tomorrow. And it's just, you know, more made-for-TV.

VAN SUSTEREN: We're going to see tomorrow because we are only hours away from the summit that we've all been waiting for, indeed. Tracy, thank you, and good luck, Tracy.

MILLER: You're welcome, thanks.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dana Loesch went to town halls and she's also a tea party organizer.


DANA LOESCH, ST. LOUIS TEA PARTY COALITION: Congress set the tone for this, folks. They are the ones who decided to bar discourse on health care legislation. They are the ones who decided to shut out debate in the House of Representatives for the first time in the history of the country.


VAN SUSTEREN: Dana joins us live from the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition. And Dana, the question is not what do you want to happen tomorrow, it's what do you expect is going to happen?

LOESCH: Hi, Greta, thanks for having me back. What I think is going to happen is -- your previous guest said this is nothing more than a sham- wow infomercial. I would like to one-up that and say this is a nothing more than a Monty Python skit, a staring contest.

I don't believe anything is going to be solved by this. I don't see how anything could be solved, because the Republicans want a clean slate. The Democrats don't want to give them a clean slate. They want to use as their launching pad for this entire discussion a piece of legislation that has been rotting in Congress since summer.

I don't think that -- I honestly don't think anything is going to come of this. I think it's just nothing more than the president trying to commandeer this for a photo-op.

I would hope the GOP holds the conservative line and demands that there be tort reform, that Kathleen Sebelius gets out of regulating insurance premiums. I hope they hold the line and say we don't need an insurance mandate, because when they do that, the support will follow. But I don't expect anything will happen from this.

VAN SUSTEREN: Quick question, have you come across anybody who has a different view of what -- people who come up against you and said tomorrow, give it a chance, it might work. Have you come across any of that?

LOESCH: Oh, yes. And that's fine, people can be very optimistic. But I think the entire beginning of this discussion tomorrow, the premise of it is entirely faulty because it is already inherently assuming that the Democrats have the right plan because that's the one they are using as their jumping off point.

And the Republicans before they can even find any common ground with the Democrats must agree to that starting point. And that just can't happen. Because of that, I see no way out.

VAN SUSTEREN: Five seconds -- you going to watch tomorrow?

LOESCH: Of course I am, absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dana, thank you.

Katy Abram went head-to-head with Senator Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania.


KATY ABRAM, ATTENDED SEN. SPECTER TOWN HALL MEETING: This is about the systematic dismantling of this country. I'm only 35 years old --


You have awakened a sleeping giant. We are tired of this. This is why everybody in this room is so pissed off. I don't want this country turning into Russia, turning into a socialized country.


VAN SUSTEREN: Katy Abrams joins us live. Katy, not what do you want to happen tomorrow, but what do you think is actually going to happen tomorrow?

ABRAM: I have to concur with the other ladies on the show. I think it's a big dog and pony show that is going to happen tomorrow. I think it's a photo-op for President Obama. I really don't think anything productive is going to come out of that.

You have two different sides that have two completely different views and they have just been butting heads. I just think it's another ploy at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there anything President Obama could do that you would find -- something would you approve of or that would you hope he would do?

ABRAM: I would like him to point out the fact that this is completely unconstitutional. They are looking to mandate every citizen in the United States to be a citizen of the country needs to own insurance. That just amazes me. He was an attorney. He knows the constitution. He should realize this.

And another thing I think is that when he addressed Congress a couple months ago and was explaining about the health care bill and what it was going to do and possibilities of things he might do, he had stated he would look into the idea of trying out tort reform and some other things, and it hasn't happened yet. I would request him to stick to his word.

VAN SUSTEREN: What are your plans for tomorrow? Are you going to watch?

ABRAM: Yes, I plan on watching it. It should be interesting.

VAN SUSTEREN: You are going to watch all six hours?

ABRAM: On and off. I got a four-year-old, so we'll see what happens. I don't know if he'll enjoy it too much, but I'll be tuning in.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about your friends? Are you a lone wolf, or are your friends also going to watch?

ABRAM: I really doubt my friends are going to be watching. Most of my friends are stay-at-home moms and a lot of them aren't really in tune with what's going on with this whole thing. There's a lot to swallow with what's going on in this debate.

And basically, with a lot of people, we just want our country back. We don't want the government infringing on every single thing that we have going on. They've messed up Medicare. They've messed up Social Security. I never plan on seeing those. I'm 36-years-old.

VAN SUSTEREN: Katy, thank you.

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