
Does anyone have a Zoloft?

President Obama's budget for Fiscal Year 2011 was unveiled on Monday. It's $3.8 trillion and the deficit is projected to shoot up to a record $1.6 trillion this year.

Now, if this were your budget — well, these are the kinds of numbers that have bankers looking for the nearest window. It's depressing! And the solutions are even more depressing, because they are proven failures.

The president said we'll double exports and pass a $100 billion second stimulus package (my bad: "jobs bill"). Brilliant. Why didn't I think to waive the magic export wand and summon the benevolent jobs fairy? We're all experiencing the results of the first stimulus and anyone with half a brain can see we don't have anything to export and even if we did unions and red tape would make it too costly.

And then I see the Obama Justice Department wants to investigate the college football playoff system. We're looking for a new place to try the hairy-back 9/11 terrorist guy and they are going after college football?

There's not enough Zoloft on Planet Earth to make me happy today because the real state of the union doesn't look that good:

UBS in Switzerland is on the verge of collapse after our government went on a fishing expedition (with, as I understand it, no evidence of wrongdoing) and demanded the bank hand over the account information on nearly 4,500 clients to U.S. tax authorities. The justice minister said if UBS loses its license in the U.S., the Swiss economy and the job market would suffer on a major scale. We are isolating ourselves and driving business away.

You have President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announcing that Iran will deliver a "harsh blow" to global arrogance on February 11. They are always threatening things, so who knows what he will actually do. But are we ready to handle it? What happens if he's not bluffing this time?

We were duped by a guy with a bomb in his underwear and we have a president who thinks his mere aura will overwhelm dictators like Ahmadinejad and cause them to see the light. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not brimming with confidence. I mean, Obama bowed to the mayor of Tampa, Florida. Does this guy have any clue what he is doing?

Everything is up in the air: our budget; our security.

You know the soundbite I've played for you over and over and over:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE BARACK OBAMA: We're just five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.


I'm not sure what that means exactly. There are a couple different ways you could take that. It could be wonderful transformation. Maybe Obama means he's giving America an "Extreme Makeover: Founders Edition" and he's going for maximum freedom. Could be that... or it could be that he thinks the old American system doesn't work and he wants to try something else? A government that will sneak in universal health care or, how did Nancy Pelosi put it?


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF: We'll go through the gate. If the gate's closed, we'll go over the fence. The fence is too high, we'll pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we'll parachute in, but we're going to get health care reform passed for the American people, for their own personal health and economic security.


Oh right, they'll "pole vault" it in there using "sidecar" legislation. While I didn't call it sidecar legislation, I told you for month: Don't allow anything pass because there are pieces of something they are building. Once again we see it coming through. And here they go: Doesn't work in one bill, so they'll break this health care bill up and pass it in different bills.

But since I don't know which fundamental transformation we are shooting for; since the president has said in the past that the Constitution is fundamentally flawed; since he's surrounded himself with out-and-out radicals — many socialist, some communist — isn't it reasonable to ponder the question: What kind of transformation we are changing to?

I've pondered that and I don't have an answer, but I've also pondered this: If you wanted to take control of the country, in an emergency situation, what would you need control of? Energy; manufacturing and industry; financial; media; military. And long-term education. I know that sounds crazy — and I hope it is — but you need to think out of the box.

If I would have asked you how fragile our freedoms are on September 10, 2001 you would have laughed at me for even asking. It only took one day to change that response. What about today? Are we becoming more or less free? Better yet: How secure and strong is our republic and your freedom?

If you've listened to me on radio the last five years, you've heard me explain the perfect storm theory. All of these stories I just told you fit into it. I hope it's wrong, but it keeps becoming more and more accurate. The theory is this: We'll be overwhelmed with financial, security, energy and political problems. And then there would be one blow: One emergency or crisis that will change the world as we know it and put our most sacred freedoms to the test as some will use the crisis to take them away.

Let's go through them one by one:

Industry: If you control labor, you control industry. Guess who controls labor? Say it with me: unions! Unions are becoming more and more powerful. They increasingly have a say over the average American. The No. 1 visitor to the White House is Andy Stern, president of SEIU. So, whose concerns do you think government will address first? Yours or the unions? I'll let Barack Obama answer that one:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: You will know who's on your side because I've been at this a long time... I've spent my entire adult life working with SEIU. I'm not a newcomer to this.


Energy: We're being forced down the "green" path even though global warming rates dead last in a poll on issues and their importance; they are marching on with cap-and-trade. In fact the president put phantom profits in the budget from an energy policy that hasn't even passed yet. What do they know that you don't? I don't know, but I do know they don't want you to hurt Mother Earth, so they'll force you to "go green." How?


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.


Education: Obama is trying to nationalize the student loan industry, which would complete the cradle-to-grave grip on our education system that's already loaded with anti-capitalist propaganda, progressive revisionist history and Obama indoctrination. And if you don't like what your public school is teaching, don't you dare argue for school vouchers. Then teachers would have to compete.

Financial sector and the banks: With all the bailouts — auto industry, TARP, Wall Street, the stimulus — the government now holds that as a gun over the head of those respective industries to demand "reform." That's a nice way of saying "government control": Capping salaries, taking windfall profits and even deciding which investments are risky and which aren't. Obama may say he does so "reluctantly," but it doesn't matter. When hard times hit, he has and will use big government.

Media and free speech: Any network who doesn't get a thrill up their leg when listening to the president is harshly declared to be "not a news network"; the "diversity czar" at the FCC says he'll remove white people from their posts and replace them with minorities; President Obama tried to intimidate TV pundits as an enemy to reform in the State of the Union address.

In normal times, it would be outrageous to think anyone in our government would want to fundamentally transform us to anything but a free society as our Constitution dictates. But you and I know we aren't living in normal times — the world is changing beneath our feet.

These changes, this grab of power, has been happening not just in this presidency but the last one as well. Where are the people on the left who were screaming about the Patriot Act? You were worried about Bush — as was I in the last four years — grabbing and abusing power. You were right; stand by your principles.

The reason you were right was not because a Republican was in power. And the reason I'm concerned now is not because a Democrat is in power now. We're concerned about the word "power."

If you are one of those people who say "it can never happen in America," I want you to remember some of the radicals the president has placed around himself and some of the things they've said:


ANDY STERN, PRESIDENT OF SEIU: We're trying to use the power of persuasion and if that doesn't work, we're going to use the persuasion of power.

VAN JONES, FORMER WHITE HOUSE GREEN JOBS "CZAR": No, we're going to change the whole system. We're going to change the whole thing. We're not going to put a new battery in a broken system. We want a new system.

RON BLOOM, WHITE HOUSE MANUFACTURING "CZAR": We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.

RAHM EMANUEL, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

STERN: We took names. We watched how they voted. We know where they live.


These are the people advising the president. And you know about all his other influences: Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright. Is it that unthinkable in a time of crisis that someone might approach the president and say what the journalistic-revered progressive Walter Lippman said to FDR when things really went down: "The situation is critical, Franklin. You may have no alternative but to assume dictatorial powers."

FDR, thank goodness, made the right choice. He didn't turn into a dictator. But Americans knew how close we were to getting one. That's why less than two years after his death, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment to officially limit a president to two terms. Because whether or not Lippman said that, Americans could sense it.

I'm asking you: How secure do you think Americans freedoms are today?

The year before the Declaration of Independence was signed — July, 1775 — John Adams was away from his wife and wrote these words: "A constitution of government once changed from freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel