
Scott Brown pulled out the victory Tuesday night, 52-47 percent — pretty close to the numbers we showed you yesterday.

Republicans everywhere are giddy and there's already talk about Brown running for president. All right, look: Let's settle down here. Can we have people actually accomplish something first, please? Remember, this guy thought posing nude was a good idea. I know it was 1982 but I can't recall an era where male nudity was considered a good thing.

And did you see Brown's acceptance speech? It was great until he started talking about some sort of dowry for his daughters:


SEN.-ELECT SCOTT BROWN, R-MASS.: I want Ayla and Arianna for their help as well. And just, just in case anyone who's watching across the country, yes, they're both available. No, no, no. No. Only kidding, only kidding.


Dads of America: Would you even jokingly say that? On national TV? No. But then again you wouldn't drop trou for Cosmo, either.

Man, I hate to be the official conservative buzzkill today. I am happy, really I am. This is good news and here's why.

Scott Brown didn't win because he drives a pickup truck around town like regular folk do. Martha Coakley didn't lose because of her elitist gaffes. They helped, but the real reason he won is because people are waking up. They know that our current system is unsustainable. Even "Saturday Night Live" is doing jokes mocking the affordability of government health care:


FRED ARMISEN AS PRESIDENT OBAMA: But our health care reform plan, we're confident, is going to lead to enormous savings.

TRANSLATOR: How exactly is extending health care coverage to 30 million people going to save you money?

ARMISEN: I don't know.


This election made me think of a quote from Thomas Jefferson: 'It is to me a new and consolatory proof that wherever the people are well-informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."

You have noticed. You are well-informed. That gives me hope, because the tide is turning

But remember what I told you Tuesday: This isn't about ordinary Democrats and Republicans. This is about progressives. This election is like the shot that will be heard around the world. Losing Ted Kennedy's seat to a Republican is going to trigger a revolution or a civil war in the Democratic Party: progressives vs. Democrats. It's Blue vs. Grey. And this war is going to be dangerous. The most dangerous time in any regime is when it's on the verge of collapse, especially a regime with revolutionaries in it.

The Democratic Party is collapsing and it's chock full of revolutionaries.

This president has surrounded himself with people who believe that "power comes from the barrel of a gun," just like Chairman Mao believed. People like Van Jones, a radical communist and 9/11 Truther, who wanted to help "oppressed peoples" with "direct militant action." When Van Jones was finally forced to resign over his radical views, progressives didn't applaud the move, they couldn't believe Obama didn't stick up for Jones. They thought Obama was a sellout.

There are two kinds of radicals: The Cloward and Piven type, who said there can be a peaceful takeover through financial collapse and a reset of the system; and the other kind, the violent radicals like Bill Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon and told The New York Times: ''I don't regret setting bombs... I feel we didn't do enough.''

Or Paul Watson, whale activist, who said: "There's nothing wrong with being a terrorist, as long as you win. Then you write the history."

Or SEIU President Andy Stern, leading White House visitor, who notes that "workers of the world unite," is not just a slogan anymore.

Or Ron Bloom who kind of agrees with Mao that "political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun."

Or Anita Dunn, who said one of her "favorite political philosophers" is Mao Zedong.

Or Jeremiah Wright, who said "God bless, America? No, no, no, God D—-, America."

So he's surrounded by radicals, here's why republic in danger and why the president is in danger. First, the republic:

Remember the Tree of Revolution?

In the beginning there Marxist students who wanted real revolution. Then Cloward and Piven came along and said, no, we'll infiltrate and collapse system. Folks like Dale and Wade Rathke follow in their footsteps.

But William Ayers and Jeff Jones — the co-founders of the Weather Underground — disagree. They've never denied that violence is a bad thing. And if they believe that Obama has gone soft and won't collapse the system, they will and they'll do it their way.

Now, here's why the president is in trouble:

Van Jones was a 9/11 Truther. He thought government was capable of murdering thousands of U.S. citizens. Put yourself in the mindset of a 9/11 Truther. You have access to the president of the United States. You think he's now joined the cabal that is capable of murdering people and he promised you a revolution.

Do you think it's safe to have that individual around the president? Are you comfortable with that?

Let me show you something that was just said on left-wing radio — thanks to Newsbusters.org for posting this from Mike Malloy: "You crazy (expletive), you right-wingers. Do you not understand that the people you hold up as heroes bombed your (expletive) country? Do you not understand that Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are as complicit of the September 11, 2001 terror attack as any one of those (expletive) 15 who came from Saudi Arabia? Don't you get that?"

(By the way, why did Congress hold a hearing on the White House gatecrashers today? The one where the Salahis pleaded the Fifth. To bury it on a busy news day?)

And the president is running out of friends. He's alienated himself from almost everyone. He didn't reach out to anyone on the right. He said, "I welcome your ideas" and after they gave him ideas he shut them out of the process. So the right is out. In the midst of his radical agenda, regular Democrats were left in the dust.

Creigh Deeds was tossed under the bus after running for governor of Virginia

Joe Lieberman dared to oppose health care and all of a sudden he's the worst person ever.

Code Pink thinks he's a sellout too; Wednesday they were protesting Obama on his policies.

The radical progressives are starting to turn. The Progressive Change Campaign committee is pressuring Russ Feingold to make sure Obama "fulfills" his public option promise and progressive groups are actually running attack ads against him:


TEXT: On health care he promised a public option

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Any plan I sign must include an insurance exchange, including a public option to increase competition and keep insurance companies honest.

TEXT: He told us mandates were not the answer

OBAMA: If a mandate was the solution, we could try that to solve homelessness by mandating everyone to buy a house. The reason they don't have the house is they don't have the money.

TEXT: Voters know the difference. Public Option: 59% support, Mandates: 33% support


It's getting ugly, but the president isn't laying down. He's going back to the red meat. He's re-declared war on Fox News. He's changing up the State of the Union Address to add attacks on Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, because you must feed the progressive beast meat it likes to chew on.

Barney Frank revealed he's trying to change the system:


REP. BARNEY FRANK, D-MASS.: Look, we have a serious constitutional problem. There has been a de facto amendment to the U.S. Constitution in an anti-small-D democratic direction for that 60-vote majority. It is outrageous and if you look, by the way, it tends to be, in many cases, the senators from those smaller states that aggregate to get up to be the 40, out in the mountain West for example. But, the answer is yes, it is time to shut it down. It is anti-Democratic, I think we should now be crusading for Democratic senators — maybe some Republicans will join us — to amend the rules of the Senate. God didn't create the filibuster."


This war isn't about just Democrats. It is the battle for the survival of the republic and I hope you are ready to fight and the win in Massachusetts indicates you are, because you have declared not just a typical political war. You've declared war on revolutionaries.

The "fight" to you means educating people. It means mobilizing people to go vote. But "fight" to a progressive? All bets are off. They will cheat, lie, steal even blow things up if it helps them win. The ends, as Saul Alinsky points out, justifies the means.

Over the holiday I started writing my next book, a follow up to "Common Sense." It's on Thomas Payne's "Crisis." Payne's original "Common Sense" was to convince people that they needed the Declaration of Independence. Believe it or not, signing that paper was the easy part. Just like you will learn, the easy part was to go vote in Massachusetts on Tuesday. Once you've declared war —- once you've declared yourself independent — the system reacts.

Six months after the Declaration of Independence was signed, things were going horribly for Washington. That's when Thomas Payne wrote: "These are the times that try men's souls."

Are you willing to sacrifice your life, your fortune and your sacred honor or will you sit idly by as things get tougher? I told you Tuesday that when the going gets tough, the foot will go on the accelerator. Can't win the argument? Do the next best thing: Shut down the opposing voice.

Watch this — paid for with your tax dollars on PBS:


BOB MCCHESNEY, CO-AUTHOR OF 'THE DEATH AND LIFE OF AMERICAN JOURNALISM': We went back and looked at the size of the public subsidy that the U.S. government had for journalism in the first half of the 19th Century and if we had the same percentage of GDP today dedicated to a journalism subsidy as the did in the United States routinely in the first 75 years of our country's history, it would be roughly $30 billion.

This is sort of the number a free society pays to have credible journalism and that strikes us as a pretty sane number.


Our Founders were willing to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Are we at least willing to sacrifice our fortune and find our honor to defend freedom of speech?

These radical revolutionaries believe the Constitution is a flawed document and, just like the Founders fought to establish the Constitution, these radicals will fight to change the Constitution. And they'll become much more dangerous as they realize that time is running out.

Progressives have been patient for decades, creeping their way into the system. And this is it: They are going for the final death blow to the Constitution.

But you are changing the world. You delayed health care. You have delayed and perhaps crushed cap-and-tax. You have taken away the supermajority. You have provided Hope.

Remember this poster? Change never comes from the top. That hope? That's phony. Americans don't pin their hopes on one guy. They do in dictatorships, but not here. That's why the change Barack Obama promised hasn't connected with America. His change came from a small group of people: the uber-elitist, radical, progressive left.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel