
A San Francisco supervisor known for outrageous behavior reportedly cursed at a City Hall meeting and promised to use profanities during every board meeting for the remainder of 2010.

Chris Daly said he was upset about a Bay Guardian newspaper article taking the supervisor to task about his previous usage of "f--- you" during a Rules Committee meeting on Thursday, CBS5.com reported.

"I do want to warn the easily offended," Daly said. "I just updated my Facebook page vowing that in 2010 I'll use the word f--- in every Board of Supervisors meeting."

Asked if he was serious, Daly told CB5.com: "It was serious as far as spur of the moment Facebook status updates go. Happy New Year!"

David Chiu, president of San Francisco's Board of Supervisors, said he was checking to see if Daly's pledge violated any city rules or regulations. Chiu also asked Daly not to use that kind of language and left a bar of soap at Daly's office.

"I told him that I thought he could do better," Chiu told CBS5.com.

A spokesman for San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom suggested that Daly's colleagues start a "swear jar" to make Daly pay for every time he uses profanities during official meetings.

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