
I want to talk to you about two Copenhagens.

The first is in Denmark, which President Obama leaves for on Thursday, looking to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago and joining his wife Michelle who already made the flight there.

But, in doing, so he's forgetting at least two things:

First, the troops that are coming home dead from Afghanistan. And, while he's found the time to talk to everyone but the Food Network and FOX News about his Chicago White Sox, Obama has only had one meeting with his national security advisers to discuss the 66-page memo from General Stanley McChrystal from August, which says troops are urgently needed.

But let's put that off to the side.

Second, it's going to cost approximately $1.2 million to fly Air Force One over to Copenhagen and it will spew over a million pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere, while at the same time he lectures us on carbon emissions. And remember to double that, because the Obamas couldn't travel together.

So ask yourself: Why? Easy: It's important for the city of Chicago to get the Olympics.

You wouldn't think that with everything that's going on that Chicago or the Olympics is a priority, but it is for this president because remember he's playing for all the gold.

On "FOX & Friends," they showed you all the people involved around Obama who want the Olympics, like David Axelrod and Mayor Daley. But to me none of these people really matter, except Valerie Jarrett.

I'm going to spend a few minutes asking you this question: Should Valerie Jarrett be anywhere near the White House and the highest office of the land?

She is the president's closest adviser; their families go way back. Jarrett is the reason Obama moved to Chicago. She got Michelle Obama a job as assistant in city hall working for Mayor Daley. And her mother appointed Bill Ayers' dad, Tom, to the board of her foundation, the Erikson Institute.

(You remember Bill Ayers, the guy from the Weather Underground — the group that bombed the Pentagon.)

Now, what are the odds that someone who is like a sister to Barack and Michelle Obama and knows William Ayers, yet the president still doesn't really know who Ayers was?

That's one degree of separation.

Valerie Jarrett is also the one who was instrumental in bringing the radical Van Jones into the White House:


VALERIE JARRETT: Van Jones — we were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House. We've been watching him for really as long as he's been active out there in Oakland and all of the creative ideas that he has....


She knew about Van Jones' radical connections; she said so herself. She knew he was a radical, a huge supporter of Mumia Abu-Jamal — you know, the cop killer. Van Jones was the 9/11 truther. How did Van Jones get in? Through Valerie Jarrett.

And that's not all. There's another scandal that came to light courtesy of biggovernment and bighollywood involving the National Endowment for the Arts using government money to create art. Listen to this audio:


YOSI SARGENT, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS: This is just the beginning. This is the first telephone call of a brand new conversation, we are just now learning how to really bring this community together to speak to the government, what that looks like legally. We're still trying to figure out the laws of putting government Web sites on Facebook.

I would encourage you to pick something: Whether it's health care, education, the environment. There's four key areas that the corporation has identified as the areas of service. Then my ask would be to apply your artistic, creative community's utilities. Bring them to the table. Again, I'm really honored to be working with you...


Yosi Sargent was the one blamed, but he was expendable.

But this was all about indoctrination — kind of like this:


CHILDREN: He said that all must lend a hand, to make this country strong again.
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Barack Hussein Obama.
He said we must be fair today; equal work means equal pay.
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Barack Hussein Obama.


But this indoctrination is not in classrooms, but done by artists with your tax dollars. And what does this have to do with Valerie Jarrett?


BUFFY WICKS, WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT: I'm at the Office of Public Engagement here at the White House. Our office does a lot of outreach to communities all across the country. Either by constituency group or by issue. We have about 20 folks and we work under Valerie Jarrett. She is one of our fantastic leaders and Tina Chen. And so we’re really here at your disposal and we want to be helpful to you.


See, they blamed the call on Yosi, but the audio doesn't lie. This was all planned through Valerie Jarrett's office.

So first Van Jones, now the NEA.

There are some other things that look awfully suspicious and since The New York Times has now assigned someone to follow this show and network, maybe they can look into this: Valerie Jarrett co-chaired the transition team; so when you ask how any of these special advisers got in, remember she is the gate-keeper.

Uh-oh — should the key master really be that close to the gate-keeper?

The next thing: Remember Blagojevich? His scandal was being accused of selling Obama's vacant Senate seat. Jarrett was considered and going to be tapped for that Senate seat, but she said "no" because she was going to serve in this little unknown position in the White House.

But don't kid yourself about what's happening here. She gave up membership in the world's most exclusive club to be in this administration.

So let's ask this reasonable question: Why would she do that? Well maybe some more information will help answer that. But we do know that Valerie Jarrett likes getting private money and giving it to public housing, because she said you need private money and incentives to make money.

That's interesting; is she the first one in this administration who talked about the importance of making money and profits?

As CEO of Habitat, Jarrett earned well over a million dollars in salary and deferred compensation last year — one of Chicago's largest for-profit development firms, which oversees all of the city's non-elderly public housing. Or, as The Chicago Tribune says, a real estate firm tasked by a federal judge to ensure Chicago ends segregation in public housing.

To this day, Jarrett refuses to answer questions about Grove Parc, the Chicago slum complex (managed by Jarrett's company) and its 504 government-subsidized apartments, over what she called a continuing duty to Habitat's former business partners.

In a major investigation, The Boston Globe found the following regarding Grove Parc: "About 99 of the units are vacant, many rendered uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage. Mice scamper through the halls. Battered mailboxes hang open. Sewage backs up into kitchen sinks. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale — a score so bad the buildings now face demolition."

And later: "Grove Parc and several other prominent failures were developed and managed by Obama's close friends and political supporters. Those people profited from the subsidies even as many of Obama's constituents suffered."

It was so bad that a maintenance worker at Grove Parc says money often wasn't even available for steel wool to plug rat holes.

All this helped land the good buddy of Tony Rezko, Valerie Jarrett, on Judicial Watch's Top 10 most corrupt politicians list. You remember Tony Rezko, convicted felon and slumlord.

Somewhere, Al Capone is weeping with pride.

Sorry, I got side tracked with all the corruption. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, we were talking about the Olympics and the fact that the Obamas took two jumbo jets to Copenhagen, Denmark.

Valerie Jarrett actually worked on Chicago's Olympic bid before. You might even say she lobbied for it. But don't forget Obama won't have lobbyists in his administration:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: I have done more to take on lobbyists than any other candidate in this race — and I've won. I don't take a dime of their money and when I am president, they won't find a job in my White House.


Though for some reason he made an exception in Jarrett's case. Yes, Jarrett served as vice chair of Chicago's 2016 Summer Olympics bid committee before moving to the White House; where she's now heading the new White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic and Youth Sport.

(By the way, they haven't disclosed a budget and staff for this, which has led some bloggers to refer to Jarrett as the Olympics "czar.")

Now, if you listen to the White House, it will not just benefit the city of Chicago, but, according to Robert Gibbs: "Americans will see a tangible economic benefit."

So, I guess we shouldn't worry that Chicago and the Obama administration are exploring ways the federal government can bolster the city's bid for the 2016 Olympic Games with financial support for the $1 billion Olympic Village.

We'll make all that money back, right?

That's not always the case, if history can be any guide.

Despite the International Olympic Committee's claims that the 1988 Calgary Games made a $90 million profit, an investigation by The Toronto Star found that they were a huge money loser.

Additionally, an independent audit by the state of New South Wales estimated that the 2000 Sydney Games cost taxpayers $2.2 billion.

Maybe the real beneficiary is Obama's best friend, Valerie Jarrett, whose old company certainly looks like they'll be the big winner. After all, they own so much property and it's all run down and should be demolished.

By the way, FOX TV in Chicago was told to spike a story showing that people were against hosting the Olympics because the IOC doesn't like going to a city where the people don't want it to be. And a Chicago Tribune poll asking "do you favor or oppose Chicago hosting the 2016 Olympic Games?" came up 47 percent for, 45 against, with 8 offering no opinion.

But those 45 percent are probably as irrelevant as those going to tea parties, those opposed to bailing out GM, those opposed to government-run health care, those opposed to cap-and-trade. They're just the little people and politicians and friends of President Obama stand to make money. And they're smarter than the regular person.

Valerie Jarrett used to be the Karl Rove of the White House. That's too obvious, so now her title is — according to WhiteHouse.gov — "senior adviser and assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs and public engagement," or as CBS referred affectionately, the "other side of Obama's brain."

Her job is to reach out and connect to organizations like those in the art community or like ACORN or like SEIU. But remember ACORN's not that important, because the president didn't even know they get federal money.

The second Copenhagen is the kind that comes in a can — snuff.

They say if you put enough of it in your mouth, it will give you a good jolt. But the main thing you should know is that it's cancerous.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on FOX News Channel