
This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," September 23, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Yesterday on the program, I showed you what's happening in our classrooms, a video that is being played all across the country. It's called the "Story of Stuff." Children's classrooms all across the country are seeing this:


NARRATOR: I hold true to the vision and values that the government should be of the people, by the people, for the people. It's the government's job to watch out for us, to take care of us. That's their job. Then, along came the corporation. Now, the reason the corporation looks bigger than the government is that the corporation is bigger than the government.


BECK: OK. Today, a listener of my radio program, Keith Dennis, called in and told me that his sons have had the "The Story of Stuff" played at their school for the last two years and he knew nothing about it until yesterday's segment aired. Keith is with us now, his ton sons, John and James Dennis.

Watch 'The Story of Stuff'

• Then, take 'The Story of Stuff' Quiz

Keith, tell me what happened while you were watching the show.

KEITH DENNIS, VIDEO WAS SHOWN IN SONS' CLASSROOM: While we were — we were sitting in our living room, and James walked through, and I said, "James, have you ever seen this before?" And he goes, "Well, Dad, I've seen it twice. I saw it last year and I've seen it this year."

BECK: OK. Which one is James?

K. DENNIS: This is James.

BECK: Hi, James. How are you?


BECK: James, when you saw this video and I'm going to show you the little test that they made afterwards, what did you think of this? Did you think this is true, that this is the way America is?

J. DENNIS: Not really, no.

BECK: How come?

J. DENNIS: Well, I guess just like the way I was brought up and stuff.

BECK: Good job. Good job, Keith.

All right. I want to show you. You sent me a test that was given, and this is all done in your own handwriting here. This is a test. And I want to bring up a few of the questions. Here is a question — I don't remember what it was on the test, but number one that we have pulled here is: "According to the system, what are you lacking if you don't owe or buy a lot of stuff?" You wrote down "value."

Is that — was that the correct answer?

J. DENNIS: That's what the video said.

BECK: Right, you're lacking value if you don't buy a lot of stuff. The next one is, "Which group of people has the most exposure to toxic chemicals?" You wrote "babies." Was that right?

J. DENNIS: Yes. That's also what the video said.

BECK: Here's my favorite: "In the system, what is the relationship between the developed world, countries like the U.S., Germany and Japan and the Third World?"

You wrote, "We take things from the Third World thinking it's ours."

Did you get that one right?


BECK: So, Keith, as a dad, you saw this segment yesterday and saw your son produced this paper and said, yes. You read it and what did you think?

K. DENNIS: I was pretty upset. I want to say first of all that the Sarasota County school system is an excellent, excellent school. Both of these children are in a gifted program and do great work because of their teachers. But I had no idea this was going on, and honestly, I was really upset by it.

BECK: I understand you met with the — the principal didn't meet with you today, but the vice principal did?

K. DENNIS: I did. And he said that he wasn't aware of the coursework. He didn't know about it.

BECK: What — when you showed him this, what did — what did he say? Did you show him this?

K. DENNIS: No, I didn't have it with me at the time. It was at home.


K. DENNIS: But I described it to him. And...

BECK: Did he seem to have a problem with it?

K. DENNIS: ...he just sort of shook his head.

BECK: Did he seem to have a problem with it?

K. DENNIS: He seemed — he was very quizzical about it.

BECK: OK. We've called the school and we haven't had — a scheduling conflict, I guess. We haven't had a chance to have anybody on about that.

My question is, as I'm reading this, basically, what it is saying is this indoctrination stuff is basically saying you don't have value and people aren't happy unless they buy stuff, and that's because we have become this industrialized nation. Now, they believe that if we just stop producing stuff, if we stop being so capitalist, we stop taking resources from other third world countries, we'll be happy.

I contend that the reason why America is not as happy as it was in 1950 or 1920 or whenever, 100 years ago, is because our priorities are wrong, but it has nothing to do with exploiting the planet and has everything to do with losing faith in God. Can you imagine, Keith, if your son or daughter had a test where it said, "Why aren't people happy," and the right answer was, because they've lost their faith in a higher power — do you think there'd be an outcry?

K. DENNIS: Yes, I think there probably would be.

BECK: Keith, I appreciate you being on the program. I appreciate you being an active parent in your kids' lives, and I thank you so much for watching the broadcast.

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