
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," September 21, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: How would you like to be a fly on the wall for this? President Obama's meeting in New York tomorrow with Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. But that's not all. It's a busy week for the president. Wednesday, he speaks at the U.N. General Assembly, the same day the Iranian president makes his speech.

Joining us live is former secretary of state Lawrence Eagleburger. Nice to see you, sir.


VAN SUSTEREN: Mr. Secretary, the meeting with the Palestinian leader and the Israeli leader tomorrow -- do you expect any great progress?

EAGLEBURGER: None at all. I don't expect them -- in fact, I think it'll be -- they'll lucky if they get out of there without arguing with each other in public, with the president in the middle. I -- there's -- I don't see any chance for anything at all.

I think that both sides are hard over right now, and there will not be much of a chance to do anything other than maybe talk a little about change. But nothing will happen.

VAN SUSTEREN: I probably should point out that there have been so many before this president who have tried to do this and everyone else has had apparently no success. Does the fact that there will be no great progress is certainly not a slap at the president because this is a tough problem for us, is it not?

EAGLEBURGER: We have flunked on this one for years. Way back when I was in the State Department, I flunked on it. Henry Kissinger flunked on it. We have all flunked on it.

The fact of the matter is that it is going to take more influence and clout than any of us have. Both sides are intransigent and both sides are ready to shoot at each other, but they're not ready to settle anything.

VAN SUSTEREN: What do you make of the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, speaking before the president on Wednesday? Do you expect them to acknowledge each other in any way?

EAGLEBURGER: The obvious answer to that is no. But I would not fall over in a dead faint of one way or the other if Ahmadinejad would try to either embarrass the president by shaking his hand or patting him on the back, or something.

Nor, frankly, would I be surprised if the president felt it was a good way to break the ice between the two, and he might move in some way or another to talk to him.

But certainly there is nothing planned. And certainly it will certainly be a surprise if they do do anything. It's just I do not trust either one on this one. I think that the president really wants to find a way to start talking with the Iranians, and I would not be surprised if he was prepared to do some game-playing to get there.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now my favorite international story that's not getting a whole lot of reporting, but we are pushing it here "On the Record" just to get a spotlight on it -- the Honduras.

Tonight the report is that the former president, the who was ousted on June 28th, is back in that country, apparently in the Brazilian embassy. And the interim leader is not happy that he is there.

Is the United States right in its position in backing the President Zelaya, or not?

EAGLEBURGER: Absolutely not. Greta, you have been a hero of mine for a long time, but particularly when you took this on.

First of all, I have to admit that my first post in the Foreign Service way back a long time ago was in Honduras. It was my first post as a junior Foreign Service officer. And I loved that country. It was a great little country.

In this particularly case it is the government itself -- not the president, but everybody else in that government, that's trying to protect their democracy. The president clearly was planning, and still is, planning to try to take over the government and continue in office.

Frankly I think that his model is what he would like to be is another Chavez of Venezuela. The rest of the government has so far not allowed him to get away with it nor should they let him get away with it. And we should shut up and stay out of it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why is it that we have backed President Zelaya if that is wrong?

EAGLEBURGER: One thing that I must say this administration has shown so many times, the only think I can say is it's amateur hour. I exclude the secretary of state from that. I do not understand how that person has been able to stay with it so long when the president clearly ignores her as many times as he can.

But by and large, it is an easy thing to say, we must keep the resident in because he was elected. The only difficulty with this one is that they have not gone into the facts, because if they had they would see that the president was trying to steal the office.

VAN SUSTEREN: I should point out the interim leader, the man with whom we spoke, has asked that they come down and take another look at it. And maybe they will if we keep reporting on the story.

Mr. Secretary, as always, thank you, sir.

EAGLEBURGER: My pleasure. Thank you, ma'am.

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