
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," August 31, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Joining us is former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman. Good evening Mark, and what a strange and horrible story, isn't it?

MARK FUHRMAN, FORMER LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well, it is, Greta. And I listened to this, and the obvious thing that I think that everybody should think about is does anybody think that the 1976 rape was so premeditated and so organized, was the first crime then, and does anybody think that the only other offense he has committed was the 1991 abduction of Jaycee?

That's crazy. So we know he has been active. So let's start there, and if we start there, where are the other victims coming forward saying that he raped them?

VAN SUSTEREN: The other thing that sort of gives rise when I think about this story, and I don't mean to give false hope to anybody, but when you think that somebody can show up 18 years later, all the people that vanish every day, we have the Elizabeth Smarts, we have this women, you think how many other weirdos are out there holding people who have just vanished like that?

But anyway, this guy has got a lot of explaining to do. And the bone fragments, I guess they compare it to other bone fragments from other remains?

FUHRMAN: First, they have to determine if it is human. If it's human, then they are going to try to connect it up to a victim that they might have pieces of the body or might have a portion of a body or they might have evidence of DNA that actually connects up to that bone.

If it is not a human bone, that does not mean that detectives do not think that he has not committed a murder.

Let's go back to 1976. In Nevada, when he committed this rate, he met this woman see his face, his car, took her to his fantasy rape sex location. Does anybody think he was going to allow her to live?

Of course not. He was not going to allow her to live, because that would have ended his raped career, his serial rape career. So to think that he's not a murderer would absolutely be crazy. To think...

VAN SUSTEREN: But why did he let this one lives. What did he murder of the young kid, the young woman that's now been let loose? I don't know if he is a murderer or not, but why was she lucky, so to speak?

FUHRMAN: Well, Greta, I don't know these people any better than you do, I don't know how their mind thanks. But he could be coveting and cherishing this girl because it reminds him of somebody from his past, his childhood, his own family. It could be a fantasy. Who knows?

It reminds me of the movie "Taxi Driver," where he coveted this -- Jodie Foster's character for no reason whatsoever. He just fixated.

Now, that doesn't mean that his tendency for violent, rough, you know, forceful sex is going to be fulfilled by fathering children with this woman. She's still got this drive. That's why they put these people on parole for the rest of their life.

VAN SUSTEREN: I think that this guy -- he's a talker. He's already said some horrendous things already, claiming that this is a heartwarming story. I bet that we are going to hear a lot from this guy.

And I think that he probably, if he is responsible or if he is a murderer, my guess is that he is going to be very helpful to the police should they -- I realize he has got a lawyer and does not have to talk, but I have a feeling this guy is not going to shut up.

FUHRMAN: I would agree with you. I think at a certain point, when they bring evidence to him, I think he will cooperate and in his mind be somewhat of a star and a celebrity, and actually then somehow help the police solve all of these crimes.

Now, I do not think this is the kind of man that actually could really remember specifically what he did and when.

But there is one thing I want to go back to, and I heard your first segment on this. You were talking about the deputy. I think the deputy is completely not only, you know, has no blame in this, but I think it is so grave for the sheriff and his department...

VAN SUSTEREN: Believe I was not blaming him at all.


VAN SUSTEREN: In fact, I was trying to say it was not like he could have save this little girl from what happened.

FUHRMAN: I agree. I didn't think you were.

But what I'm thinking is they believe that they did something wrong. They didn't do anything wrong, but less just think of this, Greta.

Before that time, for 15 straight years the parole officer never searched his residence and his outbuildings, specifically knowing that he is on parole for rape where he had a different location other than his residence where he committed this rape.

I mean, to do that, the parole officer never searched his property in 15 years. That is where it lies, right there.

VAN SUSTEREN: A whole lot of more of this case. Anyway, Mark, thank you.

FUHRMAN: Thanks, Greta.

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