
Some Indian colleges have forbidden female students to wear jeans in an effort to stop sexual harassment by their male counterparts, AFP reported.

More and more colleges in the Uttar Pradesh state are prohibiting jeans, miniskirts and tight blouses to combat "Eve-teasing," a term for sexual harassment in India. Violators face expulsion.

"Girls who choose to wear jeans will be expelled from the college," Meeta Jamal, principal of the Dayanand girls' college in Kanpur city told AFP. "This is the only way to stop crime against women."

But women said that they are being wrongfully targeted by the new rules, which should really go after the men who are sexually harassing them.

"Banning any clothing will certainly never solve the issue of sexual harassment," a Lucknow University grad student, who didn't want to be identified, told AFP.

Other colleges in India have tried to prohibit jeans on women, according to the AFP, but rescinded the ban after protests from students.

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