
A quick trip around Hannity's America...

Power Play

We often talk about the extremes to which liberals will go in order to reach the highest rungs of power. Tonight, we're learning just what one senior Democratic congresswoman did in an attempt to land herself the top spot on the House Intelligence Committee.

Congressional Quarterly reports that Representative Jane Harman, a California Democrat, was caught on an NSA wiretap striking a shady agreement with a suspected Israeli agent. Former NSA officials say that Harman agreed to petition the Justice Department to go easy on two pro-Israeli lobbyists accused of passing classified information onto the Israeli government. In return, Harman was promised that the lobbying group would push Nancy Pelosi to appoint her head of the House Intel Committee after the 2006 elections. When Harman hung up the phone, she got a little skittish, declaring: "This conversation doesn't exist."

The FBI began investigating Harman, but stopped at the request of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who, in an ironic twist, wanted Harman's support for President Bush's NSA wiretapping program!

Representative Harman denies the charges, arguing: "...the Justice Department has never informed her that she was or is the subject of or involved in an investigation." She went on to say that, "if there is anything about this story that should arouse concern, it is that the Bush administration may have been engaged in electronic surveillance of members of the congressional intelligence committees."

I see: It's President Bush's fault! Thanks for clearing that up, congresswoman.

(Tea) Party Time!

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod was the guest of honor on CBS's "Face the Nation" this weekend and he had some, well, interesting commentary about the tea parties that took place nationwide last week. His A+ performance has earned him this evening's liberal translation treatment. Take a look:


AXELROD: I think any time that you have severe economic conditions, there is always an element of disaffection that can mutate into something that's unhealthy.

LIBERAL TRANSLATION: Unhealthy, [un-hel-thee], adj: any feeling of dissatisfaction, disappointment, or disagreement with Dear Leader Obama.

AXELROD: This is a country where we value our liberties and our ability to express ourselves, and so far these are expressions.

LIBERAL TRANSLATION: This administration especially values certain expressions… like bowing.

AXELROD: Now, one thing I would say is the thing that bewilders me is this president just cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people.

LIBERAL TRANSLATION: Short term gain, long term pain, it's such a sensible motto.

AXELROD: So I think the tea bags should be directed elsewhere because he certainly understands the burden that people face.

LIBERAL TRANSLATION: So send the tea in Geithner's direction, OK?


Oh, David. I love it, I really do. For the past eight years, criticism of the administration was the highest form of patriotism! And now it's unhealthy? How did that happen? You know, it's really hard for all of us regular folks to keep up with all of your changing definitions.

Best Friends Forever

Last week we told you about the lack of support Senator Chris Dodd has been receiving in Connecticut. Since January he has only received contributions from five in-state donors. Well, he recently got some more encouragement from out-of-state, this time from President Obama.

Despite staying on the sideline during the heated special election in upstate New York, Mr. Obama has decided to throw his weight around to support the scandal-plagued senator who is up for re-election next year.

In a phone interview with the Boston Globe, President Obama said: "I can't say it any clearer: I will be helping Chris Dodd because he deserves the help. Chris is going through a rough patch…he just has an extraordinary record of accomplishment and I think the people in Connecticut will come to recognize that."

A "rough patch" may be an understatement. Dodd's disapproval rating is around 60 percent and polls have him trailing his Republican opponents by double digits.

Too bad President Obama can't vote in Connecticut, Senator Dodd. Oherwise you'd have six whole supporters in the state!

Air Murtha

And finally tonight, if you're wondering where all of that stimulus money went, look no further than John Murtha's congressional district. The Washington Post reports that the ethically challenged Pennsylvania Democrat has been funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to the John Murtha County Airport located in a secluded area two hours east of Pittsburgh.

Only three commercial flights depart from the airport on weekdays and they are all to where else? Washington D.C.

According to the Post, on a recent weekday, "Four passengers lined up to board a flight, outnumbered by seven security staff members and supervisors, all suited up in gloves and uniforms to screen six pieces of luggage."

So how is this airport still operating? Here are just a few examples of some of the federal funds the airport has received:

• $17.8 million for runway reinforcement
• $6.8 million for an air traffic control tower
• $14 million for a helicopter hangar

In the past decade it is estimated that Murtha has garnered at least $150 million in earmarks for the airport. That includes $800,000 from this year's stimulus bill and millions upon millions in improvements for runways that are barely used.

We can all rest easy now knowing where our tax dollars are being spent. I'm sure the John Murtha County Airport will pull us out of this recession in no time.

— Watch "Hannity" weekdays at 9 p.m. ET on FOX News Channel