
This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 18, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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LAURA INGRAHAM, GUEST HOST: In the "Factor Follow-up" segment tonight: A California hospital has released the first of two of the octuplet babies, but when the babies arrived home with their mom, Nadya Suleman, it was total pandemonium.

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INGRAHAM: Now, Ms. Suleman called the police to deal with that crowd, but are these children really safe in their own home? Joining us now from Los Angeles is Shannon Fox, a licensed family therapist.

And Shannon, there are so many sad elements to this story, but the one thing that I can't imagine is how traumatic this is for the little ones, the other children in the home. Let alone these newborns that have already had their health challenges. What's your take on this?

SHANNON FOX, FAMILY THERAPIST: Well, I think the six that are already at home really are sort of the forgotten victims in this situation, because the stars are the octuplets. And now two of the stars have arrived home, and you can see the paparazzi is going crazy and people are going crazy for the stars' return. But really the six children who are aware enough, they're old enough to see what's going on. It's got to be really terrifying for them.

INGRAHAM: Now, is there any indication that Nadya Suleman now is just completely overwhelmed and can't handle this? I know she's getting help from a philanthropic group, an Angels group that's coming and helping with nanny work and so forth with the kids. But has she outwardly displayed any, you know, emotion of being just completely overwhelmed? Because I can't — I can't imagine how she's coping.

FOX: No. It's interesting you would bring that up, Laura, because an indicator of her mental health would be that she would be overwhelmed. Any normal parent would be absolutely overwhelmed at the thought of eight babies, let alone bringing two home to six more kids. But Nadya hasn't shown any sense of overwhelm or any sense that this is a momentous occasion, and that sort of indicates that she's still living in this land of denial, that everything is going to be fine.

INGRAHAM: But how do we know that? I mean, I'm trying to play both sides here, but how do we know that? I mean, maybe she's just, you know, doing the best she can with what she has. And maybe she really is overwhelmed, but she's just trying to have a good attitude about it in the midst of all this chaos. I mean, this whole thing is insane. But that's, you know, what you get when — you know, you champion this whole, you know, embryo creation and implantation and what we've seen here. It gets out of control real quick.

FOX: Well, and hopefully this will bring that to the fore, and doctors won't be allowed to implant eight embryos. But that's a whole different issue.

INGRAHAM: They implanted six at one point. I don't know where the numbers are now. But they said one of them might have...

FOX: Are some of them twins?

INGRAHAM: Yes, one of them might have doubled, I believe. I don't know how this works, but there was some controversy about how many were implanted. But the question is, for those children who are the young kids who are in the home now with the media attention and — you know, I guess Brad and Angelina's kids are used to it, but those other kids probably aren't.

FOX: Right, and Brad and Angelina's children have a slew — I mean, they have a force of staff to help them with everything from, you know, laundry to homework to, you know, getting fed, but Nadya doesn't really have a staff. And although now she has Angels around the clock to help with them…

INGRAHAM: Angels in Waiting. Angels in Waiting.

FOX: They are Angels in indeed, don't they? Don't they? But when they go home at the end of a year or whatever, it will be really — it will be enlightening to see what happens to the children at that point.

INGRAHAM: Now are you — are you, Shannon, saying that — are you, Shannon, saying that these children should be taken away from their biological mother and put somewhere else? You're not saying that?

FOX: No, I am not saying that. And I know that there have been people saying that. What I'm really happy about is that the nurses from Angels in Waiting will be around-the-clock supervisors to have their fingers on the pulse if anything should go wrong.

INGRAHAM: Well, that's the spirit of the American people, a giving spirit. And we should pray and give thanks for what they are doing. Appreciate it very much, Shannon.

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