
An upcoming episode of the drama "Rescue Me" is about 9/11 being an inside job. The actor who spews the theories on camera, Daniel Sunjata, actually believes in it too. "They're not discussed a lot in the press," Sunjata says of the theories, in between eating his own hair.

But, that's not what chaps my chaps.

I just hate how the media treats those who spout such theories as risk-takers — when they're really just cowards.

Peter Tolan, the show's producer, defends Sunjata as "well read" and thinks it's great that "he's passionate about it." I guess if you feel strongly about something, then it's OK if you're wrong. See Mark David Chapman.

Look, the fact is, actors who barf this crap are doing it for their own egos. It makes them feel smart, because for once they're spouting something provocative instead of puerile. Never mind that it's an insidious insult to the victims of 9/11 — as it is to the rest of us, who may or may not be guilty, according to Sunjata's theory.

And what's that theory, exactly? Well, Sunjata's character accuses a neo-con government of the pre-emptive attack — something the actor really believes. So basically he's accusing a large group of Americans of killing a larger group of Americans. It's like saying Jews were behind the Holocaust — which Sunjata would probably believe too, if it were the 1940s.

He'd make an awesome Nazi.

And if you disagree with it, then you sir are worse than Hitler.

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 3 a.m. ET. Send your comments to: redeye@foxnews.com