
This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," January 7, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Back of the Book" segment tonight: Ann Coulter has a new book out called "Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America." So to promote the tome, she was booked on the "Today" show, and she was canceled. When Matt Drudge reported she was canceled, then she was rebooked for Wednesday morning.

Click here to watch the segment.


MATT LAUER, CO-HOST, "TODAY" SHOW: In your slot where you were supposed to be yesterday morning was Tony Blair.

ANN COULTER, AUTHOR, "GUILTY": And Rachel Maddow and various gossip columnists and a bear.

LAUER: Afterward, afterward.

COULTER: The point is, I was canceled twice, and it wasn't until the Drudge Report ran a headline on its own reporting, and the Drudge Report has never had to retract a report…

LAUER: You know — you know what that expression is: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you don't have enemies. But anyway, throughout the book you refer to the president-elect, Barack Obama, as B. Hussein Obama.

COULTER: Not throughout the book. The Angel Obama.

LAUER: In other places. You don't refer to President Bush as G. Walker Bush.

COULTER: I mean, it is funny, Matt Lauer. I'm not going to deny that there is something ironic about having just gone to war with an enemy named Hussein, and they're running a guy whose middle name is Hussein. This would be like Republicans — I'm going to finish the sentence. You don't let me do…

LAUER: I did not say a word.

COULTER: You were getting ready.

LAUER: The book is called "Guilty." Ann Coulter, glad you're back.

COULTER: So am I. Thanks.

LAUER: It's good to be here.

COULTER: Nice to see you again.

LAUER: We are going to — by the way, you're not banned for life, obviously, OK?

COULTER: Thank you. I'm delighted to hear that.

LAUER: When the next book comes out, you'll be sitting right here again.


O'REILLY: And then they went out for breakfast.

Here now, the always controversial Ann Coulter. So did you enjoy that?

ANN COULTER, AUTHOR, "GUILTY": It was fabulous.

O'REILLY: Fabulous?

COULTER: I could kiss him, I was so happy to be on.

O'REILLY: I'm banned from that program, from the "Today" show.

COULTER: So was I until Matt Drudge — what we all know.

O'REILLY: Listen, if I could have gotten...

COULTER: They had me on, so God bless you, Matt Lauer. It was fabulous. He's plucky. It was fun.

O'REILLY: I'd like Lauer. Lauer's a good guy. He didn't ban me. It was the pinheads over there. But I have to tell you, if I could have gotten that bear, I would have booted you out here tonight and had the bear here.

COULTER: Dancing bear, I think.

O'REILLY: No, look, you go on these shows, and right away, they're going to attack you because you're a conservative. And somebody called me on the radio today, and I want you to react to this, and they said, "Look, I know Ann Coulter. I had to deal with Ann Coulter." I don't know what the guy — he's from Chicago. And he said, "Coulter told me that she attacks, she is outrageous and says over the top things because she's the only one that will confront the left, and the left does that all of the time. That permission." Is that true?

COULTER: I don't think I know anyone from Chicago.

O'REILLY: OK, that's what this guy said, that you're a bomb-thrower on purpose, that you want to create situations to get back at the media.

COULTER: This is just how I talk, Bill. This is how I wish my mother a happy birthday.

O'REILLY: You call your mother Hussein, do you? Or...

COULTER: No, because that's not her middle name.


COULTER: The only different tone I have is I'm a little giggly when I try to talk my way out of a traffic ticket. But other than that, I'm from Connecticut. This is how I talk.

O'REILLY: You're not as shrill though, and because I...

COULTER: I don't think I'm shrill, period. Find what's shrill. OK. What's shrill?

O'REILLY: When you call somebody a name, like you call the Jersey girls "harpies."

COULTER: Are we going to go through this?

O'REILLY: That's shrill.

COULTER: Can we talk about the current book?

O'REILLY: Yes, I have a compliment on the current book.

COULTER: I think I've answered that. And by the way, you took a Bill O'Reilly poll on that, and your viewers agreed with me and not you.

O'REILLY: That doesn't mean I'm wrong.

COULTER: Move on from three books ago.

O'REILLY: You're not shrill ever?

COULTER: No. You are, however, are overbearing, chauvinistic, humorless.


COULTER: With me you are, so let's just get that...

O'REILLY: No, all right. That's fine. I agree with all of those things. The best part of your book is the Palin…

COULTER: Well, then you're also honest.

O'REILLY: The best part of the book is the Palin analysis of how the press went after her.


O'REILLY: And then other flawed politicians in the Democratic precincts they gave a complete pass to.


O'REILLY: That was good analysis. Whoever your researcher is...

COULTER: I do not have a researcher. I do my own research.

O'REILLY: You did? OK, very good.

COULTER: Thank you.

O'REILLY: And when I was reading it night, I was going, this is good information that I can use. But then you had a part in the book where a woman named Tara Reid, an actress, was laying face down in her own vomit. So I'm saying to myself, do you need Tara Reid? Which she wasn't, by the way. You were making a joke. Or can you just do with the other stuff with, that really snap research on Palin?

COULTER: I think you have to read that in context. I'm going through Hollywood celebrities and the vicious things they said about Palin. Foreign policy analyst and home porn star Pam Anderson said, "Suck it," I think, to Palin.


COULTER: And all of these vulgar things from various — and then at the end, I'd have an actress known for extremely vulgar and tasteless behavior, and I throw in Tara Reid was unavailable for comment, because she was lying in a puddle of her own vomit. OK. You don't think it's funny. You don't think anything I say is funny, Bill. But my readers think some of it's funny.

O'REILLY: They do, and you sell a lot of books, and there is a market for what you do. But do you do it just to be provocative, just to be...?

COULTER: I told you, this is how I talk. This is how I wish my mother a happy birthday. Yes.

O'REILLY: All right. Last question. Bernie Goldberg has some advice for you. Should I not go there?

COULTER: My general policy is to take advice from people who sell more books than I do, not fewer books than I do.

O'REILLY: Then so you'd take advice from me, then?

COULTER: No. No. I said more books.

O'REILLY: I sell more books than you do.

COULTER: No, you don't.

O'REILLY: Yes, I do.

COULTER: No, you don't.

O'REILLY: And — but we don't want to get arguing about that. I like this book. I think this is a provocative book. You're provocative. I think you're provocative on purpose. I do believe that. On purpose, to get attention, to sell books.

COULTER: I think you're avoiding talking about your — my book on purpose. I have a lot of good stuff in it.

O'REILLY: No. I was just talking about the Palin. Well, we only had five minutes to talk about it.

COULTER: You have the bear coming on.

O'REILLY: No, I don't have the bear. Good luck with the book. Ann Coulter, everybody.

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