
An 83-year-old Florida woman flying back to Tampa after a trip to New York somehow wound up in Puerto Rico instead.

Elfriede Kuemmel had gone to Newburgh, N.Y., to interview for a spot in an assisted living home on Monday, MyFOXTampaBay.com reported.

Kuemmel's family said that an attendant on a connecting flight in Philadelphia accidentally put Kuemmel on a flight to San Juan.

The woman's daughter, Vera Kuemmel, spent Monday night at the baggage claim in Tampa trying to find her mother. Later, a man called her to say her mother was at the baggage claim looking for her.

"He was like, 'I'm in a white shirt. Do you see me?' I said no," Vera Kuemmel told MyFOXTampaBay.com.

She soon realized that her mother had flown to Puerto Rico instead of Tampa.

Elfriede Kuemmel spent the night in Puerto Rico and arrived at the Tampa airport Tuesday.

A U.S. Airways representative said the airline paid for her food and hotel and flew her back to Florida first-class.

Click here for more on this story from MyFOXTampaBay.com.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.